51. Pick up the FAKE MUSTACHE and SUN HAT. Time to use them all!
52. Go over the photos you found. They show you where all the props go. The text also helps:
“I caught quite a lashing form father after he found I’d drawn a mustache on baby Colton’s upper lip. I thought it made him look dignified. Father disagreed and took my pretty sun hat away as punishment.”
“Mother and father argue constantly. Mostly about finances, and a fancy feathered hat she purchased the other day. His relentless inquisitions seem to be wearing on her. She’s taken to gnawing on pencils as an outlet for her anxiety, which has left all the writing utensils in our house gnarled with teeth marks. I tell her not to worry and she smiles.”
“While posing for portraits, baby Colton snatched father’s top hat and placed it upon his own head. I joked that perhaps father should snatch his pacifier in return.”
Place the top hat and mustache on the son, the bonnet and glasses on the daughter, the pencil in the mother’s mouth, and the sun hat and pacifier on the father. Then take the security code (913437) and the lever handle from the safe.
53. Use the lever handle on the lever to unlock the door to the right and go back to the HALLWAY.
54. Go back through the SUN ROOM to BREAKFAST ROOM and fetch the sledgehammer again. Then go back to the HALLWAY and use the sledgehammer to break down the middle door to the left. Go through to the BLUEPRINT STUDIO.
55. There’s another Lost Spirit here! That makes nineteen!
56. Go back to the a HALLWAY and make your way to the room locked with a keypad. I went through through lower left door to the SUN ROOM, to the FOYER, another HALLWAY, to the PLAYROOM. Enter the key code (543876) into the keypad and go through to the PAINTING STUDIO.
57. Get the purple gem and the final Lost Spirit! You should now have all twenty!
58. Once you have all 20 spirits, head to the FOYER and walk up the stairs to the big clock. Erica will release all the spirits into the clock. A little crawl space will open up that takes you to the TOMB on the first floor. Here you can find the MAGIC SWORD, the one Crowes was killed with!
59. Go back to the FOYER and make your way to the other door with a keypad. I went through the SUN ROOM on the second floor to the big HALLWAY to the right, up the stairs to the HALL OF ARMS on the third floor, and back to the SERVANT’S ROOM. Enter the key code (913437) on the keypad to the left to unlock the door and enter the WITCHCRAFT ROOM.
60. Pick up the pinkish-purple scroll that will unlock the door to Isobelle’s room. You’ll get attacked by two very annoying Creepers (I really hate them). Kill them and the door to the left will unlock. There’s a medicine bottle nearby if you need it. There’s also something in the fireplace, but I don’t feel like going back to find a poker for it. I assume it’s just some coins, but if anyone knows differently, please tell me.
Your game should be 97% complete now.
Click on the little numbers below to continue to the next page of the walkthrough.
I need help I’m stuck can’t find the last ghost and a key to a lock door an floor 3 with a code what should I do?
I’m still making my way there (writing the walkthrough slows me down quite a bit). But maybe someone else will help you if you don’t figure it out before I get there. 🙂
On this walk through you say you can simply walk into the conservatory? On my map it is locked and you need some sort of skeleton key?
Check step 21. 🙂
I can’t get into the conservatory either and step 21 doesn’t help. Watched a video walk through and the person got in without a key. What am I missing? Thanks!
Just saw someone noted the skeleton key in the grave yard. Got it!
Skelton key is in the graveyard. You need the shovel to dig it up.
i cant get into the master bedroom…where did i go wrong? i cant figure it out
im stuck on that now did you manage to find a way in??? HELP!!!!
East tower room, upper right corner of 4th floor, look for a cranny on the wall opposite the door that you can investigate.
The last soul for me was in the library. Bring the sledgehammer and take out that door to the right with the sledgehammer. Once you get all of the lost souls, go back to the main foyer and stand in front of the grandfather clock on the staircase. Crawl through the now open doorway and you will get the sword used to kill Crowes that Sarah told you about.
*take out the door to the right in the library haha Sorry.
When you completed the game, did you miss any of the blacked out rooms? I completed the game but I missed some secret rooms, three on floor 1, and one on floor 3 & 4. Did you find them all? I am wondering if I need to go through and retrace my steps and see what I missed…
I’m missing the exact same thing. Maybe there’s actually nothing there?
I actually lost my sledgehammer! In looking on the map, it looks like there is a sledgehammer in the library but I can’t find it! I have 19 out of 20 spirits. There are two doors I know of that I need the sledgehammer for…please help!
What do you mean you can’t find it? If the map says it’s in the library, it should be there. Did you climb up the right ladder and check?
Duh! I found it! ::hanging head in shame::
I have the pink scroll and the sword from getting the 20 spirits. I’m wandering around and can’t find a way to get to the pink door.
Depending on where you are, I think I gave specific directions. But you can also try my maps.
I am exactly at the same part as you theres one door on level 3 with a code and i cant find the last ghost either X( also cant find the scroll for the purple door thing in the attic if anyone knows??
Where do you get the code for the door inside the servant’s room on the 3rd floor?
Make sure to kill the bluefish-chompe, it gives you the security code for that door, there is also the last spirit located.
See step 45 in the walkthrough
Regarding the statues on the table puzzle, the key is that the number of ‘things’ the statue has goes on the particular number e.g. the five-eyed goat goes on five, the three-tailed cat goes on 3.
Ahhh thanks! I’ll add that in. I guess I should have paid attention to the tails and eyes. 😉
Do you know if I should be able to open any of those doors yet to the left in the cellar west room? This is the first time in the game where it’s non-linear and I’m trying to figure out whether the dagger/axe/candleholder/shovel have any purpose at the moment and where to leave them all.
Shovel is for digging up mounds in the garden.
Poker for the fire grates
Crowbar for the panels (that will make sense when you get to one)
Sledge hammer for breaking into borded up doors.
Meat cleaver for chopping meat (there is always one where it’s needed)
Candle sticks / drag gets / swords etc no special use apart for the obvious as been weapons.
Any idea where the key code location is for the keypad in the Garden room on the second floor.
I have been hunting for it, I assume I can get to the last soul inside.
Completely stuck – have been in some weird rooms with everything floating and found unusual bedroom but can’t get back into bit room with everything floating – it just keeps bypassing and I end up in the bedroom! I have no idea what to do now! Anyone have any clue what I’m talking about?!
you can only get to it via certain doors, but the fact you were there and left, you probably completed it. Look for puzzles on the map and complete any that are current. also open baracaded doors with the sledge hammer….
Also if you see any doors where the rooms havnt been entered, go check them out
I kill Constance visit a few rooms got the crowbar but the game won’t give me the option to continue , the option is turned off, I can only go to new game! Can I fix this! Help!
close the app in the background, and restart… Check you are connecting to game centre. I never had this issue, but in other games if game centre won’t connect, it can’t pickup the save.
Just a guess, but have you changed your Apple ID password ( that is used in game centre)
I tried but nothing happens, when I go to settings and go to the game nothing shows up, it’s blank but the game is installed.
I have two games going at the moment — one for my written walkthrough and one for my video. Playing on two different devices. At one point, I loaded the game on my iPhone and one of the saves said 1% instead of 23%! Nearly freaked. Luckily, I still had that game open on my iPad, so I let it auto save again and it saved properly. But I’m nervous now every time I load up the game. It seems *mostly* stable, but scary that it could just wipe the save so easily.
How do I get the handle right after you defeat Lucian
Hi there,
I’m stuck fighting victor, when the monsters get me I can’t seem to hit them with the pointing arrows technique Γò¼├┤Γö¼Γò¥Γö£├æ╬ô├¬ΓîÉ╬ô├▓├▓Γö£├áΓò¼├┤Γö¼Γò¥Γö£┬║╬ô├¬ΓîÉ╬ô├▓├▓Γö£├áΓò¼├┤Γö¼Γò¥Γö£├í╬ô├¬ΓîÉ╬ô├▓├▓Γö£├áΓò¼├┤╬ô├⌐┬║Γö£┬í╬ô├¬ΓîÉ╬ô├▓├▓Γö£├á
Is there a certain way of doing it?
Thanks for any help
Hi, did you have any issues with the arrows before? I believe you had to deal with them before Victor. But the idea is to swipe the arrow in the direction it’s pointing right before the outline matches up with it. Does that make sense?
Brilliant thank you!
OMG the save has disappeared!!!
Just offering a new game!
Oh no! That’s awful! 🙁 You should try to contact customer support before doing anything that might make it permanent (if it’s not already).
I completed the game, however I missed 3 blacked out secret rooms on the 1st floor and 1 on the 3rd and 4th. Has anyone found how to get into the blacked out secret rooms that I have left?
I think these are just empty areas with no rooms. I completed the game with 100% of rooms unlocked and those dark areas are still there. Also got all the items in the journal, could be you missed a few items in the house.
There is a room in the middle of the second floor with a question mark. Do you remember how you got there? That’s the only unexplored room I have left, so I assume my last spirit is in there. I’ve been trying, and I just can’t find the way in.
Never mind. I finally got it!
Also, when I go to Ericas journal, I am missing a few of the items. Everything else is filled in. Looks like I’ll be going back through the game. I loved this game so so much and I hope there is a part two or more like it! I tried the Lost Within game and I just didn’t like it. I need more games like this one! So sad I already completed it.
When I get through the story, I’ll let you know if I’m missing anything.
Hey, I’m having trouble getting into the conservatory. Where is that Skelton hand looking key to get into that one room?
It’s a skull head. Check step 21 in that chapter (I think it was chapter 2).
Where do you get the key to the conservatory? I just need that last soul to fill the clock.
Might be step 41 in chapter 2.
Sorry, hard to keep track of everything, but it is there in my walkthrough.
Show … pra mim só falta apenas um espírito … e eles fica no quarto após o quatro de jogos onde tem a casinha de boneca … a porta tem senha codificada e eu não consegui achar ainda 🙁 o jogo já está 100% mas ainda me falta um espírito.
Hey guys … Any idea where is the key code for locked room in PlayRoom 2nd floor???
The Game Room? That should be in my guide.
No,,, i’m talking about the play room ,, the room with doll house on 2nd floor southeastern corner
No… I mean PlayRoom on second floor south western corner ,,, the room with doll house
I think I found it in a drawer near the outside of the room
I’ve played 3 games and I get stuck in the same place each time
Can someone please help me
Where do you get the code for the door inside the servantΓÇÖs room on the 3rd floor?
This would be much appreciated
I’m pretty sure I just picked that up right before I stopped my walkthrough. I’m not home at the moment to try it, though.
Yes you picked it up, at step 45 by killing the bluefish-chorop.
Oh wait never mind. I don’t think I got that code yet. Sorry!
I am stuck at the same point have been wondering around for a while but can’t get through to anywhere. Someone help please?
The passcode for the play room or dollhouse room is 543876 to het the code in the game you need to go to the second floor the room with the five crates where non can stand on the pressure plate to the upper left door and defeat all creatures and one will pass the code, if the door is locked you will have to enter the room from third floor going down to second floor middle staircase. Hope that helps.
That code will not work. Do I have to find the clue with it on first before I can use it? I am 98% finished, but am missing 1 spirit and the code for the Playroom. The room with 5 crates is the Sunroom and I find nothing when I go there. Any hints?
Oke the sunroom the top left door with is locked leads to a room with has three doors in with two are locked from the inside and one is open the one next to a small hall way you can get there from the third floor going down once in the room you sould kill em all and one will pass you the security code.
What floor is the sunroom on?
Second floor.
I added maps for the first and second floors.
No I’ve been inside the dollhouse room that’s not the room I’m stuck on
The room I’m stuck on is inside the servants room on the 3rd floor
It has a shopkeeper in this room
My big frustration now is I vant figure out how to get back up to the right spot on the 4th floor. I’ve been wandering around for HOURS. Gagh.
I’m stuck in the Sewing Room, I got the pacifier, bonnet, sun hat, pencil, glasses, top hat, mustache, but I haven’t found the journal page and I don’t know what to do with them. Anyone can help me? Is there another item I’m missing?
Rufus, I believe that’s it. Something I did notice is that once you place an item correctly, you can’t pick it up again. So trial and error actually works for this one. The other thing is that they’re not placed where you would think — for example, I think the father has the pacifier.
I actually bought a hint from the game, I was that desperate, didn’t know that I can’t remove the correctly placed items 😀
Just finished the game, one of the best adventures I’ve played recently!
Please help! I’ve got all the spirits, got the sword, but can’t get any further! I have glasses, pencil and top hat and journal but can’t get through anymore doors (smashed all the ones I can) I’m obviously missing a key somewhere. I’ve got a question mark room off hallway level 2; one off hallway level 3 and the purple door level 4. I’m just wandering around aimlessly now!
Please help!
Thanks x
I’m stuck in the same place. Been wandering for ages but no luck. Help!!
I’ll try to catch up to you guys and hopefully help you out. 🙂
Thank you!!!
I seem to have missed a lever handle somewhere. :/
Oh! Never mind!
Thank you!
You need to get to the dressing room and put those on the manniquins. I’ve already uninstalled the game but you need either the sledgehammer or the crowbar to get to that room.
That is epic information! Thank you!
On step 38 (I think) it says to go to the garden from the foyer. How do I get there from the foyer? I don’t know where to go ):
Which chapter are you on? I posted a map for the first floor that should help. But there are also 2 gardens.
I am on chapter 2. Where is the map?
It’s at the top of the first page of the walkthrough, right before step 1.
Thank you, I found it. But those mannequins scared the shit out of me.
I love the mannequins. 🙂
Okay, so I killed Crowes with the regular game sword…..FYI ….you get the Magical Sword when you have rescued all 20 lost souls. I went back to try to use it on him, but he was gone.
Thanks for the tip! So collect all the souls before taking him on?
No need to have the magical sword, the magical sword just makes it easier to beat him.
Do you know what’s in the fireplace in the witchcraft room? I don’t want to go fetching a poker if it’s just some coins.
But he rises again as a human. Isn’t the Magic Sword there to kill him after he rises?
I have done the same thing and I can’t find him neither. Anyone who knows where he is?
How do I get to the tombs from the foyer..?
Never mind I figured it out!
Can anyone shed some light on how to attack crowes?i keep getting zapped and not sure how to beat him
I’ll try to finish the game and walkthrough today to help you out. 🙂
I just explained it. 🙂 Eventually I’ll try to get video of it, too.
To kill Crowes, you just have to run to him, trying to avoid those green balls he throws at you. Otherwise you’ll turn into a ghost and then you have to run to your body.
I can’t find the pacifier? On page 21 it tells where to find the pencil, and on page 22 it tells where to place the pacifier, but I can’t find it. Is there a step missing?
Ah thanks! I fixed it. I wrote bonnet twice. You get the pacifier from the Leecher.
Where do you use the security code that you get after finishing this puzzle?
Thank you!
i killed crows without the green sword. lol
I used the sleigh hammer.
Wow! This article leads me so far!
Crowes is dead, with one play! But… Keaton is dead… 🙁
It still a game, right?
Awesome game, just download it! <3
The security code for the playroom can be found by killing one of the chompers in the Breakfast Room (2nd floor, immediately north of the main stairwell).
Where do I find the mask key for the storage room in the theatre?
It’s in a hole in the wall in the EAST TOWER. Check page 15.
I think I did something wrong, I Got the sword and went to find Crowes and after about the third time that I died I lost the option to get stuff from my bag, I can’t store anything and If I leave the room I can’t go anywhere and I also lost the sword. Every time I start fighting Crowes I get the tutorial telling me how to hit….is like I’m stuck at the beginning in the end!!!
That sounds like a nasty bug. 🙁 You should try to contact the developer.
Me too – Crowes killed me, and now I lost the magic sword and everything is locked again. Very frustrating.
That sounds really awful. 🙁 You should try contacting the developers. Maybe they can fix it in an update so you don’t have to start over.
Wonderful adventure, but I just wish there was some way to get around the dopey combat in the ballroom. I know exactly what to do, but life’s far too short. I guess I’ll have to end there. Such a shame.
You mean against Constance?
Yes, that’s the one. I think the main problem is the resetting every time you;re wiped out. It takes so long to collect all the items again. No way round it, I guess. It’s just me. Adventure games don’t need combat to be enjoyable. Excellent walkthrough, by the way.
Do you consume biscuits and medicine when you’re low on health? You can pause the game at any time, even in middle of a battle, and replenish your health.
Mmmm……. I’ve got a stash of biscuits and medicine etc………. you know, I think I may go back and have another go ;o)
You can hold up to 9 of each, so any extras you pick up just go poof. So if you need to eat, eat! 🙂
Help!!! I have been wandering forever, I can’t get to the room on the 4th floor to fight Isobel! I have two areas I can get up there, but none let me move around to get to her door.
OH!!!! I finally found it!!!!
All fun until I got to the bathroom with the giant red spider. Unable to leave room to escape spider to buy more power. Any tips?
You can’t beat the spider, you mean?
Rock ‘n roll ………. I did it. This walkthrough is excellent. Thank you. I must donate. Keep you guys in coffee. :o)
Thanks so much! 🙂 Very appreciated, as I did work tirelessly on that walkthrough!
My game crashed for the second time when I leave the game during the first meeting with Victor. Does anyone know how to contact customer support?
Same thing happened to me! The first time I made it to Victor, I died. Then when I tried to play again all my save info was gone! I thought it might have been a glitch. So I played from beginning to the boss scene. And it did the same thing. Lost all the game save. It shows my info in Game Center. I just can’t do continue on the main screen. The only option is to start a new game. Any ideas?
The door to the seance room is gated for me 🙁 is there another way in or did I miss something?? please help!
i cant get into the conservatory. to get to the last spirit, ive done everything and im about to take on crowes, but i never got the key to that room for the last lost soul .ive watched and went throughthe whole walkthrough and i havent missed anything. i need your help
Is that the one that looks like a skeleton hand and you need the skull key to get in?
The skull key is dug up. I think try step 21 in chapter 2.
So I’m at step 54, in the sun room, trying to get into the breakfast room. The door is locked, and if I try the door from the other way around, it has a gate infront of it. I’ve followed the walkthrough (which is amazing!!), but I’ve must have missed a key somewhere? Please help!
You, know, when I played my second game to make my video walkthrough, I also ended up with it locked (even though I thought I followed my own walkthrough for the videos). I ended up having to do some backtracking. So maybe that video for that section will help you. I’ll try to see if I can figure out why that door wasn’t unlocked, though.
Ok I know what happened. When I wrote the walkthrough, I broke down that door from the breakfast room, went through and saw it was the Sun Room. So I wrote that you can just ignore it and not go through. It seems that if you don’t go through the door, the game still thinks it’s blocked if you try to go through from the other side. So I edited that part of my walkthrough so people go through the door when they smash it open.
I just noticed you said yours is gated, though? Is it a gate or wooden planks? I wrote that it needed to be broken with the sledgehammer.
Yes, it’s gated from the lower left entrance (the one from the long hallway), Unsure how to get to the upper left door, from the smaller hallway, so I’ll try and do backtracking to find another sledgehammer. Is there anything else that’s important in the breakfast room though?
There’s only one sledgehammer in the game, unfortunately. So check your weapons map and see where you left it.
I left my sledgehammer in a 0 floor….any idea how I get to the basement? ugh Im stuck
Yeah you can get there through the foyer. The left door
As for the breakfast room, I think there’s a few things in there. Every room is important in this game. 🙂
I managed to get into the breakfast room through the small hallway, and got the sledgehammer. Thank you so much for great help! 🙂
Glad it worked! 🙂 Make sure to go through that door you broke down just so the game recognizes it’s open.
Thanks for the reminder 🙂 One more question, after I’ve fought Isobelle and have talked to Crowes, it says that I should go from the foyer to cellar west. How do I easiest do that? I guess backtracking again, right? 🙂
There’s a staircase in the Foyer that goes directly to the Cellar West. It’s the left door below the staircase.
The door to the seance room is gated for me 🙁 is there another way in or did I miss something?? please help!!
You have to open it with the sledgehammer.
There is a gold gate blocking it not just the boards.
Then that’s not the door the the seance room. The door to the seance room is boarded up.
How the heck do you solve the sunroom??? Moved thise boxes everywhere and no unlock on the door? Pics or description greatly appreciated!,!
You can find the exact details in my walkthrough, but if I remember correctly you just move the glowing crate/box off the plate.
I am upstairs at the West Patio (comming from the West Tower), but now the gate is closed. So I can not go back to the East Patio (step 41). How do I open the gate again? There is nothing in the West Tower.
i need your help… the door to lucians workshop (theater stage) is closed. how can i open it? i tried everything but no success 🙁
Step number 54 isn’t working. The breakfast room is locked and won’t let me in, so I can’t get the sledgehammer.
I’m stuck and just wandering around, need to find the room where I fell through the floor and landed in the cellar I think??
I forgot to smash a door down there I think that’s where I should be instead of just wandering around aimlessly!
You can get back to the cellar through the left door in the foyer.
I need help..I put the code in for the paint studio but it’s not working 🙁
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but you pressed ENTER?
Yea and it just says hmm that’s not it..
You have the number in your inventory?
Hey. I failed about lost spirtit found at the beginning. Isnt 20. What should i do?
Hi guys,
I am playing this on my kindle fire and I can’t find a sledgehammer anywhere! I thought I left it in the museum room when I picked up a catana but it’s no there. Can anyone tell me where I would get one please?
Thank you
There is only one sledgehammer. If you select the weapons map in the game, it should show you where you left everything.
I can’t get back to the second part of the hallway on floor 3. I managed to get there following the steps, but I didn’t touch the lever. Now I dont know how to get back… Any ideas?
Sorry, level 2
Hey, I’m at the bottom of walk through page 14, it says to head through the top left door to the servant’s room. But for me that room is locked, and I can’t seem to find the key anywhere. Been wandering around for hours, help!
I’ve input the code in the workshop bedroom like a million times. (742667)
She keeps saying it is wrong. Did I need to do something else first or is this just a bug?
It’s been a long time since I’ve played. But if you have the correct code for a door and it won’t work, that sounds like a bug. Make sure you’re not just using it on the wrong door, though.
Does anyone know the code of the Painting Room on the 2th floor?? I found one code but it doesn’t work… Please help meee
Thanks so so much for the awesome walk thru!!
This is the best game I’ve ever played on my Fire. I want more games like this. It’s done so well & puts all other games in this genre to shame IMO.
Thanks again!
P.s. Looks like there may be a bonus chapter (based on a comment u made on your last page) but I’m not seeing how or what steps to take so am just wandering around with my magic sword. 🙂
No bonus content I know of. It just seemed like there might be a sequel.
Plz Help! i’m stuck can’t find the way to Theater storage room at third floor . i’m stuck a fence at Second floor.
Did you try my maps? It’s been a long time since I’ve played and can’t remember all the details.
Hi, I’m trapped on the West Patio and the gate is up. I can only get into the little room behind and no where else. Help? Thanks!
Help ! What is the deal with the sunroom ! Agh ! Do I have to start over to figure it out ? Thanks !
Hey, I solved 90% of the game and now I’m stuck. I think I have to go in the breakfast room but I can’t enter. The left door is locked with a gate. The right door shows a red lock. How do I enter? Please help. Thanks
I think I did something wrong in the sun or there is a bug. I tried to put every box on the switch. No matter which box I use I here is the sound of solving the riddle. But the door to my left (the right door of the breakfast room) won’t open.
Then I bought the solution. It did not disappear yet so I think I did something wrong. The solution says to pull the boxes in special directions. Is this really necessary? Or do you just have to somehow put the red box on the switch?
Gosh you guys are further than me BUT I can’t find the tiny cog for the garage!!!! It’s not where the video says it should be!!! Help please 🙂
I have the same problem!!
Well, I just blew up the chemistry set but there’s no acid in my inventory. When I try to use it again she says it doesn’t do anything. Can someone give me advice on how to get the set up and running again? Or what to do after it blows? Totally stuck.
I have the same problem 🙁
HI very much upset I tried the code for the painters room and it doesn’t work where did you get the code?
Me too
I blew up the chemistry set but thereΓÇÖs no acid in my inventory. When I try to use it again she says it doesnΓÇÖt do anything. Can someone give me advice on how to get the set up and running again? Or what to do after it blows? Totally stuck.
I can’t get to Isobel, and Icnt find any combinations. The last one I found o debasement door. HELP?!?
Please I need some help, I can’t enter the code you say (543876) it doesn’t work, and even don’t know where to find the paper Code in game, hope you can’t help me
Btw very nice guide I really appreciate it
I don’t have all 20 spirits. I lost one in the garden. What do I do?
I canΓÇÖt find note code for painting room ? Where is it?