Tesla’s Electric Mist
By: iCOOLgeeks
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Looking for the Chapter 1 Walkthrough?
Looking for the Chapter 3 Walkthrough?
Chapter 2 (October 10, 1899):
1. Open the door and head outside. Go away from this building and to the next one (the warehouse/workshop). Tap on the barrel below the street light and get the prybar/crowbar.
2. Leave and go past the warehouse. There’s a fork in the road. Go left.
3. Enter the saloon. Find the hidden achievement and examine the piano to see what’s missing.
4. Leave and go to the general store. You need to play a Simon Says game to unlock the door. Tap the green lights in the correct sequences. If you see four red lights, you need to tap the one that wasn’t lit up. Go inside.
5. Pick up the axe and find the hidden achievement.
6. There’s a box on the shelf. Open it and take the blue vacuum tube.
7. The tool/hardware store has a xylophone puzzle you can’t solve yet, so pass by and go to the metal shop. Pick up the bolt cutters.
8. Go to the meat market and solve the door puzzle to get in. You need to look at the Iran three shapes in each sequence and determine what the fourth shape would be. The first one is white triangle. The second is black diamond. Third is white upside-down triangle. Fourth is black triangle.
9. Take the cattle prod and get the hidden achievement.
10. Next, go to the undertaker and look through the coat of arms book on the counter.
11. Continue down the road to this structure. Use the crowbar remove the two wooden planks on the door and go inside.
12. There’s a box of transistors on the table. Take them and leave.
13. Go back to the fork in the road and go right. Enter the cave and take the green vacuum tube.
14. Go back to the warehouse and use the bold cutters on the padlock to open the door. Go inside and look at the blackboard to get a clue.
15. Open the drawer in the file cabinet to get a wooden mallet (for the xylophone).
16. There are two doors to the left. To open the right one, hold both buttons down at the same time. Go through. Get the hidden achievement and notice the puzzle on the table. We’ll come back to it later.
17. To open the left door, place the transistors in their correct slots and go in.
18. Take the long silver key from the table. Also peel back one of the posters to get the orange vacuum tube.
19. Go back to the house/building where you started and use the long silver key to unlock the downstairs door.
20. Go inside and tap on the crest to get a clue for your notepad (remember the book of crests from earlier?).
21. Take the left door to the kitchen and take the box of matches from the table. Also, open the door that leads outside. There’s a cellar door which we’ll come back to later.
22. Go back inside and take the middle door. There’s a candle inside the projector. Light it to get a clue for the xylophone.
23. Go out and take the right door. Tap the statue to get a clue (that you don’t need anymore).
24. Open the middle door. It’s a bathroom. Get the hidden achievement and notice there’s something shiny down the drain. You can’t get it yet.
25. Leave that room and take the left door. There’s a music box here but we can’t use it yet. Go back out.
26. The keypad on the right door is broken. Use the cattle prod to short circuit it and go inside. Find the hidden achievement.
27. Open the book on the night able to get a clue.
28. Open the dresser drawer to get the music scroll.
29. Go back to the tool/hardware store and solve the xylophone puzzle by hitting the keys in the order shown on the clue, using the wooden mallet.
30. Go inside and pick up the pipe wrench. Also get the hidden achievement.
31. Go back to the warehouse and through the right door to solve the puzzle on the table. Use the clue from the book. Lines mean green/on and O’s mean off. Take the purple vacuum tube.
32. Go back to the bathroom to get the shiny object. Use the pipe wrench on the pipe below the sink to get a long skeleton key.
33. Use the skeleton key to unlock the cellar door. Use the axe on the block of ice to get the piano crank and a cryptex puzzle tube.
34. Solve the cryptex using the book of crests and the clue from your notepad. Find the name of the family that uses that crest and that’s the solution to the puzzle. Get the odd little key.
35. Go back to the music box and use the odd little key on it to get the yellow vacuum tube.
36. Go back to the saloon and place the music scroll and crank on the piano. Press the button to make it start playing and get the red vacuum tube.
37. Go back to the broken time machine and replace all the old vacuum tubes with the new ones. Change the date to August (08) 15, as the blackboard suggested, to go back in time yet again.
Continue to Chapter 3 of the walkthrough.
I’m sorry – please, what are you referring to with “hidden achievements?”
If you tap on certain things in some areas, you’ll get a hidden achievement.
apparently either not anymore or not on android. I know I had clicked on some of the items but nothing happens in my game.
I googled and learned what the items were (sorry) and nope – not when I play. violin, teapot, hay – nothing at all. *sigh*
it’s ok – thanks for the w/t! I did need it in a couple of spots. on to chapter 3 now.