REBUS – Absurd Logic Game
By: Jutiful
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This is a complete walkthrough guide with hints, tips, cheats, solutions and answers for the new levels added to the iOS and Android game REBUS – Absurd Logic Game by Jutiful. Feel free to ask for more help in the comments section.
Looking for the Levels 18 – 19 answers?
Level 17.1: Star + T = START
Level 17.2: B + log = BLOG
Level 17.3: PIG + , = RIG (you add the comma to the P to make an R)
Level 17.4: T in T = TINT
Level 17.5: Half of DONUT = NUT
Level 17.6: The clue is giving you LEMON, but telling your to rearrange the letters in order of 32145, so the answer is MELON.
Level 17.7: S + car = SCAR
Level 17.8: Bat + on = BATON
17.6 is melon
The numbers in the lemon tell you what order the letters in the word ” lemon” should go in to make the answer. 3=m 2=e 1=l 4=o 5=n
17.2 is blog, it is a picture of a log and there is a b at the very center of it.
17.3 is rig, if you add the slash to the bottom of the p it makes an r, giving you the word rig.