Escape Game: “Penthouse”
Feel free to ask for help in the comments section until a walkthrough is posted.
Escape Game: “Penthouse”
Feel free to ask for help in the comments section until a walkthrough is posted.
Has anyone started? I’ve gotten silver plate,rope,cork screw,screwdriver and a few other things. The biggest problem is getting the wine weight to work. Any help I need. Thxs.
Look from the top of those wine glasses, it wrote 6,4,0. And the weight of jar (10 dl), middle glass (5 dl), right glass (3 dl). Then, do following steps. Step 1: Pour jar into middle glass; step 2: pour middle one into right one; step 3: pour right one into jar (now weight should be 8, 2, 0). Step 4: pour middle into right (8,0,2). Step 5: pour jar into middle (3,5,2). Step 6: pour middle into right (3, 4, 3). Last step: pour right into jar (6,4,0). Done unlocked 🙂
Kaka, THANKS ALOT.. It worked. Can u tell me what to use in the hole behind the joker and how to get the last lite on by the pool???
i need help for the code in the book, I try 195 But dosent work 🙁
Hi Anne,
If I remember to get the cd,code for book is 802. I’m off to try to figure the joker and pool parts out. LOL.
Thanks Empy!
I still can’t find out how to press the hole behind the joker. Last nite, u mean the fourth nite? If yes, u can check the book shelf, there is a bottom to switch on the nite. Btw, I can’t find the DVD , can I ask for help please? ThanksΓò¼├┤Γö£ΓöÉ╬ô├▓├ª
Hi Kaka, I’ve got the lite already pressed and on slightly above the 4 lime green books. I read a little bit in got mail forum about an icepick for the hole behind the joker.But,for the life of me I have tapped 100 times all over and can’t find one. I’m stuck at that point. The DVD is in the book to the right of the green books and the code is 802. If u figure ever how to poke hole behind the joker let us know. I’m ready to purchase another game. Thxs…
Hi I need major help, I have entered 802 like hundreds of times but still nothing happens. And how do I get the wine out I already have cloth, screwdriver, corkscrew,chair,wine glass,tray, bow tie and board. How do I open the cupboard and how do I get dvd, and musical note that I got from the cat what to do with that and also how to get ice pick.
I think you should at least to get the chair and then go to the curtain to read “triangle = 33” before you enter the password
KAka if i r reading plss help me to slove this game
Opps, typo , should be lite
Typo again haha button on the shelf I mean
Finally escaped.
Go back to the wine scale and this time it’s 542 and it should click. On the left side there should be an ice pick to push little hole behind the joker. U should be able to escape after that. Don’t drain pool or it’s a bad ending. Use key u get in pool for the door on the patio. LOL….
Poor me, how can u figure out the DVD password as 802? Tks very much
Blind had 33
1st stool on bottom had 2
Joker had 96
Tap book on shelf
Wine scale had 640
Square=66 (33 times 2) joker 96
***66+96+640=802 will open book to get CD. I really struggled for days and aliitle help from my husband.
i have 640,96. then, where i can get 33?
FINISH !! Ufffffff
I am pressing both sides of the cupboard at the bar at the same time but it won’t open. What am I doing wrong?
Hi dolly, u have to get to the pool area before u can push the buttons. The scale by pool is I think 4.0 and there a wide metal thing u need.
Hi empty: super thanks. But I’m stuck after the DVD. I can’t place the glass onto the wine scale 🙁 anything need to do with the chair? Help help~ stupid me
Kaka what to do I have to do with the chairs (I have the illustration from the cat) and how do I return the wine glass onto the wine scale?
Place that illustration on tv then u can solve chair puzzle. Also use that illustration in vine scale
Good finally escaped. 😉
how did you get the key off the bottom of the pool
Thank you Empty. You have been great.
How to set the blinds to open red box?
How do I open the red box? Also what do I use to press the button on the bookshelf?
what do i do with funny ilustration from the cat? i know its something to do with chairs…
Have a note from cat.empty glass and screwdriver. Got 4lights on pool now I’m stuck. Help pls.
How do you get the cat to give you a note? Ive pressed the button on the book shelf, but I dont know what it does. Please help!!
Also I havent found the pool.
hell frds …..i stuck on press the boton behind the joker i win glass swreedriver bottle opener cd plss help
hello if u have figure out give note plss help to escape
Stuck, what do you do with silver plate. Also where’s the screwdriver? X
where do u find silver plate
helloo is there any one hear to help me in sloved this game i m stuck on joker bheind switch and how to open the wine door plss help and how to take note from cat plss some budy reply
Stuck on the bar stools from the illustration. Please help!
Jeff did you figure out the bar stools already? I’ve tapped gazillion times nothing happens.
You can freeze rope in freezer. Use frozen rope to get to button above green books.
Screwdriver is by tall potted plant, near the pot.
Joker panel can only be unscrewed after all 4 lights on pool.
hey any one is there i stuck fron 3day i sloved scale wine 640 and get 2key than i sloved book lock 802 than i slove 4light now i stuck on red box …..don:t get note from cat and can’t press the switch behind the joker card and done now how to open the the wine door plss give some hint yaar is plsssssssssssssss
How do you get the note from the cat? Also, I have the philips screwdriver, but it wont let me take the screws off the joker card picture. What am I doing wrong? Please help me!!
u will able to screw off from jpker when u switch on the 4light on of pool side one switch on book self bwt green book 2nd on right side on frize u need hevey metal sheaf to switch on ……u will find on pool side and note u have to adujust 4kg….. 3rd is on pool side
please help me understand what to do with that board from the scale. i am so stuck
Curtains, from left to right:
open, part open, closed, part open, open.
Opens red box below
Thanks imran & helix!
This game still has me stumped! I opened the red box, got the tray & put on cats hand, still something is missing & I still cant access pool area!
hey put sliver plate on cat hand and than put wine class on sliver plate than cat will give u a note try this
Please help me! How do you get the cat to give you a note & how do you open up the cabinet with the wine bottles?
What do you think should go on a sommeliers tray?
I would think a wine glass or bottle would go on the sommelier tray, problem is… I cant gey access to the cabinet that has glassses & bottles,. How do I open it, or is there a glass somewhere else I am missing?
Go back to the wine glass weighing scale.use the key to unlock the wine glass
hey put sliver plate on cat
hand and than put wine glass
on sliver plate than cat will give
u a note try this…..after u get illustration than u slove chair puzzle than wine cabinet will open
Imran where can I find the wine glass?
tried this and it didnt work, no note
For the love of God what am I supposed to do with the bar stools. I don’t understand the illustration from the cat. Help. Please please.
Now i m stuck with chair i have illustration but i.can’t slove this stupid chair puzzle help !
Place that illustration on tv then u can solve chair puzzle
Hi everyone….is the cat illustration something to do with piano/music note? why I can’t put back the wine glass to get the icepick?
For the barstools, go to the TV and click to the Delicious Wine page. Combine the illustration with the screen and configure the bar stools accordingly. Still trying to figure out what happens next…
from the wine scale ……hey u slove wine scale puzxle 640….than u will get 2key from u can unlock wine glass from wine scsle which locked bu chain ……
Imran did u figure out how to deal with the chairs? Please help.
Ya finally i sloved chair puzzle 1st u have to go to tv than illusrtsion tab on delious wine tab with illusrtsion u get from cat tab 3/4 time than u will get music note than go to chair arrange 1st chait full up 2nd one ztep down from 1st chair 3rd 2step.down u make steps left to righr
hope u understand All the best
I dont understand the first 3 lines of ur reply Imran. Rephrase it please. Thanks!
go to the TV and
click to the Delicious Wine page. or the barstools, go to the TV and
click to the Delicious Wine page.
Combine the illustration with the
screen than u will get music note by combine illustration and Delicious wine……than go to bar chair and arrange the chair 1st chair which u had screw off arrange full up 2nd 1step down from 1st chair 3rd 2step down from 2nd chair hope now u had understand
Finished it. Thanks!
Where do you find this silver tray? Thanks
u will find from red box ……before u unlock u have to slove Curtains, from left to right:
open, part open, closed, part
open, open.
Opens red box below hope it will heplfull to u
finally good end yepe……..done remove water from pool otherwise u will get bad end LOL…….
go to the TV and
click to the Delicious Wine
page. go to
the TV and
click to the Delicious Wine
Combine the illustration
with the
screen than u will get music
note by combine illustration
and Delicious wine……than
go to bar chair and arrange
the chair 1st chair which u
had screw off arrange full
up 2nd 1step down from
1st chair 3rd 2step down
from 2nd chair hope now u
had understand
Where can I find the Cork screw?
Im having trouble, I have a screwdriver & all lights turned.on at the pool area. I can see the key attached to bottom of pool, but it wont let me take of screws with the philips screwdriver. Can anyone help me please?
Hey I got the plate froze the rope (still don’t know what the button does after posing it with frozen rope) I put the plate on cats hand and have no clue where toget wine to put on to of the plate. Previous comments ask the same but peoplkeep posting “put the wine on the plate” what wine? Lol im so lost .. Also the buttons at the same time? I need the note from the cat I got the dvd … Please help I love idac but cant.get through this one.thank you for future hints.
Vinny, after you solve the wine scale, zoom into wine scale then press on the far right & there is a secret compartment that opens up & there will be 2 keys. Use the keys to unlock the locked wine glass on the wine scale, put the glass on the tray on cats paw. Hope this helps, it took me forever to find the keys!
I put the glass on the tray on cats paw and nothing happens! Help please.
Never mind, just figured it out 🙂
I have wine, the glass, screwdriver, and the paper with notes. I’m stuck! I’m missing something, I can’t get the glass back on the scale
Where is the corkscrew????
Why is the code 802 not working for the book to get the DVD? I think I’m going to give up on this one cuz I can’t go any further. I do these all the time. This one is really stumping me.
You first have to find all clues before code will work..
I can’t get 802 to work on the book either
I also can’t find any number in the blinds
Number is on the outer right blind. You need the chair to step on and see it.
Thought I had all the clues but figured out I didn’t have the blind. Couldn’t figure out why it would go to the corner but I couldn’t see anything. Thanks.
what in the HELL am i supposed to do with the board i found in the scale!
You can use it to switch on the fourth light. At the bar you have to press the two buttons at the same time. You can use the board to do so.
Please help me with the winescale someone.. I have the note from the cat, but the numbers on the scale won’t change.
Its 540 I think. Help me! I have 3 lights on in pool only2 lights on board. I have screwdriver and board HELP PLEASE. I’ve clicked stuff a zillion times
All I have left is the screwdriver it won’t push through the hole in the Joker
Yes thank you. I know what the numbers on the scale are supposed to be but they won’t change from 640 to the other numbers. Ahhh!
Mine did not change either
Mine says 542andi can’t use anymore
I cannot get the note from the cat! Any suggestions?
How do u turn on patio lightbulb?
For those who finished, can u just post the walkthrough here? I’m very confusedbecause the steps are jumbled everywhere.
How am I supposed to get that key in the pool??
I got it. Done. Phew. Whoever wants me to post hints?
I nd lots of help I did all steps for cd but 802 dnt work
angel please post hints please please
I have pool drained.Cant figure out how to obtain key out of pool.
I flushed the pool……uh oh, never mind, I’ll restart
I can’t get the glass back on the scale. How do I do it?? I have the glass, screwdriver, piano illustration and wine bottle!
Please help. How do you get a glass for the cat tray? I looked at the 640. What now?
Thanks for getting me moving again with the 802 code. If someone wants to explain how the square,triangle,and,circle relate to 66,96and 640,i’d be very interested! I honestly don’t know how your supposed to figure this out.
Believe I have found everything n have done everything except scale again to get left side door to open.Not sure if went ahead too far and why its not workin.Not able to place glass back.Have wine bottle but not sure whats next.
Found corkscrew.Used scale again n obtained ice pick.Poked hole behind joker.Went to pool.Drained n now has a key screwed down in pool.Only lets me take one screw out,pics have turned.Confused on what to do next.
How doyou do scale? Please hrlp?
I have a wine bottle , glass ,screw n the note..but i’m unable to put glass back to the wine scale …. Plzz help me.. What should I do now …. ?
Someone please tell me how the wine glass scale works. I know what I want to do but can’t get the thing to work. I am tapping and tapping on the glasses and the wine gets from one glass to another randomly. Am i supposed to double tap or single tap or what?!! Just getting irritated now…
Can some one help me i have a crokscrew screw driver and cloth i used the rope and plate for the cat need help i did the 640 on the scale i did the red box i need to get the chair and the note and wine glass someone please help me
how do u get the chair and i cant get the wine glasses to work i know how to do it but cant get it to work
How do you even get the lights on?!
I know there’s a button by the bar table, but yeah, I don’t know how to press the frigging buttons. =.=
.. Never mind. I escaped. YAY.
I’m writing up the walkthrough to post in the comments. How did you guys get the 5,4,2 for the wine section?
okay, first thing you see: the door.
Zoom out, swipe right to see the bookshelves. Zoom in on the potted plant. The Phillips screwdriver should be there for the taking. Zoom out, swipe right, go to the balcony. You’ll see 5 lamps. Each is showing the arrangement for the blinds in the bookshelves room. The amount of light shining represents the extent you should adjust your blinds. As you roll the right-most blind up completely (hint hint about the blinds), you should notice a little something in the far corner. You’ll see it later, but tap at it for now. Adjust all the blinds and you’ll have a sound coming from below. Zoom in on that little red box, cos that’s where it came from. Take out the small tray. Zoom out first, then zoom in the middle to find the diet book. Tap on the info given, you’ll need it later.
Swipe to the balcony and click on the table with 3 wine glasses atop a scale. This is your good ol’ game of pouring things around to obtain a certain volume of liquid in each glass. But the thing is, you don’t know how much to pour in each glass… So tap the rim of the middle glass. You’ll now see 6,4,0, meaning 6dl, 4 dl and 0 dl.
Here’s how it goes…
10 0 0
5 5 0
5 2 3
8 2 0
8 0 2
3 5 2
3 4 3
6 4 0
Okay, now before you happily zoom out, thinking that the sound came form elsewhere, no. It came from the scales. Don’t believe me? Tap on the right and see! Yay, you’ve got 2 keys. Use one on the 0dl wine glass. You’ll need it.
Swipe to the place with the bar chairs. Zoom in on the space between the wall and fridge. You’ll find a bottle opener. (or corkscrew). Just take it. Could be useful.
Now, get back to the bookshelves. Zoom in on the right side of the shelves and tap on the stack of yellow books. You should see a square + triangle + circle.
Now, remember yourself grumbling that you can’t see anything on that blind? You’ll need a chair. Go to the bar. Feel free to zoom in on the legs of all three chairs, but you can only unscrew one of them with the Phillips screwdriver- the left-most one. Take out all screws and remove the chair. Take the chair to the blinds.. Ah, now you see it. The triangle = 33. Tap on it. Next, look at your chair. Tap on the bottom of it. You’ll see triangle x 2. Well, you now know that 66 is involved somewhere. Now zoom out and go look at that horribly weird picture of the joker. Zoom in on his… erm… just zoom in on him. You’ll see Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├║96Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├æ. Tap on that. Note that it is in a circle. Now, get back to the bookshelves and the yellow book. Yes, I know you have not found the square yet, but if you think carefully, you already did. Look at the square on the book again. Where in the room did you encounter something with a shade of red and something square/rectangular? The wine scale! And what was on the wine scale the last time we left it? 6,4,0. So, now follow the book’s instructions and do 640 + 66 + 96 (wine scales + 2xtriangle + circle value of 96). Got 802? Enter it in. Hooray! You got the book! Take out the DVD that is in there.
Now, to the unknown object beside the balcony of lights. Unravel the rope and take the cloth and you’ll find a rather cute sommelier cat. Note the right paw is empty. Place the tray and glass on top of it. Now you must be wondering why nothing is happening. It’s because it’s still missing something. You’ll find that something.. in the next room. Find that door that you have not explored before. Your keys should be able to be used here. You open the door and… you see a swimming pool. Now, swipe right and look at the table. See a bow tie? That’s what’s missing! Take it and go find Sommelier Cat. Stick the ribbon on his neck and a small door will open out of its chest. Take out the piece of paper in the cat. You should see a piano and a cup of wine and dots. Now, let’s watch a little tv.
If you explored it earlier, you would realise that it was inaccessible. Now, take that DVD and play it on the TV.
Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├║Don’t remove the water.Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├æ Heed it or not, you decide.
Tap on and you’ll see Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├║Delicious WineΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├æ . You see those 5 lines there? What do they resemble? Of course, the music staff! Use that piece of paper you took earlier and see what I mean.
Now, find the bar. According to the paper, there are 3 pink dots. So, put that chair back.
Now follow that piece of paper and turn up the left-most chair to the highest level. Follow the position of the other 2 pink dots and you’ll unlock the cabinet.
Now that we’ve come this far, let’s celebrate. Grab the wine bottle and open it! 😀 You’ll need it later anyway.
Now get to pool. You do notice that only the diamond part of the pool is lit, right? We need to get the rest on. Now, zoom out, and tap on the wooden wall in the far right. You should see a button with a small heart. Tap on it and you’ll see the heart sector lit. Now, go to the cabinet by the pool. Open it to find scales. Obviously, because it’s been kept there for a while it’s dirty, so wet the cloth in the pool and wipe it. Tap on the pool and use your cloth. Step on the scale. Now, obviously you can’t be so overweight to weigh over 100 kilos. It is obviously broken. You can hop off the scale now. Now, remember that diet book I told you to look at earlier on? There is a board, indeed, on the scale. But it weighs 4.0 kilos. So, zoom back on the scale press the 4 buttons on the scale to get a digitised 4.0. It’ll take a while, but once you’ve found out how the mechanisms of the buttons work, you’re fine. Now zoom out and take that board. Now let’s be more efficient, shall we? Go to the bookshelves. Zoom in on the shelves you found that yellow book. Now, bring your eyes to the green books on the shelves above and bring them slowly down until you see something between the shelves. Zoom in…and you found a button! But your screwdriver is apparently unable to be used to poke at it. So, we’ll have to do something else. Back to the bar. Now, we do have something thin to reach that button, but it’s rather flimsy- it’s your rope. Place your rope in the freezer. Meanwhile, let’s switch on another light. Zoom back out to the bar and zoom into the side table at the top left corner of the table. You will see two small buttons. Use your board and press on them. Wait for a while more and your rope will start freezing up. Meanwhile, take that glass from the Sommelier cat. You don’t need him anymore. Is your rope frozen now? Good. Go to that spot I pointed out in the bookshelves and poke at that button. Now, back to the pool. You’ll see 4 spots of light, obviously similar to the framed picture. But we still need something to light the pool up. Go back to the picture of the joker. You see those screws? Remove them.You’ll find a small hole. But your screwdriver is again not enough to poke at it. Go back to the wine scales. This time, it is 5,4,2 you have to attain. But you only have 10 dl, when your required amount is 11dl. That is when your new bottle of wine and cup comes in.
6 4 0
5 4 1
Add in wine into the third cup. TADA. Tap on the left side. An ice pick! 😀
Go poke that button with the ice pick!
Now, the pool looks inviting. Go into the water! Your Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├║jokerΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├æ lies in the black and red checkered pressure plate. Rumble rumble… Something should have moved. Zoom out and tap on the club tile.. IT MOVES. Problem: You don’t know what arrangement to make of them. Go back to the painting. The symbols have changed. Match the pool tiles with the painting. Something will appear… A key!
Go find that door you first saw in the beginnin-oh wait it doesn’t work. Guess you’ll have to go down 20 floors then.
So, you are down in the water… you see the screwed cage of keys. Tap it and you’ll find that those keys lead to the bedroom.. which allow you to enter the elevator to the main floor. You figured that you should use your screwdriver. But you can’t exactly screw it well in the water.
So… drain the water. That is, if you wanna rebel against the Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├║Don’t remove the water.Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├æ thing. Swipe left and go to the far corner. You’ll see a blue valve. Turn it to drain the water. Go back to the pool and use your screwdriver on the cage. Get the keys and go to that door you first saw in the beginning.
Wine scale for second time, how do you have an idea about 542 .
My glasses still show 640.. So get stucked
Thanks! I escaped. 🙂
How do I move the wine glasses
You can pure wine in and out of each containers on the weight scale.
Arrange seperating to 640 then you will get a key to unlock the last little glass.
How do I turn a blue valve to drain the water?
No need to turn a valve at all.
Help~! I’ve turned all the lights on, and I just need to put the wineglass back to get the ice pick to poke the button behind Joker, but I CAN’T put the wineglass back. D= Pls help~!
For the other ending just arrange the tiles at the bottom of the pool. Back out come back and do it again. I believe I did it about 6 times and the let floated to the top. Then you have to exit down the stairs. Then you get the good ending.
Sorry I ment the key floated to the top.
The card signs next to the joker will change to show you how to arrange the tiles in the pool.
I can’t pull up the blinds , I wonder if it’s a bug in the game
or maybe Im missing something?
I’ve managed to do almost anything else but I’m stuck because
I can’t open the red box.
how do I pull up a blind, do I press it?
I just wanna say that it sucks moving wine around. It is so frustrating. Fix this so people don’t give up to quickly.
I have done everything to what Christine said but I cannot put the wine glass back on the scale! HELP!!
HELP it won’t let me put the wine glass back on the scale
Do I have to start over? I didn’t read the rest of your tip on the measuring glasses, after I got the numbers, I left instead of getting the keys, now it won’t open.
Ok, I started over and got as far as to put the wine glass back on wine weight, but it will not go back on??? Help please?
I put the tray and wine glass on the cats paw but i didn’t get a note. What am i doing wrong?