Step-by-step walkthrough:
1. You start on screen 2. Tap left to screen 1 and take the flint stones (yabba dabba doo!). Also look at the design on the wall to get a clue in your journal.
2. Tap right twice to screen 3. Copy the pattern from the journal onto the wall by pressing the squares. The door will open.
3. Walk through to screen 4 and place the green/spring heart stone in the slot on the statue. Press the button to change the season to spring.
4. Go back to screen 2 and walk through the door that just opened to screen 5.
5. Tap right to screen 9 and climb up the tree to screen 10. Take the rope and open the trap door.
6. Go back to screen 9 and tap the road ahead to screen 12. Take the stone plug from inside the tree stump. Then tap ahead to screen 15.
7. Tap the right door to go to screen 16, then continue up to screen 22 and 25. Take the pry bar leaning against the cave.
8. Go back to screen 15 and take the middle door to get to screen 21. Use the pry bar on the loose stone in the ground and take the tile from inside.
9. To back to screen 15 and take the left door to screen 14. Place the tile in the empty slot on the ground. Tap on the glowing tiles and solve the puzzle to get a belt.
10. Go to screen 22 and tap left to get to screen 24. Put the belt on the gears to open the door. Enter to screen 28. Take the jewel from the stone face’s forehead. Also look at the clue near the ceiling to add it to your journal.
11. Go back to screen 21 and place the stone in the slot on the door to open it. Go through to screen 23. Solve the spring puzzle.
12. Tap left to screen 26. Take the red spring flowers. Tap left to screen 30. Tie the rope to the ring and climb down. Pick up the tile piece. Use the pry bar on the rubble to find the copper lion key. Climb back up and take the rope back.
13. Go back to screen 23 and tap right to screen 27. Use the copper lion key on the copper lion and take the slingshot.
14. Go back to screen 12. Tap right to screen 13. Use the slingshot on the bullseye and continue on to screen 17. Go inside to screen 18. And solve the puzzle on the chest to get the blue winter heart stone. Also take the machete.
Click on the little numbers below to continue to the next page of the walkthrough.
HELP. I have found three of the four broken tiles and cant find the last one… where are they all??? Thanks!
Which ones do you have so far? Did you get the one on the roof?
The last piece is a fish key you have to catch in the fish pond
There’s actually four missing pieces 🙁 I can’t remember where I found the first two, and I still haven’t found the fifth piece. The third I got when I used the Iron Lion and the fourth when I used the broom and did the puzzle on the floor, inside the well.
One is in the water by the fish. Is that what you’re missing?
How do you get it?!
The last piece is a fish key you have to catch in the fish pond
I can’t find the top right one…please help
ich komme nicht weiter mit dem rostigen schlΓö£Γò¥ssel. ich finde keine kiste. da kommt nur, dass wasser im untergrund zu hΓö£Γòóren ist. was soll ich tun?
man muss das druecke auf dem frueling statue wieder druecken dann kommt dass wasser schon wieder, mit die kiste. dass habe ich auch sehr schwer gefunden. entschuldigen sie mich bitte wiel mein deutsch ist schlect! hoeffentlich werden sie jetzt dass schaffen.
how do u solve the flower box puzzle with the golden snake clue.
I dug up the box, it’s summer season, I have the golden snake clue.
I don’t know how to solve it to make it work. 1 red flower? 3 green, 2 blue??
Screen shot so I can see it?
Put the flowers in the same sequence you put the snake heads in in the snake puzzle
How do you fish in the pond? And hoe do you solve the puzzle on the floor on page 8?
Help!! How do you solve the puzzle on page 14 with the glowing tiles?
Give me a bit and I’ll play again and try to get a screen cap of it. 🙂
Added a screenshot 🙂
what the hell do i do with the 4 blue and red snakes they just spin and there is no hint
You’ll be able to get the clues for it once you have the spyglass. Ignore it until then.
Where can i foundation IT? And the floder Box?
Spyglass and flowerbox
okay cool thanks
I am to the part where it says to use the rusty key to open the floating box on page 22. There is no floating box. It just says you hear water down the hole. I don’t know what to do?? Help please!!
Did you plug up the water spout yet?
How do you plug the hole?
Hiii, I have plugged up the water spout but still can not see a floating box?? I noticed it says change season to spring before using the rusky key on the box. How do I change season to spring in order to see the box? Thanks
Go back to the statue from the beginning that you used and press the button.
I have plugged up the spout while in Summer, but I change back to spring and go toward screen 22 the water is running again and I cannot find the floating box on screen 22!?!?!
To change back to a season, just find the statue again and press the button on it.
Yes. Thank you. I missed that one earlier.
What do you plug it with? Help… Lol
The plug is in a tree stump.
Where do I find this tree stump?
Try screen 12
help please i cant find number 28 where i get the stone gem thing?!
You mean the yellow heart? It’s inside that chamber that opened with the gears. You need the hook to get the stone.
And where do I get this hook?
Please where do I find the hook totally stuck. Thanx.
You need to unlock the silver lion.
It wont let me complete the Autumn puzzle /:
What do you mean it won’t let you?
Autumn puzzle does not let you move the pieces. Anyone you touch it says this tile cannot be moved. please help.
I finished Lost City. Such a great game. I had already done Grisly Manor and had wiped it from my IPad. Wanting to show a friend I tried to play again but I can’t download it again. Why? Is there a way I can get it back again?
Not sure why you can’t. Once you buy an app, you can download it as many times as you want.
Grisly manor was a free app will this make any difference to me not being able to download it for a second time
i just wanted to know since you finished the hole game how do you find the red spring flower.
You must be in that season to complete that seasons puzzle
its also not letting me complete autumn puzzle, cant figure out what the problem is, i do have the autumn flower, but still
Not sure why so many people are having problems with that. I played through the game several times and never had any issues.
I think you have to have the season as autumn
I have thought to have finished the puzzle because I got a picture of two birds looking opposite directions and everything seems finshed but nothing happens.
Make sure the bottom is done right. The feet can be a bit deceiving.
Make sure the puzzle matches exact y to the pictures in the walk through they are quite intricate
Still not working. I dont understand. I have placed the feet parts in everyway possible and still nothing. I might have to restart.
If you want to wait a bit, I’ll start over and catch up with you so I can take a screen cap. Not sure why it won’t work for you.
A screen cap would be awesome, thank you. but yeah, hopefully it ends up working.
Done 🙂
If yours looks like that, then you should probably report a bug to the developer.
How do you plug the water spout thing?
You have to do it during a dry season.
Thank you!
I can’t find the top right piece of the broken tile
I think that was the one on the cliff, after you climb down the rope. First one I found.
I can’t find the floating box and i did plug the fountain. I also can’t get the last flower I have a blue and orange one and another i think pink but don’t remember where I got it.
The floating box is one screen up from the plugged hole. You need to change the season back to spring to get it.
And I posted the flower locations. Let me know if you still have trouble finding them.
It is a red flower
How do you put the fire out. I pull the wooden arm but no water flows. Help please
Once the fire is lit, you need to change seasons.
I’m confused on how to turn the snakes to match up with their code?
Point the heads in the direction the gears are pointing. If you still need help, I posted a screenshot.
That’s exactly what I did but nothing happened.. maybe there’s a glitch?
You have both sets of clues in the journal?
Not sure what to say other than check again that it’s the same. If it still doesn’t work, it might be a bug 🙁
I have the same problem its not doing anything
Thanks a lot! Turns out I had the birds facing the wrong way lol
I need some help, I have to open the box in screen 26 but i don’t know the combination! The spoiler tells that I have to use the combination of the gold snake but it doesn’t function!
You mean the flower box? I described it in #1. If that still doesn’t help you, I’ll try to snag a screenshot of it.
I cant find the box on screen 26 – where is it?
you need to dig up the box with rthe trowel on screen 26 i think
Same Thing Its Happening To Me
Can Someone Reply Please!!!
Sorry I haven’t read well you’ve alredy given the answer I’m soooorry 🙂
I can’t find the broken tile which goes in the lower left corner of the thing… Can anyone tell me which screen it’s in?
I believe that’s the one you get after combining all the flowers.
So confused…in this little cave and supposed to use the silver bowl to get the iron lion…?
Look at the symbol on the wall 🙂
How do I get down the well? It is summer, and I am using the rope…
Once the rope is tied on the branch, you just need to tap on the well to climb down.
Tie it to the tree branch above it.
I am up to the part where you burn the flowers but I don’t have the red spring flower. It says it’s on screen 39 but when I go there i can’t find it all that’s there is the summer statue. I have changed the season to spring and everything. Please help
Try screen 26.
The sun?….it doesn’t do anything 🙁
The sun is the clue to the season.
I don’t understand…I think I’ve changed it to spring but I don’t know how to get the iron lion key which is supposed to help me retrieve a tile
The sun is for summer. You need sunlight to come in through the window and then use the silver bowl to reflect the light.
Oh dear, so if I changed it to Spring does that mean I can’t get the iron lion key?
Ok I went back and changed the season…I didn’t know I could 🙂
You can change them as much as you want. 🙂
Where us the stone for fall? And where is the statue for summer?
You need to get behind the waterfall to find the summer statue.
Thanks. One more I have dug up the box and I am trying to use the golden snake code to open it but it’s not working. Is there a trick to it?
I posted it above.
Where is the rope to climb down the well? I used the rope to climb over the cliff and I cannot find another one.
Same rope. Just take it back 🙂
On 25 what do you do to the wall to open it?
You need to get past the waterfall in order to open it.
Thanks for all your help. This is the best game ever.
I agree 100%! It entertained me all afternoon, but now that I’m done, what am I supposed play tonight!?!
Try one of these games 🙂
Room 8, the floor puzzle, my eyes are not the best and I cant figure out the combo, especially the circle ones.
Did you rub the charcoal on the symbols on the rock face?
I have no idea where to dig up the “box” on screen 26 I have the trowel but where to dig??
Change the season to summer.
I am in summer and still don’t see the box in 26. :/
You have to dig it up.
i have changed the season to summer and clicked all over the screen with the trowel nothing happens
Look for the “X” in the summer.
thank you
ohh no didnt have any now Ill go and look for some.
Can someone please tell me how to change seasons
You need to place the appropriate heart stone in the corresponding statue and press the button on it.
Cant find heart stone, i’m stuck I need to change season but cant
You need to get past the quicksand.
How do you solve the wooden peg puzzle in the cave????
Use the clue you found in the chamber that opens with the belt/gears.
Wht the heck is it talking about when it says “the room under screen 15”?!?!
What are you looking for?
When you unlock the lion in screen 1, a secret chamber will open up in the ground on screen 15. Not sure if that’s what you mean.
Yup 🙂 thank you!
I cannot find the plug for spout please help
It’s in a tree stump.
Where do you find the charcoal to rub on the wall? I can’t figure out the pattern on the floor. Thanks.
Light the logs on fire and then put the fire out 🙂
In the fire pit there is charcoal.
I’m stuck! Only started playing yesterday, and I can’t find screen 28! I think it’s a case of looking so hard for it that you just can see it, because I have actually been checking everywhere
28 is behind the door with the gears. You open it using the belt.
Where is the chain room code for wooden posts :-(( HELP
Please help I can’t go any further as I need the chain room code for the wooden blocks but can’t find it x
how do you get to screen 14??
Tap on the left doorway by the lion heads.
Help! Where I can find the stone plug?
In a tree stump.
I’m stuck on screen 24 in winter, HELP ME PLEASE?! 🙁
A few more details would help.
I think I have the stupidest question. I got the belt from under the puzzle and saw that the hint says to use it to open the door on screen 24. But when I try it, nothing happens. Please help! Thanks. 🙂
Put it on the gears.
I can’t find the bottom right tile piece! I even have the fish key?? Help please.
Isn’t that the one on the cliff face? You use the rope to reach it.
Don’t have the rope anymore… And ive already been off the cliff.
I added the tile locations above.
But how do I get the tile that’s with the fish? I’ve been trying everything (I think…)
were u able to locate the bottom right tile piece cause i cant seem to find i either? ive done everything, just missing that piece.
how did you get the fish key?
I’ve done the snake puzzle and lit the fire and done all the in-game hint things but I can’t get any further?! What do I need to do to move on? Do I need the autumn stone? If so where is it???
The autumn stone is in the floating box. Did you plug up the water spout yet?
How did u do the snake puzzle?! I can’t figure it out.
I posted a screenshot of it.
I cannot get the snake puzzle. I’ve tried your screen shot one and it is not working for me.
Make sure you saw the clues for it.
Yeah I plugged the spout. Wheres the floating box?
I read the top bit about it being on screen 22 but where? When I tap the well it says that in the distance you can hear running water…
Look at the clue inside the empty basin below the water spout. For the box to float up in the next screen, you need to be in spring.
Oooooh I thought that was the autumn symbol! Thank you!
These tips are all really helpful, thanks for posting! Where on EARTH do I find the trowel though?
You get it after you combine the four flowers.
Righto… How would I go about combining the flowers?
Did you create the stone bridge yet?
Yes, and all the illustrations indicate that I need to burn the flowers or something… But I’ve already doused the fire I had for charcoal and it doesn’t want to relight. I really hope I don’t have to start again… Thanks so much for your help with this!
Look for something in the room with the illustrations. You combine them in that room.
Oh boy, I feel silly now. Thanks so much for the help!
How do i create the stonebridge??
You need the wooden lever.
Where the key for it? 🙁
It’s in screen 8 (down the well).
non sono brava come voi! ho risolto grisly manor in un giorno, ma questo ╬ô├╢┬úΓö¼ΓöÉ pi╬ô├╢┬ú╬ô├▓├║ difficile!!!! sono ferma, ho solo la statua primavera, selce, connettore pitra, corda e leva ma non so che fare?? ho esplorato ma non supero la cascata, le sabbie mobili, il lago. help me…
I really need help with the snake puzzle. I’ve done it the way the picture shows, but nothing happens. Can you help me out?
Did you see both clues for it first?
how do you get behind the waterfall?
Try seeing if any of the seasons change something about it 😉
iv only got 2 seasons winter and spring and both of them wont let me behind it. iv got one more heart stone but will not fit in statue at top of castle ?
You get through the waterfall while it’s winter.
thank very much
How do u get down the well? I got the rope but it say it’s no gd
Switch to a dry season.
The wells empty but where do u attach the rope to?
Look above the well.
Yeh got it now cheers 🙂
Got all flowers all heart missing thé gold key and I don t know where the flower is. Also the illustration on the floor in the well is dirty. Help please
you take the broom and speep 🙂
where do you put the glowing crystal?
There’s a tree stump.
Also how do you toggle the stone bridge ?
You need to find the lever.
Are you referring to the lever to use on screen 34? If so… where do you find it… I’ve followed the walkthrough on this page and the hints on the game, but I can’t get past screen 34 to get to 37 to put the stone in.
I mean screen 36…
Help!!! I can’t find the golden moon under screen 15. I can’t get thru chapter 8 without it. Does anyone know where it is or am I missing something???
You need to use the golden key on the lion statue in screen 1 and it will open a secret door in screen 15.
I’ve done what you said but I still cannot find that secret place under screen 15. Could you please be more specific as to where it is? I’m really struggling and it’s frustrating me 🙁
That’s one of the last things you do. You need to unlock the golden lion to get to it.
I did that and yet the secret passage hasn’t opened up. 🙁
The floor hasn’t opened up on screen 15?
No it hasn’t 🙁
That’s weird, not sure why that would happen.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
I need help with decending down the well in chapter 5 I’m using the rope but it wont let me go down… Please help ASAP!!!! I’m addicted to this game!!
Change to a dry season.
Which one is dry season??
I have it to summer… Is that right?
It’s still not working
Did you hang the rope down the well?
No how do you do that?
Omg I did it!!! Thank you sooo much!!! 🙂
attach the rope to the tree branch above the well
im really struggling. cant access the tile puzzle with the 2 birds facing each other . cant change season back from spring, can get rid of privet thorns,snake uzzle does not do anything,cant put plug in the outlet. Please help
Ive just started the lost city today. How do I change the seasons? I’ve gone to the statue eith the heart but nothing happens.
You need to press the button below the heart on the statue.
I’ve got the green heart in Place and when I press the button it says nothing seems to happen when you push the button. I’m stuck in a wet season and can’t progress.
How to I complete the spring puzzle on slide 23?
Swap the tiles to make the image.
I’ve done the first layer, but on the second layer it says that the stones can’t be moved. How do I get round this?
Change the season 🙂
I can’t get into the tree stump to find the plug. Did I miss something? It won’t open.
There are two different stumps.
Where’s the tree stump?
I found it! Thanks!
I can’t get the heart stones!!! Please help
You need to get the winter one first.
Dear Unwrappy dude,
How do you get the tile by the fish? My frustrated 9 year old daughter wants to know. 🙂
Thanks in advance
Cailynne’s Dad
where do I find the broom to clean the floor to get the last piece of the broken tile? really struggling 🙁
How do you do the wooden blocks part? Where is the code?
What wooden blocks?
Where do I find the bottom right tile piece? I’ve done everything else
That’s not the one on the cliff?
Is it on a roof somewhere?
I just added the locations above. But can’t remember the last one.
where do you find the bottom right peice tile?? i alredy got the one from the cliff but thaats not the one!!
Check the location of the tile pieces they sew lighted in the beginning of the walkthrough
How can I get to screen 18?
Go through the door in screen 17.
Okay, how do I get past the quicksand?
You need the Slingshot.
I’ve got the green heart in the statue and it’s raining. When I push the button it says nothing seems to happen when you push the button. Is there a different stone for each season? I need a dry season but cant seem to change the seasons.
I feel stupid now, But I can’t find 17 either.
I can’t seem to find screen 38 to find the missing trowel and tile piece
How do you do the snake puzzle. I already got the hint off that tower. Am I using that hint (which isn’t helpful) or the flowers u have posted on here? Saw the picture u have and have line the snakes up but nothing happens so can u make it clear how to do it? Thanks
It should look exactly like I showed. Make sure you saw the hints on both towers.
I can’t seem to be able to see the hints on the towers! I click on the telescope and then the towers and it’s just says ‘when I strain my eyes I can see the outline of a tower’ or something! I just don’t know what to do! Do I have to put the fire out first?
Try the telescope stands.
where is the angel that is for summer????
I still cannot get the bottom right piece of the broken puzzle. Where could it be ??
Found it again — updated it above.
what do I put on page 36 to get the bridge??
You need a lever.
Wheres the lever?
Where’s the lever?
how do you open the chamber thing with the rope. Someone said it was with a hook and if it is with a hook then where is the hook and how do you get it?..I’m also stuck on the spyglass to get the snakes? I’m in despiration of help right now;) PLEASE
And i feel well stupid but what is the ring of coins for?>
You’ll see when you find all the coins 🙂
Where is the bottom right puzzle piece for the broken tiles?
I just added it above.
Where do I put the blue heart stone to change the season to winter?
In the winter statue 😛
Which page is that on?
I didn’t understand? I did everything and passed it all. The only thing left is getting the hearts to put then in that thing in the chamber! However tried different seasons but I couldn’t get any heart. Please tell me how to get them?????
Oh, just tap the hearts to remove them from the statues.
Oh I don’t need help. I figured it all out.
I finished the game and sadly it doesn’t have another level or whatsoever.
Ok I’m stumped with the silver bowl in the sun cave. The bowl is just sitting there and it won’t do anything. I tried to hit the sun with a reflection but it won’t move off the bed of flowers! HELP!!!
The sun is the clue for the season.
i have got the spyglass but cant seem to use it to see the code from the tower????
Put it on the stand.
ty 🙂
Hi, it says here and on a few other websites that there are built in hints on this app but I have not seen any, can anyone tell me how to access them?! I’m completely stuck and still in Spring (is there a way to change season or do you just have to solve?) thanks!
click on inventory and then the journal…the hint guide is on the bottom right..
Thanks so much! Must sound so thick !
Which slide is the winter statue on?
slide 35
Hi, I’m a bit stuck plugging the spout of the waterfall it say it’s flowing too rapidly in spring and frozen in winter. Any suggestions?
Change to a dry season 🙂
Sorry for wasting your time I’ve just worked it out, Flossie
wheres the lever?
I’m trying to dig up the flower box with the trowel on screen 26 but I can’t find the box anywhere, I’ve been clicking all over the screen! Can anyone tell me the exact location where the box is buried please?
Change the season to summer..
Where is the tree knot that you use the crank on? I can’t seem to find it anywhere> Thanks
Ah, never mind, found it!
Thank you!
what do i use for that metal thing on the tree trunk and how do i open the tree trunk??
I have the glowing crystal, but where’s the tree stump?
You go up that wooden ladder on screen 9 but where is the crank tyler??
The autumn puzzle pieces are not moving for me. Thanks for help and patience with all questions being posted.
What do you mean they’re not moving for you?
i need help at the floating box thing…what season should it be? how do i plug the fountain? please help 🙁
Summer to plug the hole, spring to get the floating box.
can someone tell me where the crank is please to get into the tree trunk?
My summer puzzle on screen 23 won’t start. can’t figure out what i Missed… can someone help me?
thank you
How do you get the title off the roof? Do you need to find a key for the lion then it drops down?
Where do you find the key at for it?
It’s behind the carving of the sun.
Cheers. How do you hmget behind there?
The sun is the clue.
Im stuck on the frozen wall code. I cant figure out which sequence to put them in?? any help?
Which one are you talking about?
Sorry the puzzle on screen 32, the code for this is on screen 11.
You need to see the clue in the winter. Then it will show you the right symbols and colors. Just use the arrows to line them up into the colored spaces.
ok thanks! How do i go back to winter?
on page 36 i know you need the bridge to get over to the other side but im totally stuck on what to do to make the brigdge appear? helpppp pleasee!
You need the lever.
what do i do to get the lever? and where is it? also i have the floating box and the hints say i need the pry bar but they took it away
To open the floating box, you need a key, not the crowbar.
okay how do i get the lever tho?
By solving all four season puzzles.
When I try to complete the autumn puzzle it says this layer of tiles will not move. How is this remedied?
By changing the season to autumn.
This may be a bug because I am in Autumn mode.
Try changing back to spring and then go to autum
how do i get to screen 39 to get to the summer statue
What do I do with the glowing crystal?
Screen 13.
Where is the autumn statue!!! I am soo lost 🙁 Need a more detailed walk through
Oops i meant summer statue!
It’s behind the waterfall.
how do you get behind the waterfall
You need to freeze it and break it with the hammer.
I got the floating box but dont KNOW where is the Key TO open it 😉 THX in advance!
Screen 8.
What do you do after you plug the water spout? It has a leaf which means spring? Then a trunk? Where is this trunk
Yep, you’re on the right track :). It’s just one screen up.
DAMN i never GOT TO screen 8 HOW TO i go there i have a few missing screens TOO maybe i DID something wrong?
You can’t do anything wrong in this game. If you missed something, simply explore until you find it. Screen 8 is below the well.
Thanks a lot for the help!!!! Very difficult.
Where is the summer flower???
Hey , thanks for the help – I was wondering , how do you do the puzzle onthe ground of the well ? Where you brush aside the dirt with the broom ?!?? I can’t solve the puzzle and I’ve been trying for a while Γò¼ΓòíΓö£├½Γö£┬¬ I was wondering if you could help me ?Γò¼ΓòíΓö£├½Γö£├½
You need to get charcoal and use it on the symbols on the rock face in screen 40.
Where is the water spout, on which screen?
And with what do i Plug it?
You have to close the lion mouth in screen 16
Plz help how do u work out the puzzle wen u breack the
Waterfall u can go past inside theres a puzzle can u tell
Me which go which thx
Plz help wheres the gem for autumn
I hav put the golden key in the lion but nothing has happened. R u meant to get something?
Where is the heart to change it too summer?!
ive got the yellow stone heart and im on screen 42 but it wont let me put the heart in the statue am i at the right one cuz im get peed off with it ive started it over 3 times now trying differant things please help
42 is the wrong statue. That one’s for the amber heart.
how i can slove chain room to wooden posts on screen 34
Just compare the clue you found to it. I’ll try to grab a screen shot later if I can.
where is the tree stump to close the water spout ..thanks
Try screen 12.
im on the last bit which says collect the heart stones but i cant get them back from the statues. I can change the seasons and so on and when its in summer the crystal bit changes a bit but thats all.
Ive tried tapping the hearts and they wont release
That’s weird. I’m not sure why they won’t come out. You unlocked the bars in the secret chamber, using the sun and moon clues?
um i dont know, what secret chamber is this? can you tell me off what screen or has it a screen of its own?
The secret chamber is what opens up after you use the golden lion key. You’re not going to be able to remove the heart stones until you’re in there.
thanks thats what im missing!
i almost reached there … what i left is to get the other half of golden moon
then the hearts
Hi, please could you post a picture of the wooden peg puzzle in the cave. im completely stuck.
You mean the one behind the waterfall? Simply compare it to the clue you found where you get the yellow heart stone.
how to arrange moon and the sun in secret room ,….if you can explain it as a clock for example sun 10 oclock ,,,moon 11….thanks
You get the sun clue by using the glowing crystal and the moon clue by placing the golden moon in the room where you put the silver bowl. The journal will write it down for you once
You found them.
I am missing the bottom right piece of the puzzle !!!!!!! Can’t find it anywhere … I have the fish to complete it … Is it in a specific season ???? Please help as I am at a standstill now … Thanks .
I posted the locations above.
Been to all of them and it’s not there ?????
Look behind the waterfall.
I’m trying to descend in the well on screen 6 with the rope I have but it’s not letting me? How am I suppose to get down the well?
Use the branch above the well.
Hi,wondering where could we find the key to open the floating bOx?
Screen 8
I am under the well. Looking for screen 8. The clue … A round thing. Where do I fnd the round stuff that fits in ? Thanks.
Great game. Thank you for some of the extra hints.
I got all the flowers and got back to the fire pit. I already turnd on the fire once and now i just cant.. It dosnt react.. I am in summer..
You need to find another place to light a fire.
I’m still stuck on the flower box I’ve tried all possible combinations please help
I carnt get to scene 8……help I neeeed to get the key for the floating box
Where and how do you build the second fire?
Look in the room with the drawings of the flowers.
DAMN now i UNDERSTAND that i need a rope TO go into the well but i have no rope AND i dont find One. Maybe something about the seasons ?
When you go underground after getting the four lion heads to light up, what is the answer to the floor puzzle with the two lights..? Thanksss
I just posted a screenshot of it.
Drawings of flowers?? Is that the answer for me? I’ve not seen no drawings of any flowers lol
Aren’t you looking for fire to combine the flowers? How would you know to do that without seeing a clue for it first? Find that clue.
I can’t find the red flower. What season do I need to change it too? And what screen is it on?
I posted the flower locations above.
I’m trying to find the key for the floating box!!!
Try the well.
I put the lights in that combination and nothing happened, do you think I’m missng something ?
Check that you saw both the sun and moon clue.
Ah okay thank you that makes sense, do you know where abouts the sun clue is? Sorry aha
Complete the tile puzzle for starters.
And where’s the oddly shaped middle piece of the tile puzzle? Last question I promise aha
By the fish.
Did it 🙂
I feel so stupid, I am stuck really early on! Can’t find where to go, not seen any flowers, tried to go down the well but can’t when there is water. Tried to flow it into the fire pit but that didn’t work..sorry, quite a basic bit I must be missing!Tried to find different hearts to change seasons but can’t find anything! Tia
The first heart piece you can get is the blue winter one. Try and see what you can do to get it. Look around for objects, as there are a few lying around in plain sight.
Where in hell do i find room 10 to get the rope? Tried everything and no luck
Climb up a tree.
Jems it’s in the fishing pond, proper gutted I’ve completed the game it’s was fab. Anymore like it does anyone know?
Try some of these 🙂
Hi, I have the summer stone but can’t get behind the waterfall. I found the fall statue, but not the fall stone. Help very stuck.
Hoe do I solve the floor puzzle??
you’re probably annoyed by all of this, but how do you find the wooden lever for the bridge? i have literally tried everything just for this one thing, i must be missing something
Complete all the season puzzles.
How do i solve THE floor puzzle? I tried to Use the unreadable code, but i dont get it! 🙁
You need to rub charcoal on the code.
Help me please! I’ve found 3 of the tiles (including the golden fish key) but
Not the both right hand corner ..
I listed the locations above.
What is slide 8 and where is the code I have to uncover with the broom ?
WOW AWESOME finally GOT in the well understood a few things but now i feel i must go on screen 40 on do i do that. I have ALL puzzle pieces except the bizzarre middle part.
It’s by the fish.
Oh but I was also wondering where i get the charchol ? You said that I needed charcoal ion order to rub off the pattern to solve the puzzle at the bottom of the well  And another thing , how do you get the puzzel piece in the pond ? The one with the fish ? Thanks so much 
Are all the season puzzles on the same board? I still can’t move the tiles. I tried going back to Spring and switching to Autumn . . Still no luck. Am I missing something required to work the puzzle? This is getting frustrating!
Yes, same board. You need to be in the appropriate seasons to solve each puzzle.
I have been. The tiles will not allow me to move them in Autumn. It worked in the other seasons. Just not in this one.
That’s weird. Not sure why that’s happening.
Fish key glitch?!?
I’ve gone through the whole game twice and collected the fish key with the fishing rod but when I go to place it in the middle of the broken tiles it’s disappeared from my inventory…wtf?!?
Am I missing something here?
You sure it’s not just on the second page of your inventory?
Some credit please!?
I’ve only got my journal and the rope in my inventory…no second page.
Well, not sure what to tell you then. I played through the game several times and never had any problems like that. You may want to contact the developer and report it as a bug. Just make sure to tell him which platform you’re using.
Finally finished the game its freakin AWESOME !!!! THX for the help letting challenging WITH the game
Where do you get the charcoal to solve the puzzel in the well ? And how do you get the fish tile piece ?
Try making the charcoal by burning some wood 🙂
Im stuck. I found thé snake ring, 2 flowers (blue and pink)
I have 2 rocks since à long Time, but i havé no idea what
To do with the snake gold ring and All th╬ô├╢┬ú╬ô├«├ë rest… Pleassseee
Hellllllppppp 🙁
Try climbing down the well.
I know you have a screen shot
Of the moon and sun puzzle , and I did the puzzle , but it didn’t work . Am I doing something wrong ? How do I solve the moon/ sun puzzle ?!??
You need to have seen both clues for it to work. One you get by using that big glowing crystal. The other, you place the golden moon in the room where you placed the silver bowl.
YES ! finally solved ! Thankssss for the hints.
found the buried box but cannot open it. simple don’t understand how to use the golden snake code. help me please. thanx a lot
sorry. found the flower box hint above. thank you for your help!
Hi, what the hell is with these bloody snakes.. i cant go any further in the game, ive got the spy glass and everythign but the snakes dont dont anything? ive turnt them every way possible! it sooo annoying! can anyone help me?
You need to see the clues for the puzzle using the spyglass, before the game will let you complete the puzzle.
I can’t find page 39. Please help
You need to get behind the waterfall.
I have gone behind the waterfall but it’s not showing up on my map
Also I the spoilers telling me to use the rusty key on the floating box on page 22 but nothings happening it keeps telling me that if you listen carefully you can hear the water. I can’t find the spring flower on page 39 and I don’t know how to douse the fire :/ please help !
All those need to be done in spring. And the flower is on page 26.
how do you link the chain to that rock to get the summer heart stone?
You need the hook from the silver lion.
Please help, it’s still raining and I have sillex red flower a cap stone and lever.
And I don’t know what to do!
What’s a sillex? And what’s a cap stone?
how do you get to level 8? how can i get through the waterfall?
i am already in room 42.. but lacking rooms 7,8, 34, 37, 38, and 39..
i have the flints, the water stump, the red flower, the iron hammer, the blue flower, the yellow heart, the brass coin, the golden snake, and a rope.
help.. 🙁 i’m stuck..
Try the hammer 😉
How do i get the key to open the floating box?
You need to climb down the well and get into the next room.
How is that done all there is is a circle on the wall
Find something that fits in the circle.
Gone round all the screens can’t find anything circular pls hepl
It’s the golden snake.
Keep reading about this golden snake thought it might be what I needed but can’t find it which screen is it on
You get it by solving the snake puzzle.
Please can you help me get the jewel from the cauldron in room 28. I have git into the room and saw the code but now can’t keep the lid open long enough to get the stone out??
You need the hook for it.
How do I get the piece from the fish pond
You need to complete the circle of coins first.
Please help me! I am at the beginning of this game and I just cant figure out what to do. I have now in my bag only: flints, pry bar, stone plug, red flower, broken tile and rope. And I have changed the season to summer. I also have found that little stone in page 28 and open that door with that. And that’s the last thing what I have done. Pls help.
Hmm… Have you gotten across to the island visible in screen 20? You can use the pry bar on something over there.
No I havent gotten there yet. And sorry, I think I changed the season to spring not to summer. So how do I get to the island?
In that case, have you pried open the loose stone in the ground near the urn?
Well I have done the little puzzle in the 14. page and found under that stone a belt. If you meant that?
And I put that belt in to a wheel.
Did you try using the rope to climb over the cliff?
how can i complete summer puzzle? it wont let me move…
how can i complete summer puzzle, it wont let me move.
what else steps i should done before. i got rusty key at the moment
If you’re in summer, you should be able to do the summer puzzle. Same with each season.
And the rusty key is for the floating chest.
how can i get into the floating chest???
You need the rusty key.
if i didnt find the stuff completly, can i go bk to the season? what happen if i missing sth,can i still cont?
You can change seasons as often as you want. Just keep exploring 🙂
You get that one after combining the flowers, if I remember correctly.
If you meant that have I climb to page 31, yes I have. But I found there just that broken tile..
Oh wait, I found now that copper lion key! 🙂
I cannot find screen 17 anywhere. Piz help!
You need to get past screen 13 to get to 17.
Hey i need help, i wanted to know how you get the charcole. I bave collected all 4 flowers and lit the fire but they wont seem to burn :s
The charcoal is not related to the flowers. But you get the charcoal by lighting the logs and then dowsing them with water.
To combine the flowers, you need to create a fire elsewhere.
How do I get to screen 8 ? :O
Climb down the well.
How do I empty the well?
Change to a dry season like summer or fall.
I couldn’t find the bottom right stone, the one near the waterfall, but now I’ve found it and completed the game. Thanks very much!
How do I get the tile on screen 17??
Unlock the lion.
I forgot to take the spring flower when I was meant to now it won’t appear on screen 39 like it should. Do I have to restart?
It’s on screen 26.
I dont have an answer for you but I have been looking for the orange one for 3 days now. Its not where it says either. Hope you find yours.
I feel silly but how do you change the season?
Put the heart stone in the slot on the statue and press the button.
do you take the other one out?
No, you find a new statue.
arg, where are they?
Hi, i don’t know how i must past the waterfall to access to the summer statue. can you help me ? thx.
You need to break it 🙂
*it wasn’t past, i meant pass
Hi. I have somehow managed to miss the orange/summer flower I am in summer but the flower is not by the bridge as it should be in screen shot. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I’ve just spent 20 minutes trying to figure this out and then I suddenly realised after I’d asked for help that I was in autumn not summer! What a complete banana!
How do i get to screen 38?
You need to create a bridge using the wooden lever.
how do i remove the plug from the tree once its in?
I need help with the floor code on screen 8. I guess my game has a glitch and I can’t read the code… Could you get a screen shot 😀 That would be ver helpful because I’m very frusterated :/
You need to rub charcoal on the unreadable code.
how am i gonna use the spy glass? and i can’t find the hint for snake thing. I’m stuck :\
You use the spyglass to see the hints. Look for something to place the spyglass on. There are two of them.
ooh I see know 🙂 thanks!
sorry but one more thing.. how can I find the lever?
found it!
I’m in summer, and i can’t find the spout for the plug.
I know where to put it, i just don’t have the thing to plug in:)
Plz help!
You have the plug or you have the spout?
The plug is in a tree stump.
I have the plug btw, just opened the floating box and found the heart.
Is the spout coming later?
Nm, found it!:)
Where is the spout?
If you got the floating box, then you already plugged the spout.
I know, my comments got posted all weird:)
where do you find the bottom right broken tile? how do you get to the room it’s in? also, is there a middle piece?
It’s in the room behind the waterfall.
And yes, the middle piece is a key.
How do you put the fire out?? I take it the charcoal will reveal the answer to the glowing tiles puzzel?? thanks
Just switch to spring and pull the lever by the fire pit.
how to get to screen 7
Switch to a dry season and climb down the well.
Pic 38, how do I get ‘flints’ to open altar ? I only have 4 different flowers and a rope in my collection. I used to have the ‘flints’ but used on pic 19 and 38. ???
I have spend utmost hours and still can’t figure out what went wrong………….
Go back to 38 and put the flowers in the fire you made.
I need to get down the cliff but have already placed my rope on sagging tree…. Is there a way to get it back! Totally stuck!
Just take the rope back.
Where have I put the coins?
Behind the waterfall you’ll see a circle of coins.
How do I plug the water spout to see the floating box?!
Switch to a dry season like summer or fall.
Hi I’ve tried to get all de tile pieces but can’t find The last one!
It’s The one on the left side in the bottom corner,where can i find it?
It’s with the trowel after you combine the four flowers.
hey this was easy can u tell me some more games like dis 1 🙂
Try some of these:
I plugged up the hole, and then changed to the season represented by a leaf, like it says in the picture, i have the rusty key, and have done everything else possible up to this point, but the floating box isnt appearing :I
You need to change to spring.
how do i get to summer or fall? i have a yellow heart and it wont work on the statue on 42. if its behind the waterfalls, how do i get there? please???
How do I empty the well? im already in spring. I know that I have to use the rope but the well is still full of water…
Switch to a dry season — summer or fall.
Where do I get that crystal?
By completing the tile puzzle.
How do you get to screen 8
You need to climb down the well and open the next door.
in the moon and sun puzzle, how do i get the second clue?? please help, i have the first red clue, cant get the second blue clue
You need to put the golden moon in the room with the silver bowl.
How do I get the key out of the pond?
Using a fishing stick.
Can you please tell me how to get into the water where the fish are, plus I cant fine the middle piece for the broken tiles. Thanks
That’s the same piece. You need a fishing stick.
Where can i find the crystal?
You need to complete the tiles puzzle.
what am i supposed to do with the golden dragon?
snake *
Use it inside the well.
hi im stuck on changing the pink fall/autumn puzzle, everytime i click on it it says ‘the layer of the tiles will not move’ have i got to do something else before that?
A few people have been reporting this issue, but I’m not sure why it’s happening. I never had any trouble with it. I’ll try to figure out why it’s happening on my next play through.
how do i get the plug from the tree trunk?
You just take it…
How the eff to I get past the quicksand? I’m getting really irritated by this. I’ve sat looking at some dumb target all darn day!
You need to find the slingshot.
Obviously if I could find a slingshot, I would have used it…
answer mee u keep answering everyone else:(
Cool game! I’ve just finished it 🙂 Thank you for screen how to resolve The flower box problem 😉
Im in chapter 8 and im missing a tile piece. I think its the one on screen 31 but i lost my rope so now i have no way to get it. Help !?
The rope is never lost. You can take it back.
HOw do i get it back
Just take it off the branch if it’s by the well.
I am in screen 8 and have tried to read the unreadable code, but just cant seen to get the combinatio right after iv swept the floor, can u healp me please, thankyou x
You need to rub charcoal on the unreadable code before you can read it.
Wheres the trowel
Ahhhhhh!! Where do i find the charcoal?
How do i break the waterfall ?
i passed the waterfall but now i just can’t solve the floor puzzle on screen 8… i know i need to go on screen 40 to see the clue but it isn’t write correctly and i can’t see which one is the good or not… help me please !
You need to rub charcoal on it.
Gah where is it stupid trowel
You get it after combining the flowers.
The instructions in the games told me to use the machete on the sun x to cut the ground but even though I picked up the machete its not in my bag or in the cave. I cant seem to find the stone that turns it to autumn
I did it!! What an addictive game! Only got it last night! Thanx for your help x
Wait never mind. But I do need to find all of the tiles and I cant seem to get to page 38
You need to complete all four season puzzles and get the lever to get to screen 38.
Where do I find the rusty key?
Down the well.
I just completed a full walkthrough. You can see it below the screenshots.
Pls pls can someone tell me where screen 22 is or where floating box is stumped
The floating box is in the screen above the water spout. You need to have plugged up the spout and then changed to spring in order to see it.
thanx for the help! went to the site suggested.think i found answers to all of my questions! going to try again.
It’s says I need to go down the well but I need rope and I don’t have any, we’re can I find some??
It’s up in the treehouse.
Where is the wooden lever to get the bridge?
You get it after solving all 4 season puzzles.
I can’t get to the last season. I have 2 flowers, flint, rope and rusty key. Can’t find the bottom left broken tile? Thanks
Did you plug the water spout?
Don’t know what the clue inside means??
You need to change the season to spring to get the floating box.
But when I go to the puzzle it doesn’t let me move the pieces of the puzzle!?
You can only move the puzzle of the season you’re in. If you didn’t open the floating box yet, then you haven’t changed to autumn yet. You said you still have the rusty key, so your next move should be to change to spring and open the floating box.
How do I change to spring from summer?
Did you get the yellow heart stone yet?
I am in summer. I need to go to screen 8 to take back the spyglass but screen 10 won’t let me go right to 8. Help!
Screen 8 has nothing to do with the spyglass. And screen 10 doesn’t lead to screen 8.
Hi! I’m just starting this game and am already stuck. Argh! I’m in Autumn — there’s a maple leaf in my journal — and although I’ve pushed the squares on the door to open it in the pattern that’s given (it’s the screen to the right after taking the flints) it won’t open. Help!
Double check that you pushed the right ones. I never heard of that puzzle not working.
Okay. I’ve done this a couple of times. May I ask you this: all the squares are tan to start and turn darker brown when pushed in. It appears in the drawing that you push in 3 squares across the top and 3 on the right side. Is that what you have?
Only the middle two on the top and middle two on the right are pushed in, not 3.
That’s in addition to the ones in a pattern to the left
Yup, I had screwed this up. Just got thru. thanks for your help!
Oops. Wrong screens. I am in summer. I want to get to screen 10 but I can’t go right from 9. I want to retrieve the spyglass. Help
Retrieve it from where? You use it twice and then it’s gone.
How do I get to screen 10 please
Climb up the tree in screen 9.
Thank you
What screen is the secret room and use what 2 clues
It opens up in the ground on screen 15. And you’ll need the clue from the sundial and from the golden moon.
Oh I’m so near the end. I’ve got the first half of sun code on the sundial and the golden moon is in place on screen 33 but I must have missed the second sun code clue. Where can I find it now
It should be in your journal on the same page.
Is there a easy way to switch over to a different #ed screen? I find that I need to keep pulling up the map to figure out where I am.
Nope, sorry. But as you play, you should get more familiar with the different screens. Just have fun exploring 🙂
i have done everything, now in screen 23, but its also not letting me complete autumn puzzle, cant figure out what the problem is, its saying tile cannot move, i do have the autumn flower, but still… please help
The flower shouldn’t have anything to do with it. As long as you’re in autumn, you should be able to move the tiles.
i figure out what the problem is, there is no particular objective in summer to complete the tile, so everyone skips it, but then when they move to autumn the tile doesnt move as the summer one is unfinished, so first we have to switch back to summer, solve summer tile, then move to autumn again, then everyone should be able to move the tiles
cant find the flowers code on screen 26 plz help!!!!
You mean the box? You need to be in summer to see the X and then dig with the trowel.
Where or how can I find something which holds the chain at screen 28? And how can I take the broken tile at screen 17? It says that I can’t reach it – not even with a rope…
You need the hook for the chain. And you get that tile by unlocking the lion.
Where I can find the hook?
You need the silver lion key to get it, which is in the urn.
Help ! I found tje silver key, but where is the lion ? I thought I found it (on screen 17 ?) but the silver key doen’t work with that lion ! Heeelp
That’s the wrong lion.
I have the silver lion key but I don’t find the silver lion statue?
It’s on the island. You cross when the lake freezes over.
whats the gold snake code for the flower box
Look at the numbers and colors.
The puzzle on screen 8. Helppppp!!!!!! 🙁
I ant open the flower box! I’ve followed all your hints and the picture above and it still won’t open. Need help please. Also Can post the pic of the flower color combination on the box to be able to open it?
I cant find the rope to climb down the cliff! Can someone please help me!
It’s in the treehouse.
I took the lever and used it to slide 36, but I forgot to use it to the fire and now it doesn’t let me take it again. What can i do?
You don’t need to use the lever again.
In the last step I want to put winter heart stone back into the statue so I can get summer stone, but it wouldn’t let me. What should I do? Thank you!
I’m in Autum mode but the Autum puzzle tiles won’t move.
i am at step 24 and it says change the do i change it when there is no heart at this stage
im only on level 1 trying to type the code into screen 3..and i have it correct but the door wont open!
Double-check and make sure you have it right.
what season do you need to be in to get the charcoal i have done everything right put just cant get the charcoal at all
You need to light the fire during a dry season (summer/fall) and then douse it during a wet season (spring).
Yayyyy completed the game am startin all over again ive enjoyed this game kept me busy all dat today yayyyyy xx
Where is screen 8, I dont no
How do u get pasted the thorn bush. xx
use the machete taken from screen 18…to get to screen 18 use step 14 in the step by step instructions.
thank you so much for this. It took a good 3 to 4 hours to beat this game using this site. Without this I would of been playing for days and most likely get so frustrated and put it down and not finish. The only times I got confused was when you said “change the season to” such and such without reminding which screen the right statue was on. but other than that awesome!!!
I am at the box puzzle in room 18 and have no idea how to solve it. It seems to be the only puzzle you don’t have as a screen shot already. Can you help please? I love this game and am scary addicted. Thanks! 🙂
I can’t find the floting box where is it I haven’t done plug up the water because I dont know how to do it and can u tell me with the screens please thank u .
What do I do to get the puzzle piece thats too high if I already used the trowel?
How can I get back to the statue to change the seasons
I can,t find where to change the season to spring.
i can’t find orange flower & in screen 36 it doesn’t have bridge on my screen
Where do you find the price that goes in the slot to get. the bridge?
Peice *
I forgot to do the winter puzzle before I picked the red flower. How do I get the blue stone back so I can complete the winter puzzle?
You can change the seasons as much as you want once you have the stone for that season in the statue. Just press the button on the right statue and the season will change.
The moon and sun puzzle is not opening the bars and I have done both clues.
I am stuck at the very end in the same situation. Everything has been done, sun and moon are in correct positions according to clues, however bars to the last chamber with statue do not open. Any idea what I could possibly missed?
I’ve seen this question asked but can’t quite figure it out. When I try to complete the winter puzzle it tells me that the pieces can’t be moved. I can’t seem to get it to work and I can’t get past this point, help?
Your help was invaluable, thank you so much for this. I have completed the puzzle and now I can sleep lol.
I’m stuck at screen 8 with the floor puzzle. I have been to the screen with the clue and rubbed the charcoal on it and swept the floor in screen 8 to do the puzzle but I still can’t seem to get the right code for it… When I go back to look at the clue it is to hard to read… Can someone put up a screen shot for the floor puzzle please!
Help!!! I’m stuck at screen 8 with the floor puzzle. I have been to the screen with the clue and rubbed the charcoal on it and swept the floor in screen 8 to do the puzzle but I still can’t seem to get the right code for it… When I go back to look at the clue it is to hard to read… Can someone put up a screen shot for the floor puzzle please!
I placed the half moon in the cave with the silver bowl. Can i still finish the game?
Never mind, i figured it out. Thanks for your great tutorial. Had been at t this for hours.
Couldn’t have done it without your help
Hi! How can I remove the broken tile on Screen 17? the one which is on the entrance of the cave? everytime i click it, it says, the tile is too high.. Help me please. I’m stuck. Thank you!
Hi. I can’t find the trowel. Please tell me where it is.
Thankyou 🙂
Ich habe einen Frage
Laut Tipp soll man im FrΓö£Γò¥hling den rostigen
SchlΓö£Γò¥ssel verwenden aber wo soll ich den
Rostigen SchlΓö£Γò¥ssel verwenden???
Hi, I am curious, miniin general, how to know what season I should be in to accomplish all the tasks throughout the game. Is there a clue somewhere each time I need to solve a task?
Usually it’s logical. Like if something’s frozen, you need to get it to melt. Or vice versa. Winter is usually easy to figure out, but the other seasons are a bit trickier, so it takes a bit of trial and error.
Thank You,
After the season changed initially early on in the game, it never occurred to me that I would or even could go back to the Woman statue to change seasons to keep moving forward in the game play. What a little tricky idea the developer included. I hope I am not the only one who didn’t get it! Oh well, I progressed quite well before getting hopelessly STUCK and happened onto this site to get answers. Thank you for being here. I would have had to just give up!
Eh this sounds bad but I’m at the very start and on screen 3 I do the wee thing with the pattern from the wall onto the door but it refuses to let me in. Please help me. I beg of you.
I have solved the lock puzzle on the box on screen 18. I never get the winter heart stone. I have picked up the machete and placed one tile piece. Am I doing something wrong?
Looking at some other questions…I too, have already picked the red flower. Was the a mistake?? Can’t get the winter stone…have solved that puzzle 10 times!!
Which puzzle isn’t working for you! Forgive me, it’s been a while since I last played the game.
Can someone tell me how to solve egg puzzle at the sreen where you mix the flower?
U got reply yet?
I cannot get the gate to open at the end