MacGyver Deadly Descent: Walkthrough Part 6, The Bomb!

MacGyver Deadly Descent
By: FairPlay Media Limited

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Part 6, The Bomb!

Chemical Reaction:

These levels require you to drag matching colored chemicals to each other to diffuse them. Everything is pulled downwards, so you can’t move them up, only sideways and down.

Chemical Reaction 1: Start with light blue, then green, red and yellow.

Chemical Reaction 2: Start with orange, then get all three pink together. Then red, then white, then all three light blue. Then green.

Chemical Reaction 3: Start with red, then light blue, yellow, green, and dark blue.

Chemical Reaction 4: Start with red, then green, light blue, red, then yellow.

Chemical Reaction 5: Start with blue, then yellow, green, and red.

Chemical Reaction 6: Start with light blue, then white, green, pink, dark blue, orange, yellow, and red.

Chemical Reaction 7: You need to fill in the three gaps with yellow, pink and light blue so you can get each of the other colors across the gaps to the chemicals on the other side.


Chemical Reaction 8: Get the left blue piece off to the left side. Then clear all the other chemicals from that side except for blue. Get the right blue over to that side, then work on the right side, leaving pink for last.






Chemical Reaction 9: Still working on this one. Push one yellow and one pink to the right so you can get the top blue to the bottom level. Then clear the pinks and the yellows. Push one green to the bottom, then set up the blues on top of it so you can clear all three together. Then clear the greens.





Thanks to Ryan for the rest of the solution: “Push orange bottom left. Then all blocks on middle row left.
Then push aqua left off the top and onto the middle row
Slide bottom row across one right to avoid red double…
Then slide the red block right out of the stack making white disappear. Then it’s a simple finish!”

Part 1, The Lift Shaft

Part 2, The Security Door

Part 3, The Pipe Room

Part 4, The Control Panel

Part 5, The Ventilation Shaft

Part 6, The Bomb!

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Ryan Macgyver

    Push orange bottom left. Then all blocks on middle row left.
    Then push aqua left off the top and onto the middle row
    Slide bottom row across one right to avoid red double…
    Then slide the red block right out of the stack making white disappear. Then it’s a simple finish!

  2. Kathryn Olson

    Thank you!! #9 was killing me. Your hints helped slot!!

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