MacGyver Deadly Descent
By: FairPlay Media Limited
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Part 5, The Ventilation Shaft:
Direct Current:
For this section, you need to drag the towers onto the board so the photon beam powers up all of the components.
Direct Current 1:
Direct Current 2:
Direct Current 3:
Direct Current 4:
Direct Current 5:
Direct Current 6:
Direct Current 7:
Direct Current 8:
Direct Current 9:
Pipe Fitter:
Pipe Fitter 16:
Pipe Fitter 17:
Pipe Fitter 18:
Down To The Wire:
Down to the Wire 16:
Down to the Wire 17:
Down to the Wire 18:
Down to the Wire 19:
Down to the Wire 20:
Down to the Wire 21: