Corto Maltese Secrets of Venice
By: Bulkypix
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This is a complete walkthrough guide for Corto Maltese Secrets of Venice. Scroll down for my video walkthrough and other chapters.
Looking for Part 1 of my walkthrough?
Chapter 4: Porta del Viaggio
1. Open the Gazette and find another article. Also, another three symbols for the compass. This riddle asks you to find the hidden animal. If you move between the two pages, you can see the head of a lion. Enter “lion” into the compass.
You can also watch my video for this chapter here:
2. Tap on the lion statue. You get another code for the compass. Enter it and you’ll get a circular piece that will be added to this sort of map. To solve it, start with the green tile, O. The number next to it tells you how many paces to move to the next letter, which will be R4. Continue, until you get ORNAMENTA. Enter it into the compass. You’ll get another piece got that map. Now rotate it to match up with the rest of the design. The Lion is a teleporter! Use it to transport to a new location.
3. Pick up the ingredient — Myrrh. Then go inside. You have to choose the front door for now. Tap on the mechanism. Enter the three symbols into the compass to get a gear. Now, solve the three riddles to get the Emerald petal. The guy will take it from you.
4. Pick up the items around the room, including all ingredients. You’re now missing just one!
5. You can look through the telescope, or just head out the front door. Oh no! You’ve been sent back in time! This time, go through the back door. Solve everything again, take the Emerald and leave through the front door. Use the Lion to travel again.
6. Rasputin saves your life?
Continue to Chapter 5, Porta del Doppio.
Continue to Part 2 of my walkthrough, Porta della Rivoluzione.
Continue to Part 3 of my walkthrough, Porta dell’ Esoterismo.
Continue to Chapter 6, Porta della Guerra.