God of Light
By: Playmous
[DKB url=”https://www.appunwrapper.com/GodofLight” text=”Download” title=”” type=”” style=”” color=”green” width=”” opennewwindow=”” nofollow=””]
God of Light by Playmous is one of my favorite iOS games, not just of the year, but ever. You can read my review here of the original 75 levels. They’ve since added 50 more levels, many of which are quite challenging. And now you can get all of it for FREE! Just download the game and start playing! [DKB url=”https://www.appunwrapper.com/GodofLight” text=”Download” title=”” type=”” style=”” color=”green” width=”” opennewwindow=”” nofollow=””]
If you get stuck, try my complete God of Light walkthrough. I can also make videos now if anyone’s stuck on a specific level. Just ask. 🙂
Got it!
Your videos really help in the walkthroughs! I refer everyone to them!
Gaming helps me keep what little sanity I have left, lol.
Keep on playing and I’ll keep using your walkthroughs.
Let me know if you need videos for specific levels — didn’t want to make for all 125 if people won’t use them! 😉
Btw, if you like my walkthroughs and videos, please subscribe & like them and share them with your friends. 🙂