Escape Game: “Mountain Hut”
Feel free to ask for help in the comments section until a walkthrough is posted.
Escape Game: “Mountain Hut”
Feel free to ask for help in the comments section until a walkthrough is posted.
Stuck on the mountain plus head plus sky clue (is this for the blue safe in the armoire?) as well as how to get the chain off the door.
Add them together and then divide by two and split it again to get 410
Stuck on the box in the next room I don’t understand it,please help!
anna, there are 2 box. one is opened with hammer,other with cutter(sorry for bad English)
Thanks Irene,but I meant to the one with the buttons on,the drawing of a clock points on 12 on him.
How do I solve this?
you must know this: R90Γö¼Γûæ means that: the clock next to the dial is turned by 90Γö¼Γûæ that means 3 is 12
sorry for bad english
I have a knife and a metal file. What should I do next?
Where did you find them?
I have no idea what I’m doing lol. Where to I find the things I need?
the first use coin(from flashlight) to turn bottom on this box,then flashlight in paper with ‘light’, there is a note how open this box.
Light code someone please help
Use the flashlight toward the paper on the locked box with words “light” on. Go to the jackets, you will find a paper with a clock on it , pointing at 00:00, and R90. Turn 90 degrees then it’s 3:15. The light clue says put single digit numbers in ascending,so tap three buttons form left to right. Then the light clue says double digit numbers in descending, then press 15
button form right to left 15
Use the flashlight toward the paper on the locked box with words “light” on. Go to the jackets, you will find a paper with a clock on it , pointing at 00:00, and R90. Turn 90 degrees then it’s 3:15. The light clue says put single digit numbers in ascending,so tap three buttons form left to right. Then the light clue says double digit numbers in descending, then press 15
buttons form right to left right after the ascending one. You will get a key.
Um i put 410 In that box it say worng number it right be side the table at
I only have a bottle of water, im stuck and i don’t know what im doing…
Ok, now i have a knife and a metal file, how do i cut the chain?
you must find the cutter
I can’t find anything. I only have the water bottle, which I poured into the tank with the seesaw and nothing happened. Please help?
the door in the glass box are opened if you pour the water in seesaw
Where is the flash light?
flashlight is in the box which opens with hammer. sorry for bad english
I dont know what to turn 90 degrees.when i press the clock it says it is perfectly normal.please help…how to turn and what….
90Γö¼Γûæ means the buttons are turned by 90Γö¼Γûæ.
sorry for bad english
I got a key from the dial-ting, but what are im going to do now? I can’t find anything to use it with exept the door. How do i do?
I don’t understand the box in the second room. I know it needs to be turned 90╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª, tap 3 of the circles from left to right and 15 from right to left. That’s the part I dont get there’s like only 7 or 9 circles.
where can i find the code number for that blue safe?? the only number i can find is 140, 680 & 820