AppUnwrapper’s September 2015 iOS Games Roundup

I can’t believe September has already come and gone, and with it the warm summer weather. And with the arrival of colder weather, I’m spending more time playing games. September was a pretty good month for me. I played a lot of great games and even added a few to my Recommended List.

So, without further ado, I give you my September 2015 iOS games roundup:

I’ll start with the game that took me completely by surprise, because I didn’t even buy it right away. I was disappointed with Simogo’s Sailor’s Dream, despite how gorgeous it is. I consider myself a bit of a graphics snob, so when I saw their latest game, SPL-T, I had a hard time getting past the visuals and convincing myself to buy it. Once I did buy it, I thought it was a big mistake — until a few days later, when it all just clicked for me. I’ve since been so obsessed with it that I can’t seem to do much of anything besides trying to beat my SPL-T high score. You can see my full review and guide for the game here.

Another great game I played in September — even though it came out in August — was Square Enix Montreal’s Lara Croft GO. It’s a gorgeous turn-based puzzler with visuals to rival those of Monument Valley. It’s a highly polished, near-perfect game that I would recommend to any puzzle fans. You can read my review here and see my walkthrough here.


I also had a chance to play Daedalic’s post-apocalyptic point-and-click adventure, Dead Synchronicity. It’s a disturbing game that had me hooked until the last moment. If you don’t mind the mature content, I highly recommend it. You can see my review here and my walkthrough here.

Mrgan’s Blackbar is actually a few years old, but somehow I never played it before. It was brought to my attention and it seemed like my kind of thing, so I spent a few hours with it. I have mixed feelings about the ending, but I really enjoyed the concept and execution. It’s a text game where certain words are censored and you have to figure out what they are. It also has a bit of a post-apocalyptic story to it that’s filled with dark humor. It’s not a long game, but it’s certainly unique. I didn’t write a review, but you can see my walkthrough here.

Lunar Flowers is a free little game by NetEase Games. It’s absolutely gorgeous and I highly suggest downloading it. I don’t know how much longer it will be free, so take advantage of it while you can. Fans of Monument Valley, or just pretty games in general, should enjoy this one. You can read my short review here and see my walkthrough here.


Lone Wolf Games, the makers of The Lost Ship and Blackthorn Castle, released their third game, The Lost Treasure. It doesn’t have the most original name, but it has plenty of puzzles to keep you busy for a while. I didn’t write a review for it, but you can see my walkthrough here.

Escape Alcatraz Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöñ Devious Escape Puzzler by FreshGames is a game that was interesting at times and immensely frustrating other times. The controls aren’t always responsive, and the puzzles aren’t always intuitive, but it’s a unique — and fairly lengthy — free game, so it’s worth downloading and giving it a try. You can see my walkthrough here.

Lab Like’s Magic Flute by Mozart is a challenging block-sliding puzzler based on Mozart’s opera, the Magic Flute. It has a lot to offer, but is a little buggy and rough around the edges. You can read my full review here and my walkthrough here.


I spent some time with the new Land Sliders and Shooty Skies and compared them to Crossy Road. You can read more about that here.

I was really looking forward to the iPad port of another point-and-click adventure from Daedalic, called Deponia. Unfortunately, the humor and characters didn’t really click with me and I couldn’t make it through the whole game. But I wrote a review based on what I did play of it. You can read my full review here.

One of the first games I wrote a walkthrough for on AppUnwrapper was DOOORS by 58works. Several sequels have come out over the years, and the fifth one was just released, called DOOORS APEX Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöñ room escape game –. This one has you centered in the middle of each room and you swipe to turn around. Each wall has puzzles, clues and items for you to find, all with the goal to unlock each door. There are currently forty rooms for you to escape and you can see my walkthrough here.

Jutiful released some more levels for their puzzler, REBUS ΓÇô Absurd Logic Game. You can find all the answers here.

I haven’t played them myself yet, but my readers asked for a page for DeepSeaGirl [Horror Adventure] and 99 The Escape Game. I don’t know how good they are, but feel free to check them out.

I started the free point-and-click adventure game, Lost in the Forest Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöñ Adventure Game, by Gaetano Consiglio. I wasn’t really enjoying it, so I never completed my walkthrough. But maybe others will like it more than I did.

And last but not least, I wrote a piece about how ad blockers affect this site and how you can help. If you value the content you find here, please take a moment to read it here.

And that’s everything for the month of September! I’ll see you back here at the end of October. Remember, you can always find some good games to play on my Recommended List, which is being added to every day.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Linda S

    thanks! I’m downloading Lunar Flowers now!

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