By: Finjitzu Software
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Chamber 2, Level 13:
There are two keys you need to get here. Let’s start with the first one. Stand on the white/moving platform. Throw a seed onto the button so the platform will rise. Then walk right onto the solid platform.
Stand at the edge of the platform and throw a seed up to the first platform above you.
Now carefully jump the clone right across the platforms and to the button at the top, shutting one of the lasers.
Now you can access the key. Walk right, pick it up and head back down. Use it to unlock the first door.
Now to get the second key. There may be more than one way to do it, but this is how I did it. First, stand to the right of the moving platform. Throw a seed onto the button, then run under it into the pit below.
Throw a seed at the platform across from you so the clone picks up the the key.
Let the clone drop to the bottom level, then retrieve its seed so the key will drop. Then go down and pick up the key yourself.
Now throw a seed up onto the left platform, along with the key.
Press the 1 button so you go back to the checkpoint. Then throw another seed on the button so you can get back down into the pit.
Throw a seed (with the key) out of the pit.
Press the 1 again so you go back to the checkpoint. Now you can run right, pick up the key and unlock the door. Head to the next checkpoint.
This next part has laser that’s blocking the key. First, go down to the bottom level. Then run all the way to the right side. Throw a seed onto the platform above you.
Go left so the clone pushes the block until it almost hits the key. Then retrieve the seed/clone.
Run all the way right again and throw a seed to the top platform.
Go left so the clone pushes the block onto the other block, blocking the laser. Then retrieve the seed.
Now you’re all the way to the left. Jump up the small platforms until you get back to the starting point. Then jump over to the key.
Throw the key with a seed over to the starting point, then press the 1 button to go back to the checkpoint.
Pick up the key and use it to unlock the door and head to the exit.
Continue to Level 14.
Click here for walkthroughs of all other chambers and levels.