Adventure Escape: Time Library: Walkthrough

Chapter 6: The Sundial:

1. Pick up the mixing bowl piece and the red flowers. Then go through the door to the right.


You can also watch my video walkthrough for chapters 4 -6 here:

2. Pick up the yucca brush and the grinding stone. Then place the mixing bowl piece with the other piece. Place the flowers in the bowl and use the grinding stone to crush them into a red paint. Then use the yucca brush with the paint.



3. Go back to the first room and solve the puzzle on the wall with the colored dials. Match each side to the same color on the dials next to it. When you finish, the window will open.


4. Go back to the other room. Tap on the middle of the stone structure. Then use the yucca brush with paint on the note to see the instructions.




5. This game is a bit like Minesweeper. Tapping a square once makes it white and tapping it twice paints it red. All squares need to be either red or white. You need to paint the number of squares red around each number. Try starting with the 0’s because you know they’re surrounded by all white squares. You also know that all 9’s should be surrounded by red squares. You can see the solution below.


6. Now you have to solve another puzzle. You need to look at the etchings in the stones of the hunters hunting a deer and put them in the right order. It goes like this:



7. Take the sundial style. Then go back to the other room and place it on the sundial. Check the time on both sundials.



8. The first sundial is on 8:00 and goes forward. The second one is on 11:00 and goes backwards. You need to see what time they would meet up. The answer is 9:30 because if you add 1.5 hours to 8pm and subtract 1.5 hours from 11pm, they meet at 9:30. Enter the numbers “0930” into the door in the other room and complete the chapter.

Click on the little numbers below to continue to the Chapter 7 walkthrough.

This Post Has 61 Comments

  1. Linda S

    thanks! I like their games and really like the “free” part!

    1. AppUnwrapper

      I’ll work on the walkthrough more when I’m done with my Her Story videos.

    2. Fufu

      Thanks for making this walkthrough. Some puzzles I just couldn’t figure out what to do but thanks to you I got hints n figured them out

  2. Barbara

    Hi — Had gotten this far in the game myself.

    Was hoping for a walkthrough of the temple and the solution to the white squares/red squares puzzle.

    Thank you.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      I just haven’t had the chance to play since. I’ll try to continue it tonight. 🙂

      1. Liz

        i do not quite understand how you get 976 from that, it does not make any sense. Do you mind explaining please?

        1. nick

          the symbols represent the edges on the numberpad.

    2. Andy

      Hi that’s me too, I feel certain I am correct but can’t figure it out. Requires and v white, keep thinking its for the four digit code

    3. esc

      That sundial rrick is just plain stupid. Sundials don’t work like that, it makes no sence at all. Why should the numbers meet? Completely random.

  3. ozigis muniratu

    It’s really interesting… this is the kind of game we need to play…not only an interesting story line but also something to crack our brains over..keep up the good work,will be expecting more.

  4. emmily

    Could someone please explain why it comes out to 976?

    1. Arlyta

      I agree I cannot understand why the answer is 976

      1. David

        There is a combination on the wall beside the canon

      2. Aria

        Look at the tic tac toe board and pattern above the safe.

        Specifically the pattern of lines on the tic tac board. I colored out the pattern if you still don’t see it

        1. Ruby

          Thank you! You saved my sanity!

      3. Shreya Ghosh

        If you see the pattern of the number code.. in tictaktoe like box.. the clues are for numbers are shapes surrounding the numbers. The number 9 is surrounded by a shape like an upside down L, 7 is surrounded by an upside down L pacing the left and 6 by a C

    2. [email protected]

      Look at the drawing. They are showing the angles of the tic tac box. The exact angles in the drawing are only on 3 numbers.

      1. Megan

        Huh? What do you mean by angles of the tic tac box?

        1. Amber

          I had a lot of fun, but I agree that several of fhe puzzle’s made no sense. I love when I can’t figure out a puzzle and I look up the answer and feel stupid for not thinking of the answer myself. This game just left me confused. Still enjoyable though.

  5. Shiska

    Really appreciate the walk through! I think you over complicated the clock puzzle in chapter 3–if you read across, just pick out the next number in the sequence. So for the first clock, it went forward one hour, then two, so next is three. Second row it’s quarter hours (3, 6, 9) and third clock it’s back 10 minutes, then 20, then 30 (to the 6).

  6. Sumir

    I want to know at any cost, explanation for no 87

    1. Hugo

      Those numbers are upside down. You read them as 86, ??, 88, 89, 90, 91.

  7. Parker

    What is the reasoning behind 87 being the next number in sequence? Someone pls explain. Thanks

    1. yi

      turn over your head

    2. Misty

      The numbers are upside down. Take a look & the answer is clear

  8. Bella

    How to do I take the statues out of one room and to the other?

  9. tracy

    Why does it keep repeating the same board when she goes alone am i missing something please help

  10. Rafhasantii

    I cannot build ladder even if I’ve already got plank, twine, and 4 wooden sticks.
    I used hammer but it build nothing.
    Please help…
    I stuck on this level “Behind Bars”

    1. Sink e

      Do you have two planks?

    2. Jaclyn

      I have the same problem. I’ve restarted the level several times thinking I missed something or did something wrong, but I did everything exactly right. I have all the supplies on the workbench, but can’t build the ladder. Help!

  11. naomi

    I get through it all, put the ladder up but nothing happens! What am i missing?

    1. Kathleen

      Tap the window

  12. ANGELA

    I like the muder manor more than the adventure escape

  13. Viktor

    Why there is 7 continents? Wtf?

    1. David

      7 Continents : Asia, Europe, Australia, North America, South America, Antartica, Africa

  14. Gia

    Thank you . I appreciate that the sundial challenge was explained. I did not just want the answer so the process was well recieved.

  15. kronologibayu

    thanks a lot for those tutorial

  16. N A

    I did exactly how they showed it on the red and white puzzle, but it doesn’t work????

    1. Umar

      It worked correctly.
      You fool

  17. Stacey

    I think you are wrong about how to get the clock clue. The last clue is just showing each clock advancing by 10 hours. But now going back, each answer is achieved this way. Just look at the pattern of the clocks. First one goes up by 1, the second by 3 and third by 10. But, thanks for these walkthroughs, they have saved me much anguish. Lol.

  18. FIN

    Thank you so much of these walkthroughs! I love these games but sometimes the tasks and puzzles are just impossible to figure out. I think it is partly a language and cultural mindset that influence the logical way of thinking.

  19. Mady

    When I get to the part where youΓÇÖre supposed to use the hammer to make the ladder, it doesnΓÇÖt work:(

    1. Kathleen

      Finish the gears puzzle so you get 2 planks

  20. Nicole

    How do the moon phases equal the arrows on the wheel?

    1. Kathleen

      There is a paper in the puzzle box with the phases labeled their position on that paper relates to the position of the wheel

    2. Annie

      I read this walkthrough fifty times and used all my hints hoping for an explanation as to HOW the clues gave any hint as to how those arrows correlated with the moon phases. The star hints were useless so I went to Google. Google was useless and I refused to move on until I understood how anyone came up with an answer. After thirty minutes I finally figured out that I really over thought the stupid thing. Look at the sheet and pretend itΓÇÖs a clock. Just look at the position of the moons, not the pictures themselves. I hate myself right now.

  21. Shreya Ghosh

    I cannot figure out how is the code to the safe/cupboard below the calendar 87. Can anyone please explain?

    1. Kathleen

      If you turn it upside down the numbers are actually in sequence so 06 becomes 90 68 becomes 89 88 is still 88 and TADA missing number is 87

  22. Courtney

    Where the heck is the third aztec statue?? I got the one on the floor in the first room, and the one that pops out of the hole in the second room. But i cannot find the third!

    1. Kathleen

      When you put the post it’s in place on the wall (the 10 20 100 and 400) it peels back and BAM third statue

  23. Jerome

    Wait… Shouldn’t the answer to how many planets be 9?
    Pluto wasn’t downgraded to a dwarf planet until 2006.

    1. Kathleen

      BUT it also hadn’t been discovered at all at the time of the Titanic sinking!

  24. Evelyn

    Make it better Duuuuuuuuh

  25. Crow

    Thank you so much! One look at the few colored gears and I was Googling lol. Perhaps if I had touched more than the gray gears an approach might have sunk in. I was afraid Id move a colored gear out of place and forget where it was originally , then discovered that mattered. I prefer written walkthroughs so was delighted to find your page. Very helpful.

  26. cooldragon1990

    It would have been nice if you explained how the colored crosses amounts to 2569. I have no idea how you reached that. Colored crosses? I have no idea how how that works, but okay, I passed the puzzle y looking.

  27. Glenda

    Wonderful walkthroughs, great to know they’re here if I get stuck!

  28. Kettt

    The code thing in the phone is not working for me, I don’t know why it is happening to me.

  29. Moira ghost

    So fun! I love it! Do it twice

    1. Mb02

      Good idea

  30. Laura / chicago

    I will never understand the tic tac toe being 976. Every key has a shape like the drawing….

  31. Angela

    My game keeps freezing after I do tge puzzle behind the painting. It isn’t responding. I’ve redone it 4 times niw, and freezes at tge same part. Hopefully I can continue another time

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