Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold HD
By: Smack Down Productions
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Looking for the Chapter 1 Walkthrough, Lost in the Manor?
Chapter 2: Deja-vu
1. You’re now in Bangkok. Pick up the flawless emerald:
2. Go through here:
3. Get another emerald:
4. Scroll to the right to see this area and
get the shiny cloth from the stand to the right.
5. Go back to the entrance and scroll to the left. Pick up the scrap of paper.
6. Tap the left side of the screen to get to this area:
7. Pick up the scrap of paper:
8. There’s a puzzle on the structure to the back. You need to pull the levers down in the right order so that they’ll all turn blue at the same time. They each rotate at a different speed. You’ll get another emerald from it.
9. Pick up the Dragon-Shaped Metallic Frame:
10. Use the the flashlight to light up the dark area to the left, then solve the puzzle by finding the missing pieces and placing them where they belong. The last thing to do is close the monster’s eye and take the dragon statuette from its hand.
11. Go back to this scene and place the dragon statuette on the door to the right with the other three animals. Then rotate the discs until it looks like the image below.
12. Now you can enter the library.
13. Pick up the dragon statuette that’s on the table. Move all the pieces to the right position to get the emerald.
14. Pick up these three items:
15. Place the “Pieces of a Sign From the Library” on here. Then take the blueprint of the reclining Buddha and the fifth emerald.
16. Take the key piece from the shelf:
17. Go back to Chedi and place the dragon cutout on the circular piece on the ground. Then add the five emeralds. A secret door will open! Go down.
18. Zoom in on the crack on the wall and take the second key piece and scrap of paper.
19. Go back to the entrance and use the two key pieces to unlock the main door.
20. Inside, grab the net and use it to catch the flying insect.
21. Catch the other three insects in these locations:
22. Go back to where you found the net and place all four insects/fireflies in this box, then solve the puzzles by lighting up the whole box in each one.
23. Take the note and the old explosive.
24. Now you can access the theater. Take a look at the screen. It’s “tomorrow’s date.”
25. Get the “worthless piece of old cloth.”
26. Get this clue:
27. Go back to the library and tap near the ceiling. Use the old cloth the wipe the screen clean, then move the animals to the correct places. You’ll get part of a safe lock combination.
28. Go back to the theater and use the flashlight on the folded corner of the rug to find a key.
29. Use the key to unlock this door to the right and go inside.
30. Grab the scrap of paper and the screwdriver. Also get the monkey orchid from the window. Then use the shiny cloth to get the lighter.
31. Go back to the underground area and use your gecko to get the other piece of the lock combination from the hole in the wall to the left.
32. Go back to the theater. Use the screwdriver on the screw to the right so you can access the safe. Use the combination to unlock it and take all four items from inside.
33. Go back to this scene and use the ladder to get up to the ceiling on the left. Grab the fuse.
34. Go back underground and place the explosive in the crack on the wall. Add the fuse and stretch it out. Use the lighter to light it and then watch the cutscene.
35. Step through the hole in the wall to get to Chapter 3, the Wat Pho Temple.