Escape “The Ruby of Judgement”
By: IDAC CO.,LTD. (WaveA)
I don’t currently have access to this game on iOS, but feel free to help each other out in the comments section.
Note: For all IDAC/WaveA games, make sure you tap each clue/item numerous times to make sure it doesn’t have anything else to tell you. If you miss something, the game might not let you use that clue to solve a puzzle.
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i have match, 2 candles, a ring, 2 coins and a screwdriver with a clue in it, pls help
Open ”Enter” hatch down near stainglass with KROBF
Combine coloured elements in stainedglass: red ones are vertical plus 2 slashes = K
Yellow : vertical + slash + half circle= R
Green is a circle = O
Magenta is vertical + 2 half circles = B
Blue has one vertical and 2 horizontals = F
It worked for me, but then what?
thankso much..i got matches, candles,coins,ring,screwdrver
.been try figure out 2weeks.;)
Anyone help with the doll pleasee…
Thanks Mira, don’t know how you got that but it worked. I am stuck after lighting fire and reviling symbols on the statute book. Don’t know how to get past this, any help please?
are the
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th letters of numbers written like this:
One, tWo, threE, (four), fiVe, (six) (seven), (eight), (nine), zerO
black hair (shortest) gets 1 step
red gets 2 steps
yellow ΓÇô 5 steps (v from seven doesnt fit because there arent 7 steps available)
green gets none (zerO)
blue ΓÇô goes 3 times up
Need help with book
press buttons following arrows -> (not arrows):
red hair, green, yellow, blue, yellow, red, green
moon, leaf, sun, waves, sun, moon, leaf
ignore x arrows
Thanks iote but it didnt work. Am i missing something?
you must lit the fire first and complete the book with torn paper, also read all graffiti on walls and i think you have to collect all 4 coins
╬ô├╢┬úΓö¼├¡’ll check the game again
It worked for me! But then, what?
Thank worked…now im stuck too.
go down stairs use candles, find the lock in the back door, read notebook équations to obtain girls age
I can’t go downstairs, I can’t light candles, I can’t use matches. What am I missing?
Thanks Iote…i am downstairs but is clueless in solving the puzzle
Thank you iote.
Little help with the age equation please. I think Athens is 12 but that’s as far as i can get am I missing something? Math is not my strong point.
GeMiNi: use torch to light up ladder area in the scene before it asks if you would like to go down stairs, and you should see a button to press. Then it’s safe to go down.
I also am stuck on ages, got 12 (III) for yellow, but can’t figure out others.
Thanks Janine. I made it downstairs but stuck on puzzle
This twisted algorithm worked:
on page with red hair girl you have 4 figures on last line
R, /\, ?, ?
last ? is 1 year older than Red
you only know Yellow is 12, then Red might be 1 year younger than Y, so R is 11
IF R=11 and Y=12, equation gives Green + Blue = 28
triangle and ? means G and B which are equal, because of graffiti that says /\=heart and heart=Blue
so 28/2=14
Y=12, R=11, G=14=B
you take the sequence R, /\, ?, ? and put it R, /\, ?, Y
heart=B and is next to Y
you have R, G, B, Y
when coin insert notice that you can do permutations
arrange them according to symbol correspondance such star=waves=aqua=B, circle=sun=Y, square=leaf=G, diamond=moon=Luna=red
put roman numbers obtained from R, G, B, Y ages
Thanx a lot iote
Exactly what I needed thank you very much. 🙂
Thank u!
Thank you
what Roman numbers please? I no good at end.
What is the password to the brown thing on the wall
Password is KROBF
I m stuck at the romal numbers pls help.
How to open the door at right of stainglass