The Hunt for the Lost Ship: Complete Walkthrough

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21. There’s a jacket hanging on the wall to the left. Next to it is a hole in the wall. Stick the clothespin in it and you’ll get another ring.


22. Leave the ship and tap on the statue to the left. Use the tablet to solve the puzzle and get a gold key.


23. Go back to the ship and to the left door. Place all four rings in the slots and use the clue you found to solve the puzzle to reveal a lock (sorry, I didn’t snap a photo in time to get the last ring). Use the gold key to unlock the door and enter.



24. Slide the mirror aside to reveal a sun emblem. Take it and notice the skull, then leave.


25. Go back to the giant carved head. There was a slot the same shape as the sun emblem. Place it in there and rotate it so it’s right-side up. Then take the ruby and key from the statue’s mouth.




26. Go back a few screens to this pillar and place the mask in the slot. Solve the puzzle (sorry, didn’t snap a photo in time) and take the dial.



27. Go back to the boat. Go downstairs to the locked door and use the key you found to unlock it. Go inside and take the cannon ball and large lever.


28. Go back to the skull and place the ruby in its eye socket. Take the cylinder from its mouth.

29. On the bottom level of the ship, there’s a hatch that’s too heavy to lift. Tie the rope to it.


30. Go back to this screen and lift up the loose floorboard. Look at the clue.



Click on the little numbers below to continue to the next page of the walkthrough.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. kelly

    Where is the 4th ring?

  2. Ahhajs

    Where is the 4th ring ???

  3. Adam

    The rings are in steps 13,18,20, and 21

  4. Betty

    I don’t find the chest with the flint in it at the very beginning

  5. Bette

    I got to the end, but when I opened the safe the map wasnΓÇÖt there

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Looks like they updated the game. IΓÇÖll make a new walkthrough.

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