News: Challenging Puzzle Game Instantion Coming to iOS and Android April 10th


If you’re looking for a challenging puzzle game to play, keep an eye out for Instantion by Finjitzu Software. The game hits the iOS and Android app stores in just a few days, on Thursday, April 10th.

In Instantion, you create clones of yourself and use them to solve puzzles by making them flip switches and press buttons to open doors and create platforms so you can progress.

You create the clones by throwing seeds, and you can have up to three clones at a time. Destroying them to retrieve your seeds is easy, and you don’t need to worry about wasting them (unless you’re concerned about your grade).


So far, I’ve only played a few levels, but each one has made me use my brain. There are currently 50 levels, and from what I’ve seen, they’re each short enough to allow you to focus on one to two puzzles at a time, without much backtracking if you need to start over.

I’m really enjoying the game, and if you like a good puzzler that makes you think, check out Instantion in the Apple iOS and Amazon app stores this Thursday. And watch this YouTube video to see the game in action.


Here’s a little more info from the developer, Finjitzu:

“Using traditional Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£ΓöÉsling-shotΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗ aiming, the player can spawn clones to solve classic dungeon-style puzzles. Yes, this game has objects like switches, blocks, keys, lasers, bridges etc. Instantion adds some unique variety to its gameplay with:

-Gravity spheres
-Clone modifiers
-Energy fields

Combining these things with the non-traditional clone gameplay makes for some real head-scratchers. But eventually the light switch goes off and you figure it out.”

Release date: April 10, 2014
Price: $1.99
Platforms: iOS and Android

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