Free My Apps is a fairly new website which allows players to download popular paid apps for free! Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it’s legit, and I’ve already gotten Infinity Blade 2, Cute the Rope Experiments and Tweetbot from this great service.
So how does it work?
Free My Apps only works on an iOS device such as an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. You go to and give them access to your device’s UDID.
Next, download one of their “sponsor” apps, such as Zombie Lane, for free and open the app for at least 30 seconds. Each of the sponsor apps is worth a certain number of points. When you accumulate enough points, you can choose from one of the “gift” apps, such as Sonic CD, Angry Birds and Infinity Blade 2.
There are also the occasional contests or promotions, where you could win one of your favorite apps or get it for fewer points than usual.
While the concept is great, and news is spreading fast, right now the sponsor apps are limited. So you may find yourself running a bit short for the gift app you have your eye on. But FreeMyApps is constantly adding new sponsor apps, so check back often and get paid apps for free!
What are you waiting for? Go free some apps!
Hi guys, this link gives doubles credits (try to believe;)
This system would be great if it worked properly. You will only get credits for about 1 out of every 4-5 apps you try. I’ve been using this stystem for a few months and its nice to get the free cards but it is aggravating to almost have enough points and never be able to get enough credits to finish a card. This has happened the last three cards I have tried to get. You end up having to do the sharing feature to finish the points. I have heard much better reviews from other systems that work the same.