MacGyver Deadly Descent
By: FairPlay Media Limited
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strong>Part 2, The Security Door:
For these puzzles, you need to drag the keys to their matching colors. Keys can’t pass through each other, so you need to move them out of the way when necessary.
Lockout 1: This level is easy. Just drag each of the keys to their colors.
Lockout 2: This one is a bit trickier. You need to move the white key out of the way, then the green key out of the way. Then move the red to its lock, the green to its lock, and finally the white to its lock.
Lockout 3: First, move the white key out of the way. Then move the green into its lock, then the red, and then the white.
Lockout 4: There’s a lot of keys here, but this level is still pretty simple. Start with white and yellow, then both greens, then both reds.
Lockout 5: First, move the white keys to their locks. Then move one red so you can get the two green ones through, then the second red.
Lockout 6: First, move the yellow and green keys to their locks. Then move the white out of the way so the red can get to its lock, then move the white to its lock.
Lockout 7: This one’s a bit trickier. You need to move the keys around so the purple/pink one can get to the yellow lock. Then re-order them so you can move them all to the right locks.
Lockout 8: First, move the pink/purple keys all the way to the top left to get them out of the way. Move one of the blue keys into the slot at the top right, and the other two blue keys to the shaft in the center. Then move all three yellows to the bottom left (locking two in place). Move the other two blue keys into their locks. Then move the last yellow key to the upper right area so the pink keys can get to their locks. Then move the last yellow to the upper left lock.
Lockout 9: Basically just move key around in the middle to get out the key you need next.
Laser Quest:
Laser Quest 10:
Laser Quest 11:
Laser Quest 12:
Laser Quest 13:
Laser Quest 14:
Laser Quest 15: