31. Go inside. You can’t do much yet, because the tree’s watching you. So leave and we’ll come back to this.
32. Go to the swamp and pick up the wild daisies.
33. Go back to the screen before the big staircase. Turn the magic staff’s power off and go into the dark cave to the left. Use the fairy on the darkness to light it up.
34. Pick up the shovel and the toadstools.
35. There’s a puzzle lock on the door to the left. To open it, you need to get all four bars to hit green at the same time. Some move slower than others, so tap the slowest first, and the fastest last. (I think the slowest was the 3rd, then the 1st, 4th and 2nd.) Then go through to the flowing lava. Use the ladle to collect some lava.
36. Go left to see the God of Earth statue, riding a horse. It’s missing a horseshoe. Also notice another spiral carving on the wall.
37. Go back to the big staircase that leads up to the dragon, use the magic staff, and pick the Slumber Berries.
38. Go back to the scene with the raven. Turn off the magic staff effect and use the shovel to dig where the raven was pecking. You’ll get an earthworm.
39. Now you have all three ingredients for recipe #2, Eternal Youth. Let’s go make a potion! Find the recipe in the book and press “Prepare Potion” to get the Eternal Youth potion.
40. Go to the God of Air statue and use the Eternal Youth potion on it. Take the Air Orb.
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The little numbers are not showing up on your walkthourghs anymore. Can’t get to next page. It use to work flawlessly.
Sorry, not sure why that might be. But you can still access the other pages by adding the number at the end of the URL.
there isnt any runestone at the graveyard. cant progress in the game. any ideas? thx