Escape Game: “The Mystery of the Abandoned Factory”
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1. Zoom in on the table to the left of the door.
2. Examine the note. It’s a clue for the cupboard. The number at the bottom show the order. So, 9764.
3. Take the pencils from the vase.
4. Take the knife from the top drawer of the white desk.
5. Use the knife on the trap door to get a rope.
6. Zoom in on the cupboard keypad. Type in “9764”.
7. Open the cupboard and take the balaclava.
8. Open the window.
9. Look outside. There’s an ice pick.
10. Try to get the ice pick with the rope. It doesn’t work. Attach the rope to the balaclava.
11. Use the rope/balaclava to get the ice pick.
12. Look behind the green cupboard. There’s a square block.
13. Remove the balaclava from the rope. Try to use the rope to get the block. It will tell you it’s too thick. So use the ice pick on the balaclava to unravel it.
14. Attach the red string to the block.
15. Pull on the string and you get the square block.
16. Use the ice pick on the drawer of the small table to the left of the door.
17. Take the triangle block.
18. Look behind the white desk. There’s a key. You can’t reach it on your own.
19. Attach the knife to the rope.
20. Use the rope/knife to reach the key.
21. Use the key on the bottom drawer of the desk.
22. Take the circle block.
23. Examine the blue notebook on the dresser by the window. Look at it carefully.
24. Open the box next to the notebook. Use the information from the notebook to solve this puzzle, as follows. (Flip the blocks to get either white or black.):
25. Something opened. Zoom out the outside of the box. There’s a small drawer.
26. Take the black sheet of paper.
27. Remove the knife from the rope.
28. Go to the tackle box on the white desk. Try to open it with the ice pick. It doesn’t work. Try the knife, and it gets jammed in there. We need something to hit it with.
29. Go back to the block puzzle that we solved. Take the circle block.
30. Hit the knife with the circle block. The box opens.
31. Take the “O panel”.
32. Go to the window and hold the piece of paper up to it. There’s an uneven surface.
33. Use the knife on the box of pencils to get a sharpened pencil.
34. Zoom in on the paper. Use the pencil on it to trace the surface. It looks like this:
35. The tracing on the piece of paper shows how to get the numbers for the safe. 63 = 3, 18, 21
63 = (6-3), (6×3), (63/3).
So 99 = (9-9), (9×9), (99/3).
99 = 0, 81, 33
36. Go got he safe on the wall and type in 08133.
37. Open the safe.
38. Take the triangle panel.
49. Go to the bookcase to the right of the door and zoom in on the plaque on the wall, as well as the sheet of paper next to the red box.
40. Open the red box. Place the two panels and arrange the rest of the pieces so it looks like this:
41. The drawer of the box unlocks. Open it.
42. Take out the shard of metal (or piece of key).
43. Examine the picture frame near the green cupboard. It now has a use but we can’t reach it.
44. Use the ice pick on the rest of the pencils to make holes in them.
44. Slice the thread into pieces with the knife.
45. Use the pencils with the thread and you make a long pole.
46. Use the pole on the picture frame and it falls.
47. Take the metal shard.
48. Combine the two pieces of metal to make a key.
49. Use the key to unlock the door.
50. Open the door. You’re free! Congratulations!
If you liked this game, check out these other room escape games and walkthroughs, like “Strange House”.
How did you derive “9764” for the cupboard from the note?? The numbers do not seem related to each other.
The numbers below them show the order they go in (1234).
Oh dear! Seems so obvious now!! Thanks so much!
Yeah a lot of these games are like that 😉
How do you combine items? I cant combine anything and I’ve been trying for 45 mins tapping, selecting item, following the instructions from the game?
To combine items, open up one of them (double tap or use the button with the magnifying glass) and then tap anther, then tap the item you have open.
How do you solve the step 24?
I open the lip, put three item in, then get them out, put it in again.
but it is not work
Yeah… how do you work this out?
i really can’t figure out step 24
Just copy the photo I have there 🙂
YES, i solve it. but why it’s not the same as what the note book show
How do you determine the order? How did you derive the final pattern?
No matter what I tried I couldn’t get the balaclava to unravel!! I’m so frustrated!
All I did was open up the balaclava, then used the ice pick on it. If it won’t let you, you might be missing a clue.
But I did everything you said to do in the walkthrough. I’ve tapped everywhere and looked everywhere!
What do you have in your inventory at the moment, both available and darkened out.
I have the knife, the rope, the balaclava, box of pencils, the white triangle, and the ice pick.
Thanks so much for helping us all!
Did you look behind the cupboard and try to take the square block?
And no problem 🙂 If you like my walkthroughs, share the links and follow me on Twitter to see when I add new ones 🙂
I can’t unravel my balaclava??!! Heeelp!!! 🙁
Same here! =(
you have to try using to rope first then when it says that the rope is too thick it will let you unravel the balaclava
hope this helped
Thanks for clearing that up. I’ll add it to the walkthrough 🙂
Ok, fixed :). please let me know if you notice anything else that’s missing.
Could you kindly explain me what’s the rule for step 23………..
I can’t understand it
Could you kindly explain me what’s the rule for step 23………..
I can’t understand it
Best Regards
I tried getting my rope to connect with the balaclava as you said, using both my phone, and and iPad, and I can’t get it to work… I select one in detail, then tap on the other so it has the red box around it, and then I click on the magnified item, but I get nothing except a description of the one item… Maybe I need to delete and download again, or possibly a problem with new ios5 update?
Did you first try to get the block with the rope?
I haven’t gotten that far yet, I’m on step 8, and it will not let me combine the two.
Oh whoops, mixed the two up. Try looking out the window first. It might not let you combine until you’ve seen the ice pick (and tried using the rope on it). If that’s the case, let me know and I’ll add that in.
Ok, now it worked 🙂 Thanks!
Fixed the order. Let me know if you still have problems.
Now I can’t get the knife and rope together, maybe missing another step?
Hmm might be the same issue.. Did you try the rope alone first?
Lol, such detail in these games, you weren’t kidding!
Did that work? If so, I’ll add it in.
Yeah, it’s really irritating at first (Strange House drove me nuts!) but you get used to it after you play more of their games.
Yeah, it worked after that… And I’m not sure what step got it to work eventually because I went through everything possible all over before attempting, but with your steps, I couldn’t put holes in the pencil (step 35) so I guess I had to do something else first.
Hmm I’ll have to look into it.
Ok, I changed the order. It should work now. Thanks for catching these!
having trouble with the notebook and the shapes. thought i followed the correct order but apparently not
some clue are not logic, for 24, how do u get the order?? for 34, if 63=3(6-3), 18(6X3), 21(63/3), then 72 should be 5(7-2), 14(7X2), 36(72/2) and not 24
The logic is a bit flawed. But the game logic is
1. First number – second number
2. First number * second number
3. Both digits as a whole / 3
So you get
63 = 3(6-3) 18(6*3) 21(63/3)
72 = 5(7-2) 14(7*2) 24(72/3)
the code will follow the above pattern
99 = 0(9-9) 81(9*9) 33(99/3)
i just followed what was in the notebook. Do you put them in and switch them around according to the notebook?
No, I actually don’t know how the clues work.. I just have the answer. They need to be the way I showed in my walkthrough.
Ive tried putting the tiles in the box countless times but i haven’t heard the ‘click’!!! I’m following the order in the notebook by putting the tiles in the first order, taking them out, doing the second one, and so on… Still nothing!! What am I doing wrong?
Ignore the notebook. Just put them in the same order I show in the screenshot.
Ahh!! Thank u so much!!!
How do you rearrange the pieces in the red box (man, woman, guest). I’ve been trying to move them around but it keeps saying ‘the panels have been inserted’ or ‘there is nothing important here’
hey, I see alot of people with questions about the puzzle with the notebook but haven’t seen any real answers posted so I figured I’d share once I figured it out.
first off, ignore the colors! ( I’ll explain later) they have nothing to do with the shapes.
that said look at each an every shape on their own and you will quickly notice the puzzle is not nearly as hard as it seems.
if you think of the 6 spaces as a clock you will notice…
1. the circle moves ONE space counter clockwise in each frame of the notebook
2. the triangle moves ONE space clockwise in each frame
3. the square moves TWO spaces clockwise in each frame
given that knowledge you can now determine where you should put the different shapes.
now for the colors.
the color is entirely based upon the 6 spaces, not the shapes. it is simply we only see the color when a shape is present in any one space.
in the end it is really rather simple, almost like a light switch. the spaces are in two groups and simply alternate between black and white with each frame. (the fourth clue in the notebook is what helped give it away for me)
so for example in the first frame, using b for black and w for white the colors are
b b w
b w w
and for the second
w w b
w b b
and so on alternating back and forth, independent of the shapes.
hopefully that really long winded explaination helped somebody trying to figure it out.
I am stuck like M above
“How do you rearrange the pieces in the red box (man, woman, guest). IΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗ve been trying to move them around but it keeps saying Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£ΓöÉthe panels have been insertedΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗ or Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£ΓöÉthere is nothing important hereΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗”
Heeeelp please!
No worries! finally Did it!
Yerp.. Me too.. Keep getting the same comment. I’m stuck there. Kikoman, plz share..