Escape Game “Sweet White Insanity”
By IDAC CO.,LTD. (WaveA)
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Note: For all IDAC/WaveA games, make sure you tap each clue/item numerous times to make sure it doesn’t have anything else to tell you. If you miss something, the game might not let you use that clue to solve a puzzle.
1. First, read through the red, blue and black books on the desk.
2. Open the middle drawer to see this puzzle is missing a ball. We’ll come back to it later.
3. Turn around and look under the couch/sofa for a magazine.
4. Face the cabinet to the left of the sofa. Open the middle drawer to get a clue about balls floating in water.
5. Turn to the Christmas tree and pick the apple off it. It’s a real apple!
6. Also take the star from the top of the tree.
7. Look at the present under the tree. There’s a lock on it with a clue. Today’s date. That’s Christmas. Enter the month and day to unlock the box and get a kerosene cartridge for heaters.
8. Turn to the bed and turn up the mattress to get the knife.
9. Use the knife to cut open the apple and get a golden key.
10. Use the golden key to open the cabinet and get a stole.
11. Open the magazine to see what’s inside.
12. Look at the stuffed squirrel on the couch. Examine its tail for a clue.
13. Go back to the cabinet/dresser and place the star in the star slot. It starts glowing and changes colors when you press it. Pay attention to the colors. Then tap on the lock to the right of it and change the four squares to match those colors. Press ENTER. Open the drawer and get the plastic bottle.
14. Use the water bottle on the glass tube on the table so the ball floats to the top. Take the ball.
15. Go back to the desk drawer and place the ball with the others. A keypad will eject. The code is the answer to the equation. 50 – 25 = 25 (The acorn means it’s the number 5 from the squirrel tail). Open the box and take the blue key.
16. Use the blue key to unlock the red door and go through.
17. Take the instruction manual off the bookshelf and read both pages in it.
18. Go back to the main room and look on the right side of the bookcase for a red and blue button. Press the blue button twice and the red button three times, as per the instructions. The bookcase will move.
19. Go into the small room again and stand on the step ladder. Look through the two holes. The message is blurry.
20. Step back and press on the left triangle button 3 times and the right triangle 5 times. Look again and the message is clear.
21. Step back and pick up the step ladder. Move it to the center of the room and a box drops from the ceiling. Use the knife to cut the rope, then open the box to get a flashlight, which is really a projector.
22. Examine the ice on the window. Then go to the kerosine heater. Press the button. It will tell you it’s out of kerosine. So open the lid and place the cartridge in it. Then press the button again. The heater will turn on.
23. Leave the room and come back. The ice on the window should be melted and you can get the button battery.
24. Go back to the main room. Face the window. If you try to hang the stole/scarf up, it will tell you it’s too dusty. Open the magazine and use the knife on the blue page to get a hanger.
25. Hang the hanger above the window. Hang the stole on the hanger. Shut the lights and use the flashlight/projector on the stole. It tells you to multiply ab with bc for the safe.
26. Go to the small room and look at the right side of the safe to see what numbers the letters represent. Then solve the equation to unlock the safe.
ab x bc or 12 x 23 = 276
27. Take the key card from the safe. Open up the back and place the button battery inside.
28. Before you leave, take the stole or you’ll get the bad ending. Then use the key card on the brown door and exit.
Congratulations! You completed the game! If you liked this game, try Spooky Manor or some of these other room escape and adventure games.