Escape Game: “The Drifting Locked Chamber”
This is a partial walkthrough for the iPhone/iPad/iPod game from IDAC. The complete walkthrough is here.
*Note: Only read this if you want full details on how to escape. You will read spoilers here. If you want hints instead, ask in the comments section.
Always make sure you zoom in on something as much as possible. If you don’t the game won’t register that you saw the clue, and it won’t work.
1. Turn left and move the top box. Take the roll of tape from the bottom left box.
2. Zoom in on the tape and it says “MIRROR”.
3. Turn left and zoom in on the item below the clock. It’s a mirror. Use the tape on it.
4. The mirror tilts, showing you an item behind the furniture. Tap on it ok the mirror, then zoom out.
5. Zoom in on the panda, then look behind the furniture he’s sitting on. Take the ruler.
6. Turn around and zoom in on the piece of paper stuck in the window. Use the ruler to remove it. Zoom in on it. It says “I F I I”.
7. Turn to the bookcase and open the book that says “Picture Book.” On the first page, pull the tab that causes the dog’s tail to wag. Then turn to the second page and try to put the piece of paper into it. It says that the page is bent. Use the ruler on the book to fix it. Then insert the paper in the slot.
8. After placing it in the book, pull the tab and now the paper now reads “PATI”.
9. Zoom in on the safe to the right of the bookcase. Enter the password “PATI”. Open it and take the key.
To see the rest of the walkthrough, with over 40 steps, go here.╬ô├╢┬╝Γö£├¡I’m allowing free access for a *limited time only!*
Pingback: Escape Game: “The Drifting Locked Chamber”: Review: Can you find your way off this ship at sea? | App Unwrapper
If you bought the walkthrough and liked it, please let others know here. Thank you and feel free to ask any questions or offer suggestions 🙂
The first five people to follow me on Twitter (AppUnwrapper) and post here why they need the walkthrough will gain free access to the full walkthrough. Just make sure you leave a working email so I can send it to you. Good luck 🙂
When I go to the picture book, it doesn’t flip to the second page. How do you get it to flip?
You need to pull the tab that moves the dog’s tail first.
I need the walkthrough because otherwise I’m about to stab something in frustration.
I got the hatch open and the ladder and a note fell down, I can’t make heads or tails out of this, there is no 6 in the morse code sheet at all????
You can’t use it yet.
Flip over t paper. Theres a number on t back
I am completely stuck. I have the duck tape, ruler, morse code sheet and soup and I have no idea of the next move I’ve tried clicking on everything…is there two items I have to combine at this point??? Please help
I am in the exact position as Natalie. Please help!!! 🙂
same position as lauren and natalie LOL. help please
I am at the end with just the plate with 5 on it and the morse code sheet – I need to call for help on the radio – do I need to somehow turn on the geny?
Please let me know how to go to upstairs
If you follow me on twitter and post here that you did so, I’ll give you free access to the full walkthrough. I still have a few left from the five I offered 🙂
I am on the panda. But I can’t seem to take the ruler which I should? How can I take the ruler?
I follow you on twitter and need a free password or I’ll develop a serious case of a phobia of Soup and Morse Sheets on boats, cause that’s where I’m stuck 😀
Haha good reason :). Thanks for following me. Give me a few minutes and I’ll set you up!
Dear All,
Very simple, If you see the locker on the right side of books and tap on the right side of that locker very carefully, you will get one PANDA photo with hands up by gun. Only after getting this panda snap you can use Panda and follow the same as shown in the snap
(1) After that tap on panda the panda will turn around then you will get one six side key……after that every thing is very simple…
still need help , let me know I will help you.
Hi. Your comments really helped. Thx.
Just stuck at the last bit. Got the steering
Wheel and the screwdriver. But can’t seem
To work the compass. Tried taking it to the
West. But can’t. Pls help.
Are you sure you need to go west? 😉
Then where? Pls help
How do you get the screwdriver?
It’s in one of the lockers.
How do you open the lockers? I can’t find a code for the lockers or the first aid box. Please help
The locker isn’t until near the very end. FYI, if you follow me on Twitter (@AppUnwrapper), I’ll give you access to the full walkthrough. I’ll also give you clues on that page if you prefer. 🙂
I have the dish, rod, and morse code cant figure out what to do next. Please help.
If you follow me on twitter, I’ll give you access to the full walkthrough 🙂
I’m following now
Nice tip! very hard to find where to tap! I coudnt find if it wasnt your help!
Do you do all that panda stuff before or after going upstairs? I can see the flashlight, but I can’t get it. What am I doing wrong? I got stuck with duct tape, rod, which I used to pull down the ladder and open the first aid box. Also have ruler, soup, morse code. What next? Thank you!
I think this is the hardest one. need your walkthrough to guide me 😉
im already follow your twitter
As promised, you should now have access. Happy escaping 🙂
Thanks a lot. The full walkthrough really helped me out. Great Job.
Im stuck and i Am following you on twitter
Check your mail:).
Only one more left for free!
Great help so far but need that walkthrough. Am following you now
Congrats, you got the last free one! 🙂
Everyone else, keep an eye out because I might offer a few more in the future.
Any way for another free walkthrough? I’ll follow! Just let me know!
Ok, here’s the deal. When I get 100 followers on Twitter, I’ll choose five to get access to the walkthrough for free. But you need to tell me you want it to be entered into the drawing, as I want to make sure it goes to people who need it. If it goes well, I might offer it again so tell your friends 🙂
Hello, i never use Twitter, but I have just created one account just to get your walkthrough. I am your 72 followers. Can you send me the full walkthrough, please?
Thank you for following 🙂 When I get 100 followers, I’ll give access to 5 more people (who follow me and tell me they want to be in the drawing). Your odds are pretty good, because most of my followers are not doing so for the drawing.
Pls teach me what Should i do with the morse code??
You have to do a bunch of stuff upstairs before you can use it.
I just bought the walkthrough, how can I have access to it?
The info was just emailed to you. Enjoy 🙂
For anyone who’s still looking to get access to the full walkthrough, I’m at 94 followers. Just 6 more and I’ll give free access to 5 more people. Follow me and post here and you can easily be one of them!
97 followers! If you want the walkthrough, now’s your chance! Follow me on twitter @AppUnwrapper and let me know you want the walkthrough!
I have over 100 followers now, so the first 5 people to ask for access to the walkthrough who follow me will get it!
I have long waited for your full walkthrough, can i get it now?
You should now have access 🙂
havent got a clue what to do next, i have the morse code sheet and its too dark to go up the ladder, what next? Cant open the first aid box or the shape coded lockers either
If you follow me on Twitter, I’ll give you access to the full walkthrough 🙂
As for the specific spot you’re stuck in, have you found the clue next to the safe?
i dont have a twitter account and i dont want one, sorry mate
Please! Begging I’m following you on twitter zombiegirl503. I need this walkthrough I’ll even throw in my first born child!
Lol I don’t need your first-born. You should have register an email by now 🙂
Hey, thanks for the walkthrough !
***Note: You can currently gain access to the full walkthrough by following me on Twitter (@AppUnwrapper). But act fast, because this is only for the first 10 followers who post below!***
I followed now what?
Check your email.
I just followed u – how to access the walkthrough pls?
The info should have been sent to you now.
Hi I have followed u on twitter 🙂 how do I get the walk through? Thanks!
You should have access now 🙂
How can I get the hatch open? I’m stuck, and there’s a soup can?? Where’s that?
Are you following me on twitter? If so, tell me your username and I’ll give you access to the full walkthrough. I’ll also give any hints you’d like there 🙂
Hii, ok so ad you’ll see I never use my twitter much but it’s bugging me not knowing where the clues are to this game because I’ve clicked and combine everything possible!! Grr
That’s ok, you don’t need to be on it much ;). I’m giving the walkthrough to 10 people who need it and are following me on twitter, so once you are, I’ll send it to you 🙂
Saw this and just started “following” you or whatever it’s called. Now what…
Thanks for following. I just tried to send you the info, but it appears to have bounced back. Did you receive it?
I can’t work out Joe to open the Locker and need the screwdriver which I’m assuming is in there. I tried the star button three times as per the steeringwheel!!! So close… Please help.
Did you examine the three stars closely on the wheel? The game has to be sure you saw the clue.
Ok! Here I am! Again…lol
Please…I’m stucked! And I really want to know how it ends!
Thanks since now!
Check your mail 🙂
Already checked!
Thank you very much!
I’ve already said that this site is awsome!
I’ll say it again: awsome!!
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
If you like my walkthroughs, please help spread the word about my site. The more people use it, the more I’ll write!
I’m following you on twitter and was wondering of I could get the walk through cuz I’m supper stuck when I go upstairs so please can I get the walkthrough!!!?????
Sorry, this ended up in my spam folder. Keep an eye out for an email to access the walkthrough.
I’m from Germany. I don’t have a Twitter Account. Can you please Sent me the Rest of the walkthrough Game?
can you send give access to full walkthrough to peolpe without twitter?
i’m stucked where i pulled the ladder and received the morse code~ can i have the walkthrough for this please? i followed your twitter 2 days ago~
I emailed you the info. Enjoy 🙂
Am stuck for 4 days now
Is it possible to get an email too 😀 please … I’ve been following you for the past 2 days
It will be grateful if you did 🙂
My account on twitter is ramizaher
Thanks a lot …
Recieved your email, that was fast
I really appreciate it
At last I can sleep today :p it was killing me haha
I’m totally stuck and frustrated. Are you still offering the full walkthrough? Following you on twitter at present.
Thanks for many great walkthroughs!
I don’t use twitter and would be very happy if you could help me out with the aidbox? 🙂
Ill follow you, hope you can send me that walkthrough! 🙂
Great walkthroughs
I’m followin on twitter 🙂 plz help I can’t find the soup??
Greetings…. Are you still doing walkthrough for this game? I’m stuck at morse code sheet and am losing my mind and some hair. This is the only one I can’t get passed on my own. HEEEELLLLPPPP!!!!!
Thank you………
P.S.: I do follow you on twitter: vivimcrobin
Thank u…..
Check your email 🙂
Any chance I can get a walk through still?
I’m following you, Do I have any chance?? thankx…xD
Yep, I’ll send you an email later 🙂
Hello there. I just started following you on twitter. Would I be able to get the walkthrough?
Thanks so much for the site!
Please help me I’m following on twitter and going crazy been working on this one for 3 days now got the soup warned up and the morse code sheet but no clue what to do next please help
Hi i just followed you can i also have a copy of the full walkthrough? @mrs_vanns5a <---that's my twitter thanks soooooo much..
Check your inbox 🙂
just followed you on twitter. Please can I have email
I follow you on twitter I’m stuck have the ladder down cant go upstairs can’t open the first aid box can’t open the lockers…. NOthing left to do but scream and get mad… Please help if you can
I dont have twitter, and I dont want to sign for twitter only for one walkthrough….
please send me the walkthrough, I’m stuck for too much time and I start to lose my mind….
p l e a s e …………
Sorry, right now there’s the option to buy it or follow me on twitter. In the future I may offer other ways to get it, but right now it’s one or the other.
Hey, I ‘m following on twitter! Can I plz have the full walkthrought now?
Just followed you on twitter..can I have the wallthrough please
Check your mail.
I followed you can I get the walkthrought pls???
i just started following on twitter can pls get the walk through????
Sure I’ll email you later 🙂
Just joined twitter just to follow you PLEASE send me through walkthrough or just a clue for the end, I have screwdriver and wheel and can’t figure out what to do. Btw love your walkthroughs 🙂
Just followed you, are there any free walkthroughs left? Im so stuck i feel like crying… Please help me!! 😀
Btw im following you on twitter @ConorVanVeen
Followed you..please give me some answers!
I need help!! It’s driving me insane. About 2 smash my fone. Dude can u set me up with the full walkthrough??? Plz???
Hi(: just followed u(: can u send me the full tutorial? I had no choice cuz my brain is going to die soon…): Followed u @QXElaine(:
Made it out without the walkthrough :))
This one I think might be the most fun.
Is anyone able to explain exactly how to tap on locker to get panda photo been trying for ages have tried in close up mode and not. Ladder is down also
I just bought the walkthrough how do I access it
Check your email. 🙂
I checked email followed all steps and still no walkthrough
Thanks for the walkthrough I would’ve never guessed that hook part lol, after that though I was able to finish it on my own
I bought the walkthrough and am having problems accessing it.
You should have received the information you need. Let me know if you still have trouble.
Found it 🙂 the rusty hook is wat had me…. Rust don’t come off that easy
Lol. Good game though 😀
Just got the dish and now completely stuck. Please help me x
Hi I just purchased the walkthrough and recieved a email but.still camt view walkthrough please help
Sorry about that. PayPal didn’t send me an email to notify me of your payment. You should have received all the info you need now.
Thanks for the great walkthrough. 🙂
Hey, I’m following you on Twitter.
Could you please give me access to the walkthrough? Thanks.
Ah, finally, I got it! The goddam spoon is hidden under the dishes.
Great game!
I followed you on twitter my name is Get_outmy_lane. Now what??? I need the walkthrough. Help please!!!!
I followed You On twitter, can I please have the walkthrough??