Twisty Planets: Walkthrough Guide

Twisty Planets
By: Crescent Moon Games & FirstSight Games

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It’s difficult to write a walkthrough for Twisty Planets without video, so this will be more of a guide with tricks and tips for the game. I’m also posting the levels where you can find the hidden objects.╬ô├╢┬╝Γö£├¡ If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to ask in the comments section.

Remember: Use gravity to your advantage. Often the solution is simpler than it first appears. You may need to simply rotate the planet to get to the other side.


Hello World:

The first world is pretty straightforward. You’re introduced to some portals, springboards and moving platforms, but nothing is too complicated.

Hidden Objects:



High Grounds:

There are a lot of moving platforms in this world, so it tests your reflexes.

Hidden Objects:




This world also has a fair number of moving platforms, but it’s more about thinking outside the box than having to carefully navigate the moving platforms.

Hidden Objects:




Disco Feature:

This can appear in any level (except the first four levels of Hello World) if you stand still for a long time without doing anything:



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