31. Go back to the study upstairs. Place the weight on the scales. The dog painting will fall away, revealing a safe. Use the three numbers from your scrap of paper (42-34-15) to unlock the safe and take the iron key.
32. Go back downstairs and use the iron key to unlock the door near the staircase. Go through and down the stairs and solve the puzzle on the door here. Go through the door and complete the game!
Congratulations! Make sure to check out these other adventure and escape games.
i am not getting my journal option in my grisly manor game
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What’s the egg and 801 actually for?
I think I missed that, but there’s an “Easter egg” in each of their other games.
Or did I post a photo of it? I don’t remember…
I was wondering the same thing.
I donΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t have the egg…. and I never saw the 801…..
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The log doesn’t burn. I light it but when I later rput the fire out with the water the log is still there, not Ash and the weight.
The love colour clue does not work. Cannot get the globe open