By: Finjitzu Software
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Click here for walkthroughs of all other chambers and levels.
Chamber 1, Level 7:
You’re introduced to lasers here, which can kill you or your clones. The first part is easy, though. Just push the block against the laser and jump onto the block and to the next checkpoint.
This next part requires some timing. First, get up onto the second platform. Notice that if you throw a seed up to the button, the block drops. It blocks he bottom laser, but not the top. So go back if you already threw a seed up there. Instead, you need to throw the seed and jump down the second the block hits the first laser.
Now you can push the block against the bottom laser and use it to climb up to the next checkpoint.
On this next part, get up close to the edge right before the laser. Throw a seed over the wall at the top to the platform. You may need to jump to get the seed higher.
Now walk left so you have room to get the clone going right. You need to walk the clone right so it falls off the edge and then to the right of the box. But make sure you don’t accidentally walk into the laser. Move right as needed. When the clone is to the right of the box, push the box left to block the laser.
Now just push the box the last little bit to the right so you can get onto it and to the exit.
Click here for walkthroughs of all other chambers and levels.