Ferris Mueller’s Day Off
By: Glitch Games
[DKB url=”https://www.appunwrapper.com/Mueller” text=”Download” title=”” type=”” style=”” color=”green” width=”” opennewwindow=”” nofollow=””]
1. After the cutscenes end, you’ll have a letter in your inventory. Keep that in mind.
2. Enter the Sheriff’s Office. Talk to him and he’ll ask you to get him a coffee. Agree and he’ll put a voucher on the desk. Look at it and snap a photo for later. Also take a look at the poster on the wall.
3. Leave and enter Paddy’s Saloon. Take the Golden Carrot from the bar and talk to the bartender. Ask him to make you some drinks and take them. Also take a look at the picture behind the bar. Notice the rainbow in it. Look at the rainbow photo by the piano. Then talk to the man sitting at a table.
4. Go up the stairs. Enter the Poker Room. Pick up the four candles. Look at the poker table. You can turn over the cards. Look at the poster on the wall.
5. Leave that room and enter the Mane Stage. Pick up a t-shirt, album and lighter from the merchandise table. Talk to Franc Cinelli. Learn more about his music. Take note of the lock on the guitar case and the lock on the door.
Click on the little numbers below to continue to the next page of the walkthrough.
For the cards puzzle, you do use the letters and so it is not just rhymes with. Owl does not rhyme with bowl!
He + art = heart
Li + bra = Libra
B+owl = bowl
H+eel = heel
I grabbed the 3 carrots from next to the tree – but theyΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗re not in my inventory- so I canΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t purchase the mule.
At point 36 the gahe asked purchase. I do not think it is worth it so I pass.