Escape: Knight’s Glory
By: WaveA
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First take the watering can from under the butterfly picture. Go right and take the handle from under dining table. Go right, attach that handle to the barrel and fill up the watering can. Use it on fireplace, read the wall and take and take the ice pick. Now go and take white horse and remove his jewel eye with ice pick. Go to the painting of a shell, attach that jewel to the frame. Open that safe in order of butterflies you read about in fireplace (8 left, 2 right). Take the CD and put it in PC. Turn it on. You need password. You find in when u combine clues from bottom of the white horse, chess book and chess board. Pass is NKQR but u have to get through those clues to be able to use it. Take the crank from small box next to that pc and use it to open balcony shatters. Before you go there, take the slice bar that’s placed next to the fireplace, by using ice pick. Now go the balcony and take knife from the plant. Go left and take half of valve from shelf using slice bar. Read and examine the memo on table. Go back inside and take the charcoal from fireplace. Then go to the painting of red flower, use knife on it and take second half of valve. Turn left and cut off piece of wire from desk lamp. Go back to the balcony and fix the switch box with piece of wire. Turn right, combine 2 halfs of valve and use it to open blue shutter. Take the red jewel and place it in to white horse eye. Now you can replace black horse with white one and balcony door won’t close. Turn over that memo on table and use charcoal on it. You find clue for last password. Go back inside and place black horse to the stand where you took white one. Now u can use that password ( pass=# look in to chess book). Fin
Thanks to Jakub for the walkthrough!
Hi, does anyone know what to do with the bar slice ?
And what about the code for the safe behind the safe ?
I’m stuck !
Sorry. Behind the frame
help, what is chess code for cd rom?
look at the bottom of white horse . it says
A3 C7 E2 H4 E5 , and it means knight,king ,queen,pawn and rook
so the password is NKQR
Please help !. How do you open the safe behind the frame ?
the comment in the fire about blue to the left yellow to the right, that related to the picture of butterflies, count those then turn safe appropriately
I can move red arrow only to red dots (I have 4 blue and 2 yellow butterflies)
First take the watering can from under the butterfly picture. Go right and take the handle from under dining table. Go right, attach that handle to the barrel and fill up the watering can. Use it on fireplace, read the wall and take and take the ice pick. Now go and take white horse and remove his jewel eye with ice pick. Go to the painting of a shell, attach that jewel to the frame. Open that safe in order of butterflies you read about in fireplace (8 left, 2 right). Take the CD and put it in PC. Turn it on. You need password. You find in when u combine clues from bottom of the white horse, chess book and chess board. Pass is NKQR but u have to get through those clues to be able to use it. Take the crank from small box next to that pc and use it to open balcony shatters. Before you go there, take the slice bar that’s placed next to the fireplace, by using ice pick. Now go the balcony and take knife from the plant. Go left and take half of valve from shelf using slice bar. Read and examine the memo on table. Go back inside and take the charcoal from fireplace. Then go to the painting of red flower, use knife on it and take second half of valve. Turn left and cut off piece of wire from desk lamp. Go back to the balcony and fix the switch box with piece of wire. Turn right, combine 2 halfs of valve and use it to open blue shutter. Take the red jewel and place it in to white horse eye. Now you can replace black horse with white one and balcony door won’t close. Turn over that memo on table and use charcoal on it. You find clue for last password. Go back inside and place black horse to the stand where you took white one. Now u can use that password ( pass=# look in to chess book). Fin
It was another great escaping game but it took me longer to write this down then get through the game. I hope it helped.
I’m stuck on the balcony, shutters are closed and cant get back inside ….please help ; )
If u guys know about some more good “escape room” type of games leave some comments. I NEED MORE!
Thanks for the walkthrough! 🙂
Have you played all these games?
Thanks. I tried to find those games but I gues they are not for Android yet. I love games from IDAC so I hope they’ll make them for Droid soon.
Have you tried DOOORS and 100 Floors? I think those are on Android.
The Lost City is another good one.
I played Doors and 100 Floors already. I can’t find The lost city for Droid. Thanks anyway 😉
I believe Escape Room: Limited Time is for Droid, and we iOS folks can’t get it 🙁
I played thisone for little while. I didn’t like it much but it has good reviews. Maybe its just because I played free version. I’ll try it out soon. Thanks again
Stuck on the balcony….shutters are closed and I cant get back inside??????
U have to fix that switch box before u take that horse from balcony. Put that horse back to open shutters and follow my walk-through.