The Secret of Chimera Labs: Walkthrough Guide

61. Go out back to the trash and open the barrel of hazardous waste. Fill the coffee pot with some of the green toxic waste.


62. Go back to the third floor and use the green slime from the coffee pot to break open the locked door in the lab.



63. Go inside. Look at the papers on the floor. Then, examine the jars on the left side. Pick up the Multi-Sample Air Displacement Pipette and the book “The Puppet Masters” by Robert A. Heinlein. Then, open the lockers and take the bottle of green liquid and the one with some purple substance in it.




64. Zoom back out and look at the table to the right. Pick up the porcelain plate and read through the book.



65. Go back to the study on the main floor. Add all four books to the book shelf and organized them so the first letters spell out CHAOS. The bookshelf will move, revealing a secret doorway. Go through.



66. Pick up the crowbar and tongs. Also, look at the periodic table of elements on the wall. You can also press the button to bring up the elevator. Go inside, close the gate and press the button to go down.




67. Go to the control panel to the left. There are six levers. Use the clue in your journal from the management office PC. The left side shows you which arrows/symbols stand for up, center and down positions of the levers. The right side represents the six levers. So it goes:



68. The door is looking for a particular palm print, so we’ll have to come back to this.


69. Go back to the van. Use the crowbar to open the crate. There’s another flat curved stone, but you need to use some tools to get it out of the rock. First, use the hammer and chisel, then the drill.


70. Go back to the statue out front and use the hammer and chisel to chip off a piece of it.


71. Go back to the third floor lab with the meteor. Place all the flat curved stones on the meteor, as well as the sphere with spirals on it. Match it to the drawing in your journal, then take the glowing blue sphere from inside it.





72. Go back to the lab with the other bottles of colored liquids. Add the red and green bottles to the others. Place the purple liquid on the left and attach the tube. Then, turn the red handle. Add all four colored liquids to the mix. Before looking inside, notice that G is blue, A is green, C is red, and T is pink.


73. Look in your journal for the GCAT clues. Use them to solve the puzzle. The first one of each page should match one of the 5-letter sequences. Then the bottom ones are found through trial and error until they all connect to the top ones. They should look like the screenshots below. When you’re done, take the vial of purple fluid containing DNA.







74. Go back to the genetics lab. Place the fingernails in the jelly by this machine. Also, add some of the purple fluid. Then, remove the lens from the glasses and add it to the others in the machine.



75. Let’s solve this puzzle. Use the clue from the back of the Mandelbrot business card. Solve each of the equations to get 6, 41, 92. Move each of the glass lenses to those numbers to turn on the lasers. Then umm….take the human hand.




Click on the little numbers below to continue to the next page of the walkthrough or click here.

This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. Mike

    Hi. Thanks for all the walkthroughs. I can’t go past number six in this one. Is it not complete yet or do I need to do something different to get the rest of the walkthrough.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Hi! Sorry, been working on several walkthroughs at once. I do plan to finish this one. Please bear with me! 🙂

      1. Mike

        No prob. Thanks

      2. Steve

        Good luck with the walkthrough! This game is waaay too complicated for me. I’m looking forward to some more solutions.

    2. Corey

      I’m having a problem with part #78 on this page. I looked at the Chimeradyne clue and put in the correct symbols and colors but no anomaly appears.

      1. Suzy G

        I’m having the same problem. I just emailed Aircamp. Did you ever figure out how to get the anomaly to show up so you could move on?

      2. Karyn

        I had the same problem. Check the color for Carbon. There are two very similar shades of teal.

      3. Karyn

        Check the color for Carbon. Make sure you have the right shade of teal. There are two.

        1. Nikki

          What shade do you use ?

      4. Bob

        Did anyone find the solution to the anomaly not appearing when all symbols and colors are set?

        1. Suzy G

          Check the posts above… as I recall they’re correct that it’s about choosing the correct color teal. Some of the colors are very close so it might take some experimenting. I played it so long ago that I don’t really remember but I do remember that it came down to some confusion about being able to tell which was the correct color. Hope this helps. I also remember that the dev was responsive , so if all else fails you can try contacting them.

      5. Cherry

        There are two different yellows, ensure you select the correct one for Calcium then the anomaly will appear.

  2. Niran Lo

    That Spider circut is not working. I did exact color n code match. Is Spider need other thing to make it work? M stuck here
    Plz help me.

  3. Bassmanaut

    How to get the hard drive through the fan?
    Apprechiate every hint.


    am in room with shapes on table how to solve the puzzle in this room

  5. Homero

    This walkthrough is NOT complete!!!

  6. kosinalajos

    step 34.
    This wrote, and the combination does not open the door
    “PAL connection estabilished. Awaiting authentication.”

    Can you help me?

    1. Ben

      Me too this happened

  7. Mc

    Hi please help someone – I may be being dim but can’t find the study room where you have to put the books!

  8. Karyn

    Thanks for the walk through! Helped me complete a very challenging game.

      1. Corey

        Need help with part 78. It’s not working

      2. Cari

        How do I get the good lens out of the glasses.

  9. Nikki

    Okay… I have been following this walkthrough for the whole game. I can’t pass the end with the colors with the symbols….. his or hers walkthrough picture doesn’t match the same colors as the game . I’ve tried everything and the amonly hasn’t been in the middle of the spinning circle at all the times I have done the same thing as the walkthrough said. And I have done everything in the game .

  10. Podbud

    I believe I’ve done the Bunsen burner experiment too soon. I don’t have a test tube with purple fluid in my inventory anymore – to add to the Pyrex flask with the water and strange lump of metal. I’ve gone back to the machine from whenst the purple liquid came but I can’t move any levers and obviously, the test tube isn’t there.

    I’m all the way to the ( almost ) end…maybe.

    Have I messed up big? Big oops…


  11. Steve

    I’m supposed to have a coffee pot in part 61. Where do I get the coffee pot?

    1. Janine

      Right where the first desk is where it says oh wow no coffee

  12. Gorstak

    Why are fruits and shapes arranged the way pic in step 33 shows?

  13. Janine

    Please help !!!
    I really really need to know how to do the chemical combinations in the microscope in the lab I’ve put all three bottles into the spots and the purple one into the place where it goes and flipped the switches and can’t figure out the rest of it it gives the answer of – pink , green , red , …… But I just can’t get the combo right

  14. Esther

    Where do you find the fingernails?

    1. bahman

      please . can you find this fingernail ???

  15. Julia

    Stuck on the DNA thing. I’ve got the strands figured out, thanks to the camera on my phone and your pictures but I can’t change the colors at the top of the strands. The first one is green, but the last two just keep switching between red and yellow. This is a very tedious game!

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