Crashlands: Walkthrough Guide, Tips and Tricks

By: Butterscotch Shenanigans, LLC


This is a walkthrough guide with help, hints, tips and tricks for the iOS, Android and PC game Crashlands by Butterscotch Shenanigans. It’s a work in progress, so please bear with me. I’m focusing on things that I think people would need because they’re confusing or hard to find, as well as tips I’ve personally found useful. I’ve also included pictures of all creatures and plants for when the game tells you to hunt one down before it’s been added to your log. If there’s something you need help with that you don’t see here, you can ask in the comments section.

For help with certain tricky quests and Bawg or Tundra info, scroll down.

See my Crashlands review here.

Starting Guide:

**Note: There’s an Easter egg at the very beginning of the game that’s really easy to miss. I’ve been asked not to ruin it for people so early on, so I moved it a bit further down in the guide. If you want to know about it to make sure you don’t miss it, scroll down.**

Getting Off The Ship:

Hewgodooko blows up the ship you’re on and you need to find the escape pod to the planet Woanope. I show you how to get through that part in this video:

Controls & User Interface:

Tap anywhere on the screen to move there. You can also keep your finger on the screen to make Flux continue in that direction.

I explain the UI in the photo below. Juicebox is your little helpful robot companion who follows you around. You’ll also get pets along your way (you need to craft those, too!), but only one can follow you at a time.


To change equipment, tap on Flux in the lower left corner. Then, select an item you have equipped to see what else you have that can go in that slot.


You can also recycle equipment (break it down to salvage some of its parts) by tapping on the icon in the upper right corner and then tapping on a piece of equipment you don’t need anymore.


There are many items in the game that heal, but after you use one, there’s a timer before you can use another. If you think you’ll need to heal a lot, you might want to keep two different healing items in quick slots. You can also craft potions out of baconweeds, sunshrooms and other healing plants once you have a Hearth, so each one restores more hit points.

Loot, Schematics, Eggs and More:

When you hack at a plant or mineral or kill a creature, the loot will get picked up automatically, with a few exceptions. Schematics (or recipes) come in little crates. You need to pick those up manually. Pet eggs drop but you have to pick them up manually, as well. The good news is that if you miss a schematic or egg, it will show up on the world map so you can go find it again.



Crafting is a major part of this game. Hack at everything you find to harvest it. If you don’t have a strong enough tool for it yet, just come back later. Any items that you find in rocks, plants or creatures will automatically go to your inventory, and there’s unlimited space.

The BS SSSS SS5 is the first workstation you get. From there, you can make a Sawmill, which will allow you to craft wooden armor and other items. The Sawmill can craft a Skinnery, the Skinnery can craft a Stoneshaper, and so on. Each new workstation you build will allow you to make stronger weapons, armor, and tools.

You can only access your recipes (or schematics) from a workstation, but you can track a single recipe to see how many ingredients you still need while you’re out hunting for them.


Workstation Order:

BS SSSS SS5 > Sawmill > Skinnery > Stoneshaper > Chemworks (and Kiln) > Squathe > Fishiminea > Crystal Kiln > Jollyscope > Jackreaver (and Cauldron) > Bioloom >Compressor > Centrifuge > Granvil (and Thrombopump) > Shredbasket > Gastropestle (and Pressure Cooker) > Tumbler (and Slurrifier) > Burnchurn > Refinery > Foundry (and Bagpump)


Equipment Quality:

Every item you craft has a quality level. They go from Normal (white) > Acceptable (green) > Satisfying (blue) > Excellent (purple) > Legendary (orange)

Except for legendary items, the quality of a weapon or piece of armor is random. You can keep creating new ones to try to get a better quality. If you don’t like what you get, just salvage it (as explained above) and recycle the salvaged ingredients into a new one.


Creatures also provide ingredients for crafting, but first you need to kill them. Everywhere you go, you’ll see creatures of different levels. If you tap on one, you can see their name. The color of the name tells you how strong they are compared to you. White means they’re easy, yellow means they’re a little stronger than you but shouldn’t cause too much trouble. Orange is more difficult and red can kill you very easily if you’re not really careful. As you get stronger, the red monsters will turn orange, orange will turn yellow, etc.


If you get too close to a creature, they’ll start attacking you. But the area they’re about to attack turns red (trajectory), so you can try to avoid it. Running is as much a skill in this game as fighting. If you get ganged up on by more creatures than you can handle, run as fast as you can and they’ll lose interest. (The blue circle here is from my pet. I’ll talk more about that later.)


Building and Planting:

If you tap the little hammer in the lower left corner, you’ll be able to place down floors, walls and other decorations. There are two menus for this. The one with the floor icon is for laying down floors and furdle durt (fertile dirt) for planting. The one with the infinity symbol is for everything else, such as walls, lamps, trophies, seeds, chairs, etc.




As you explore by foot, you’ll come across teleportation stations called Telepads. From the map, you can tap on any of those teleporters to move there instantly. But you can only do so if you’re not in battle, being chased by an enemy. Damage over time — like poison, bleed, or burn — will also prevent you from teleporting. You can also tap on a Telepad and then select the little house icon to make that Telepad your home base. That way, when you go to the map and tap on the same house icon in the upper right hand corner, you’ll go straight there without having to find it on the map. That will also be where you go when you die.




As far as I can tell, death isn’t too horrible in this game. If you die, you’ll drop some things you picked up since you last left home base. You’ll also be warped back to whichever spot you made your home base. The game is nice enough, though, to stick a little gravestone on the spot where you died, so you can follow it on the map and reclaim your items. Not too bad! Your deaths will show up in your stats, though.


Every creature on this planet can be your pet. You just need to find an egg (usually a rare, random drop from said creature), craft a hatchery for it and wait for it to hatch. You then get to name it and it will follow you around, attaching your enemies. It also grows more powerful the more you use it. The catch is, your pets only attack creatures that you’re attacking. So you can’t just stand back and let them do everything. But they are incredibly useful. I usually use a ranged attack to get my pet’s attention, which leaves me more time to run around while they attack. But you need to keep attacking every so often or your pet will also stop.

You can evolve your pets by finding the right essences, as well as the recipes for the items that “enbiggen” them. There are three tiers for each creature. For instance, once you have a Wompit, you can kill Sterling Wompits for their essences to evolve him into a Sterling Wompit (as long as you have the recipe). Then, kill some Womplords and get their essences to evolve him into a Womplord using the pogo stick recipe.

I’ve only gotten one egg of any creature, so I’m assuming you can’t get more than one. You also can’t rename your pets, so choose wisely!

**Easter Egg: Don’t forget to pick up the G-Gnome before escaping the crashing ship. It’s just a collectible, but you likely won’t want to start over just to get it. It’s right near the escape pod.**



Savanna Creatures, Plants and Minerals:

If you’re looking for a certain creature, plant or rock and aren’t sure what they look like, here are pictures of them. See the Bawg and and Tundra sections for the rest.

Wompit, Glutterfly, Glidopus, Tartil, Wat, Zug


Sawgrass, Sunshroom, Baconweed, Logtree, Whistleroot, Kibweed, Walkerroot, Bumpberry, Flatboulder, Gassak, Straddlebark, Squee, Bulbi, Night Glotus, Savannah Fishing, Dusk Crystal.



Wats and Glutterflies only come out at night. Glutterflies show up pretty much right near your crash site. But you might need to travel a bit to encounter Wats. Wats are pretty annoying and usually attack in packs. Be prepared! I usually find Wats near Zugs.


Once you make a fishing pole, you can use it in one of these fishing holes in the water. You basically need to wait until some of those brown blobs (aka fish) are in line with the hook and then tap the screen to pull them up. You can usually fish a few times in one hole before the 2-hour timer sets in and makes you wait.




These are general tips or Savanna-related. See tips for Bawg further down in the Bawg section.

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé If you get a new schematic but don’t see it in any of your workstations, it most likely means that you need the next workstation to make it. Quests usually lead to a workstation schematic, so if you think you’re missing a workstation, do some more quests and it will most likely show up.

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé Make lots of floor boards and take them with you so you can easily build a bridge anywhere you go. Some quests actually require you to do so. They’re also easy to make, so just stock up on them.

ΓÇó Make a stone bed and take it with you so you can place it down temporarily any time you need to change from day to night or night to day.

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé If you circle your enemies, your pet will continue attacking for a good while. But if you run in a line from an enemy, your pet will think you’re running away and stop attacking. So if you want to rely mostly on your pet, try to keep your distance while running around the enemy, shooting a long-range weapon at it when you need your pet to start attacking again. That’s how I’ve been playing and it’s served me well. I suggest using a pet with projectiles, like the Glutterfly, Zug, Vomma or Wokack.

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé Plant baconweed and sunshrooms around your home base/crash site so you always have a fresh supply nearby. You can also plant seeds of different plants so you don’t have to go looking for them as often.

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé When you pick up a new quest, the target location will (usually) be marked on your map either with a name and yellow circle (general area) or a red dot (specific spot). If it’s a yellow circle, you need to walk around that area until you find it. NPCs are usually near items and structures that stand out and can’t be moved. So keep an eye out for anything that can’t be interacted with.

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé Not all points of interest are marked on the map. But you can add a sign if you want to make sure you can find an area again. One place I suggest doing this for is the Interrogation Room. It’s marked the first time you go there, but the marker disappears after the first part of that quest. So either memorize where it was or place a marker. I also like using signs when I’m hunting for a specific essence and I find a spot with the creature I need to kill for it.

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé On my map, there’s a little pond right below my crash site, but there are no fishing spots. You can craft fish food and put it in that water to make a fishing spot so you have one (or more!) right at home. Fishing is necessary to find certain ingredients, but you can also catch Fatheaded Slurpers, which heal over 400 HP.

ΓÇó You can use water bombs to make plants grow instantly.

Crafty Contact Quest:

This quest confused me because I didn’t realize I was supposed to head to Powaapol, which is marked by a red dot. You can see it on my map below, but it might be different on yours. The resonant substance that can be used as a transmitter can be found there.



Help Baakfleep Get Home:

Baakfleep is just scared of fire. You don’t have to actually take him home. Just use the Hearth make him a Stony Burn Salve and he’ll go home on his own.


Giant Fossilized Femur:

Some recipes call for a Giant Fossilized Femur. These can usually be found where rocky areas meet void. It looks like this:


The Butterfly:

There’s a level 11 legendary weapon called the Butterfly. I believe I got the recipe from a quest. (Apparently it’s from Flak at Grandmammy’s place.) The Oddly Shaped Crystal is confusing, as it doesn’t say where to get it. I actually got it from a Dusk Crystal I planted at my home base. I’m not sure if that matters or it can be found in any Dusk Crystal. But it makes a pretty nice sword, so I recommend hunting for it. If you’re trying to find Dusk Crystal, they can usually be found on the yellowish sand-like terrain far from your crash site.




Interrogation Room:

The interrogation room disappears from your map after you visit it the first time. I suggest placing a sign down so you can find it again. But here’s where it was on my map. Maybe it will be the same for you.



Repentance Quest:

Make sure you remember to pick up this quest from Dernd in Powaapol. I missed it and went back at the end. He’ll ask you to plant eight Logtrees around Powaapol, so do that. Make sure to set some Furdle Durt first. He’ll then send you to Marlaapol to seek out a shrine. Find a rock with a little plant sprouting from it. Kill all the creatures around it and you’ll hear the Voice of Baary. Go back to Dernd in Powaapol. He’ll then move to Marlaapol. Next, go to Baarnapol and speak to Baakfleep. He’ll decide to move to Marlaapol, as well. Meet him back there and talk to him. Some Tartil will appear and attack you. Finish them off and talk to Dernd again. This will then lead into the Fungus Among Us quest.





Fungus Among Us Quest:

This follows the Repentance Quest. You need to find the Cultist’s Den. It’s called Cultist Compound on the map. Go inside and talk to Husharsha. He’ll ask you to kill Hrak the Wat and Vug the Zug. Go find them and kill them. I found shark above the compound and Vug below it. Talk to Husharsha again. He’ll tell you you to get a dark tribute for Baary of twenty dusk shards and ten Straddlebark. Get them and give them to him. He then asks for eleven more Straddlebark and seven Bulbi. Get them for him. He’ll then tell you to meet him at Marlaa Shrine, but it’s labeled Baary Shrine, so that’s a bit confusing. Before you head over there, grab the two security keys lying around the compound. You can use them to open up the two doors to access different treasure chests.








Now, head over Barry’s Shrine but under the cover of darkness. So if it’s not night, you can change it to night by taking out a bed and sleeping. Talk to Husharsha again and get ready for a boss battle against Baary. You can also watch my boss battle below.



The Labyrinth:

To find the Labyrinth, head to the area shown on your map. Walk around until you see an empty void. Walk around the edges. If it’s the right place, it should start forming a triangle and you’ll see a stone at each corner. Tap all three rocks and the Labyrinth will appear. Then you’ll have to make some gravel bombs for the quest givers (sorry, I forgot their names) and they’ll blow open a doorway for you. Find all the treasure and brace yourself for the Blockstock battle. I wore him down using my Ancient Glutterfly pet (tier 2) and flamethrower, as well as some bombs. I basically ran around him, keeping my distance but aggro-ing him so my pet would keep attacking. Around the halfway point he’ll get some little flying helpers that you’ll also need to avoid.


The Baconweed Fairy Quest:

This is a tricky quest because only part of it is marked on the map. So first, find the Square Lake, which should be marked on your map. Build a floor bridge out to the middle and you’ll see a square of rocks with one baconweed flower. Mine was to the west, so I headed west in a straight line. But it might be different for you, because the maps are procedurally generated. You eventually get to a much bigger island surrounded by water. You won’t be able to see the fairy until you’re already on the island. But those markers you see near quest areas can be found here, too. When you see those markers (circled in the image below), build another bridge. But make sure you’re ready for a boss battle! This guy shoots teeth and he’s a lot harder to beat than Blockstock, the Labyrinth boss. His teeth are homing missiles. Later on he’ll shoot blue spheres in every direction. My tier 2 Zug (Zug Lug) was a huge help in defeating him. You get a Baconband and Scarecrow as rewards.







High Ground:

The final boss of the Savannah world is Hewgodooko aka Hewgo (the floating head who took down your ship) and he’s in the final room at High Ground. He has a number of different attacks, including lasers to rotate either clockwise or counter-clockwise. Around 1/3 into the battle, he’ll spawn some creatures to help him and it gets a little hectic. I almost defeated him on my first try, but the whole floor filled up with red and I lost. Still, I think he’s easier than the Baconweed Fairy. Go in prepared! I defeated him using a Zug Lug pet, a wrench (actually useless on him), a flamethrower, and DBOT.


The Bawg:

The first map is called Savanna. Once you defeat Hewgo at High Ground, you can go to the Creeping Rift and use the Bawgaporter to teleport to the Bawg. Here you will get a Trowel recipe, but you need to kill some Vomma to get Vlap before you can make it.





Bawg Creatures, Plants, and Minerals:

Vomma, Wojack, Throak, Snorble, Satgat, Bamli


Bloo, Tusker, Jollychomp, Splinter, Blegh, Nurva, Clossom, Tuber, Artree, Pikkaye, Pyn, Bawg Fishing, Thrombyte, Bone Spur, Bawg Hair.



Petty Theft Quest:

Once you pick up this quest, you’ll need to use the Jacksaw (Tier 3 saw) to harvest 20 Nurva seeds. Also, go to Savannah and make some water bombs. Then, go back to Oocrankinax and find the room surrounded by Furdle Blelch. Plant all 20 Nurva seeds and use the water bombs on them to make them grow instantly. Go back to Rikrool and Croon to complete the quest.



The Petty Theft quest is a long one. You’ll eventually get the Granvil from there, too.

Bawg Tips:

ΓÇó In Bawg, use Jollychomps to kill creatures near them. A Jollychomp can take out a small Vomma, or damage bigger ones.

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé You can also save yourself some Bloo by seeking out groups of Jollychomp. When one explodes, the others will, too. I also suggest setting down some Furdle Blulch and planting Jollybabs in one area so you can blow them all up at once. With a water bomb, you can keep growing them fast so you’ll get more Jolly Fulmar.

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé Carry around some signs in the Bawg. Place them down when you find a group of a plant that’s hard to find, like Pikkaye. Pikkaye only grows in a few spots for me, so I put a sign down at each one. They regrow in the same spot, so you’ll always know where to look.

ΓÇó Make yourself some healing potions as soon as you get the Cauldron and some recipes. The healing potions in Bawg are powerful and the ingredients are easy to find. The Grenamel Healing Potion even restores over 9000 HP!

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé Get a Tier 2 pet Vomma as soon as possible! They’re so strong! And Tier 3 is just a killing machine! (Note: They’re nerfing Vomma, cutting his attack power by 25%. Do enjoy it while it lasts!) You can see it in action here:

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé If you’re hunting Satgat, look for them near acid pools.

ΓÇó Once you have the recipe for it, I recommend making the Mini Dirigible. It will allow you to fly over water, which is everywhere in the Tundra. I recommend you make it before leaving the bog. I looted the Blimpsack off a Snorble.



Hunting Gloated Glutterfly:

You don’t get the schematic to upgrade your Glutterfly pet to tier 3 (epic) until you’re already in Bawg. But you need to go back to Savanna to hunt them. They’re very rare. I recommend taking a bed with you and staying out for a few nights, walking around any Glutterflies you see. If you see Wats, pull in closer to the crash site, because you’ll see more Wats than Glutterflies the further you get. You only need to find and kill two of them, though!


Goldbait Snare:

One of the quests has you laying a piece of gold as bait. You need to use build mode to place it anywhere inside Toochoochooinax (sorry, it might be a different name and location at that point of the quest. Maybe Oocrankinax. I think they change the names every time someone moves in or out and they move the place. There’s a teleporter right outside, so I didn’t notice until later).


Shrouded Myths Quest (Uncover the Other Half):

If, like me, you started this quest and then forgot what you were supposed to do — it has to do with the relics. You need to go to each relic site and chop down a plant to get a piece of the relic. There are two pieces, one at each site. Go back to Jak at Grandmammapol when you have both.





What Cannot Be Named Quest (Get the Codewall):

If, like me, you can’t remember what you’re supposed to do to get the Codewall, the quest is from Hissix at the Thresher Colony. He wants you to go to the Old Thresher Camp and pick up the Codewall, which is apparently this thing I circled below. I circled the Old Thresher Camp on my map so you can see what it looks like.





Here’s how to make Thrombyte Fybrins. First, use the Centrifuge to make a Thrombopump. You may need to get the Fibrins of Industry part of the Petty Theft quest to get the schematic for it (pictured below). Then, find one of these weird globules called Thrombye and use the pump on it. Now, you can use it like a workstation to make Thrombyte Fybrins using Bloo and Vlap. Just make sure to take it with you when you leave!





The Blood Root:

After helping Tikki out, you’ll get the schematic for The Blood Root, a legendary level 24 hammer. You need to get an Everlasting Pulp, which I think I looted from a Bone Spur, but I could be wrong. I know that I got it from something in my garden, though.



Toomah’s Cove:

The Intensive Treatment quests ends at Toomah’s Cove in a boss battle against Toomah. It’s pretty crazy, but I took care of him pretty swiftly with my Epic Vomma. You get the Clawbox and Bloodball schematics when you beat him.


Haast Spirit Grounds:

The Shrouded Myths quest takes you to the Haast Spirit Grounds, where you’ll eventually battle the boss Ynnix. I managed to defeat him fairly easily, even though lots of things were flying. Again, my Epic Vomma and DBOT were incredibly useful. You’ll get the Weakness Detector and Swapscope schematics for your efforts.




Jessica’s Den:

Jessica is a boss that’s part of that What Cannot Be Named quest. It wasn’t too bad, as I ink she had a lot less health than the other bosses. You’ll get a Life Enforcer schematic and 4 Sightless Vomma Essences from the battle. You’ll also get a Retina Mounted Spice Injector recipe when you return to Hissix.


Krakalaka Ruins:

There’s another boss battle with Hewgo at the end of this dungeon. First, take out all the named beasts that are part of the Petty Theft quest. At the end, Juicebox will say you’re done, but if you continue walking, you’ll encounter Hewgo again. You’ll get the Optimized Gamepad schematic for defeating him. You can watch my boss battle using a Powerful (tier 2) Bamli in the video below:

Strange Vomma Bug:

The developer said that this bug is staying in the game, so be careful. If you pause the game while a Vomma has it’s mouth open and is in middle of spitting projectiles, keep the game pause for a bit, then this happens when you resume. I tried it with my pet Vomma also and it worked!






The third map is called Tundra. Once you defeat Hewgo again in the Bawg, head to Coldfat Bluff to find the teleporter to Tundra, the Creepstone Podguard. You might want to move your home there. You’ll also get a Shirkbeak Pickaxe recipe here, but you need to kill some Shirks for their beaks (duh!) before you can make it.


Tundra Creatures, Plants, and Minerals:

Shirk, Glaser, Slurb, Lyff, Blastcrab, Gallum, Gulanti


Furgrasp, Spiregg, Smashblossom, Conjoined Perp, Geysir, Hard Core, Parapod, Fanged Strangler, Boreole, Tundra School fishing, Bluff, Flailtree, Flungus, Coppersponge, Pipedirt, Icequill, Liquideon, Crystine, Magmite Mound, Depressurized Larva, Bunnion. The Bunnion doesn’t show up in my compendium. I think it’s a bug. I posted a separate photo of it.





Careful with Smashblossoms. If you get too close to them when the orange part reaches the top, they’ll attack. You need to cut them down before the orange piece makes its way all the way up.



Geysers shoot ice up into the air when you hack at them. They’re incredibly satisfying to watch break, but pay attention to where the ice will land so you don’t get hit! You can also try and steer enemies into the path to damage them. You can see the Guysirs in action in this video I made:

Tundra Tips:

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé There’s a *lot* of water in the Tundra. I suggest making the Mini Dirigible before you leave Bawg, as it lets you fly over water. See my Bawg section for more info on it. I know it says you can only fly for 10 seconds, but if you’re over water when it runs out, you’ll continue flying. Yes, it’s an exploit and they might fix it in the future. But for now, it’s useful and preferable to building floor constantly.


Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé Here’s another exploit. If you fly over the water while fighting a flightless enemy, they won’t be able to attack you, but you can damage them.


ΓÇó I also recommend doing your Tundra fishing while flying, as it makes it easier to reach more fishing spots.

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé Get the Clarm and Searchlight as soon as possible, as they’ll make your Epic Vomma even more epic!

Mining Helmet:

The mining helmet is used to embiggen your tier 2 Wojack to an Epic Wojack. I looted it in Tundra from a Smashblossom, but it’s probably a random drop. The schematic is used with the Shredbasket workstation.

I haven’t been able to find an Epic Tartil schematic, even though I’m in the Tundra already. If anyone got one, I’d love to know what you looted it from. Thanks in advance!


The Slurrifier is a workstation that refines Guysir Slurry into Karboan, Meltor, and Technium. You also need Parapods for it, so I recommend planting some in pots. You’ll need a lot of them!


Flung us are like giant Jollychomps. You toss them a Flailpod and they explode.


Liquideon is very rare and, unfortunately, needed for some late-game recipes. It can be found primarily in the green areas where the Gallum live. It looks like orange goo.


Epic Gallum and Gulanti:

I think the developers knew that the Epic Gallum and Gullanti are too hard to kill, even with the final set of equipment. You get 3 essences of each from two different quests, which are all that are needed for the schematics to evolve them. So don’t worry about hunting them down. Just get all the quests done.

Final Set of Legendary Equipment:

The final set of equipment doesn’t come with your workstation. Instead, you have to loot each piece randomly. They each start with “Lons” and are quite a powerful level 35 legendary set.






Demon Feet Quest

I came across this little guy in the Tundra. I killed him and got a legendary item called Torso Demon Skin. Turns out he’s part of a quest. You get the Demon Feet quest from Brickabrack after helping them get rid of Kryll so they can set up G.H.Q. He’ll give you a recipe for Demon Boots, which are legendary level 27 leg armor.





Tender Cuts Quest:

The “Oon’s Following” part of this quest confused me a little at first. I found the Bawg land in the middle of the water, but forgot that I needed to cover it in Smashblossom flooring. So find the spot labeled “Oon’s Creep 1” on the map, cover the Bawg with Smashblossom floors and then return to Oon.




The next part of the quest, “Cutting Out the Bad,” involves going to Oon’s Creep 2 and finding another piece of Bawg land. This time, though, you’ll have to clear it of and Epic Snorble and Throak before you can cover it with Smashblossoms floors.



Big Red:

After you complete the Firehouse quest, pick up the Firestorm quest from Jak. He’ll ask you to retrieve Big Red from the Secret Keep. Find the Secret Keep on your map and head over there. If you go during the day, you won’t have to fight the Blastcrab Lord. But you do have to fight a Powerful Lyff and Epic Satgat. Also, make sure to bring your Mini Dirigible for flying. Big Red is in the chest at the end. It will show up in the Refinery as a schematic and you can now craft one and take it to Jak.



Not So Extinct Quest (Poteti Boss Battle):

The “Speak With Blajam” part of this quest confused me a bit. I wasn’t sure how to find the Nursery. You just have to go a little bit west of Central Podguard to find Blajam. He’ll then ask you to clear 10 Shirks from the area. Do so and then he’ll give you a Stuffed Shirk schematic and ask you to make him two of those. Then, he’ll ask you to kill Jerrs, the Grert Whert Shirk (yeaaahhhh). I found him very close by. Kill him, and then the calfs will go missing. Cut down some Furgrasps until you get 3 Strange Tufts. Blajam doesn’t recognize the fur, so you have to find and ask Buhduhn about it.





It turns out the almost-extinct Poteti stole the calfs. You have to go find the Poteti Den, which is apparently at the Snunes, whatever that means. Prepare for a boss battle against the Poteti, which is basically a Yeti! He shoots ice shards and they have a really long range, so be very careful. The den looks almost like a little gray bullseye. You can see my fight with him below.



Triggerstone Temple:

The Records of Sorrow quest will lead you to a temple in Triggerstone. You’ll have to fight a few Powerful (Tier 2) creatures and then face a boss called E.M.G. I didn’t have much of a problem with him. Take some nice, strong potions and a good pet. My pet of choice was Vomma. There’s a laser eye that follows you around and walls that come in from different directions. But it’s not too bad if you have the legendary set of equipment. Make sure to open all the treasure chests in the temple.



The I.H.O:

The Farmanomaly quest eventually leads you to the I.H.O. Spotting (Identified Hovering Object), on Grubby’s request. Brace yourself for another boss fight! He’s actually pretty easy if you have the final Lonsdaleite set of legendary equipment and an Epic Vomma pet. Note that at the very end he uses a force field that protects him, so you need to break the force field before you can damage him further. I got the Clarm, Puzzlecube, Cleavebat, and Spacetime Folder schematics as my rewards. When you go back to Sikka, you’ll also get a Thundercall schematic. You can see my boss battle on video below. You’ll get the Heft and Motivator schematics for your trouble.


Special Delivery (Defeat Hewgodooko):

The final boss battle and final quest in the game is to finally defeat Hewgodooko….out in space! The Elderstone teleports you into space, where you’ll battle him one last time. He has some healing machines that shoot a green laser beam at him. Destroy those to stop his healing. It was a long battle for me, which you can watch below. You can still continue playing and complete other side quests once you beat him.

Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé Fun little Easter egg I noticed — some of the Lyff names play on the fact that it sounds like “lift” — Dueven Lyff Broh (Do You Even Lift, Bro?) and Skwat Lyff Broh (as in the squat lift).

**This is a work in progress! Please bear with me and keep checking back for new info. You can also ask for help in the comments section if you don’t see what you’re looking for.**

This Post Has 201 Comments

  1. Steven

    Ive been trying to get the crystal for the butterfly for quite a while. Ive destroyed probably over 100 dusk crystals with no luck. Also, i was able to plant 1 dusk crystal at my base, but cant plant any more, and other trick to this?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Why can’t you plant more? Make more Furdle Durt, get more Dusk Dust, keep making seeds and planting. I had to break a lot of them to finally find it!

      1. Ryan james

        I can’t find the sacolaterns to give coox in the bawg

    2. AhiaShobe

      I have hunted down about 230 vommas but cant seem to get the vommaphone recipe. Any tips on how to get it?

      1. ZackVoss

        Hope I’m not late but it’s is a random drop in the tundra land. I got mine while mining a random plant. I believe it was a smash blossom.

        1. MickoDel

          Actually schematics can drop from anything (not quest only schematics) that can be harvested (not taken like trowel’ed stuffs) and killed in any place as long as you have the certain workstation needed to craft that certain item

      2. Hsij

        You need to destroy spur wood

  2. Chris

    After which quest did you get the Centrifuge or was it an item discovery?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Ahh sorry, I don’t remember. I just know you make it with the Compressor.

  3. Phuongdtvd

    Can i ask something at the barbaran key quest i take the key open the door but she wouldnt go outside and just say please take my hand

  4. Dragoz1337

    Which crafting station is used to make dusk crystal seeds? I have no idea.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      The Crystal Kiln. You need Dusk Dust and Water Balloons for it.

  5. calypso

    For the life of me, I can’t find Hrak (the wat you have to kill for the cultist quest). I’ve looked spent multiple in-game nights hunting around savannah areas near the compound, but no luck. Any idea where I can find it?


    1. AppUnwrapper

      I think those are usually random, since each person’s map will look different.

    2. Yournickname

      You may find Hrak only at night because it’s a BAT. 🙂 Hope you already found it but it could be usefull for other guys playing this game and reading comments.

      1. Yournickname

        And for sure you should trying to find it near other bats flying.

    3. Dtw123

      I found him right next to the compound just like the other zug you had to find

  6. SilicalNZ

    Threshed – A New Position

    All I have to do is find Ziztik, but I have no idea where he could be. Im in the tundra zone now so Ive done tons of exploring… Any idea?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      I’m not there yet — I have one last boss in Bawg. But I’ll look out for that when I get to Tundra and try to help you out.

      1. SilicalNZ

        It is a mission within the Bawg, im just saying that ive explored nearly everything to the point that im at the tundra now… but still havn’t found the guy. thanks anyway 🙂

        1. AppUnwrapper

          Oh whoops! Haha. I see I have Ziztik’s Shrine on my map but I don’t remember if it was labeled something else first. The quests log could definitely use some work.

  7. Hohenhiem

    Why can’t I plant dusk dust anymore ?? I’ve plenty of Furdle Durt and dusk dust too but when I press W the dusk dust doesn’t appear

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Dusk Dust needs to be turned into Dusk Seeds using water balloons,

      1. Hohenhiem

        ohhh thanks 🙂

      2. Hohenhiem

        But … by what ?

  8. Hohenhiem

    And … How could you get the pickaxe and the station in Fishiminea ?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Try to complete some quests. They usually give you the recipes for those items.

  9. Hohenhiem

    By the way – How could you get the barbarian key ?? There’s a damn tree stuck in my dungeon and I can’t get pass it >.<

    1. Hohenhiem

      Could u help me ’bout the Glartalar quest ?? they said that they will point the way for me on the map but there is nothing

        1. Bobbeh

          I have the same problem. Gaaby says “He’s claimed a terror-filled tarpit for himself. I’ll point you the way on that map” but nothing is marked on the map.

          1. AppUnwrapper

            Are you sure it doesn’t say Labyrinth anywhere? Mine did.

            1. Jim

              As I remember, he just said that “head west” and when you head west it will lead to a very big black pond with a triangle shape on the map. Go around that pond and hit the sign on each corner of the pond and the way to the Labyrinth will show up.

  10. george

    Do you remember what you killed to get the bamli egg? I’ve probably killed a thousand bamlis and their eggs just won’t drop

    1. AppUnwrapper

      If I remember correctly, every egg was dropped by the corresponding creature. I think the bigger ones or higher tier have a better Janice of dropping them, though.

      1. Dragoz1337

        I read in a tip that “Eggs are dropped by everything but the smallest enemy” So that may help.

      2. Cr0nus

        My Hoover up the dudes sirinax quest is broken I take it….took everything and it still doesn’t show complete and also every time I slap juice box he says something about sucking all his stuff up. I’m confused lmfao.

  11. Li Wang Bai

    Cant anyone show me statue of choochoo,i cant find it.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Let me see if I can find it again and take a screenshot.

      1. Li Wang Bai

        Any luck?,im stuck here 3days,cant do anything else coz nothing marked in my map.

        1. AppUnwrapper

          What does the quest say again?

          I know, the quest log is not great for those times where the spot isn’t marked on the map.

          1. Li Wang Bai

            Hover that thing up with build mode and lets get back to him.Really hard to understand how to find.

            1. AppUnwrapper

              Ah ok. Yeah, I remember that one but I don’t remember having a lot of trouble finding it. I didn’t take any screenshots of it either, so I’ve nothing to refer to. It’s the About Time quest?

              1. Li Wang Bai

                It is Petty theft quest,can you go to choochoo ‘s station and take a sreenshot for me.

                1. AppUnwrapper

                  The problem is, the names of the places seem to change when different people move in or out. I can’t even figure out where I placed the statue. :/

  12. Bubalaru

    I don’t like that first picture. That ruins the easter egg for a lot of people. I would love you so much if you take it down and not mention that easter egg. At least not so early in the article.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      I did it because a lot of people were missing out on it (including me) and were upset that they did.

    2. AppUnwrapper

      I can make a note of it at the top and move it down.

      1. Umo

        What’s the sense in this? By the time the reader encounters the easter egg, note, it’s far too late to collect it. Maybe a blurb at the top saying “if you’re a completionist collector,check the bottom of this article for an easter egg” or summat.

        Great walkthrough, though.

        1. Umo

          oh, that’s what you did. Never mind lol

  13. Jesus36

    You forgot a major boss fight in the savant which is at the end of the cultist questline. Spoiler***

    You have to fight Baary the other entity besides marla. He’s easily the hardest on the savanna

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Hmm I thought I completed all the quests in Savanna. Will take another look.

    2. AppUnwrapper

      Do you know how to start that quest? I’m not sure how I missed it.

      1. Maboroshi

        I missed it as well, just go to Barnapol move down west/south on red floor u will see little guy that gives the quest, I did it after getting to Tundra

        1. AppUnwrapper

          Thanks! Will head there and probably 1-hit KO the boss lol.

        2. AppUnwrapper

          Hmm I don’t see anything there. Could I have done it already? But if I missed a boss…?

  14. Unnamed

    I actually never picked up the knome on the ship. There later will be another easter egg which still gives the knome!

    1. Saps

      I found the gnome in savana. I missed it in the ship too. It can be found again in an area surround by dusk crystals. Have to break them to enter the area. It’s slightly NW of Ramerl’s Smithery on my map. It had aqua pumpkins on the four corners.

  15. bigd

    where do you get the blimp recipe from?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      I *think* it was from a quest, possibly The Grandest City quest line? Based on the time I see I got it. Did you finish that quest yet?

      1. bigd

        No, I “Hoovered” up everything but it won’t finish the quest…

        1. bigd

          I think it’s the tile he is standing on that I cant pick up

          1. AppUnwrapper

            I think you should be able to pick up flooring even if someone is standing on it.

  16. megane

    Huff and Puff Explosives 101 Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöñ Talk to Flak after Crafting Contact: Fishin’ up Batteries

    Not be clear.

  17. raymund

    hey men how did u pass the quest ‘petty theft’ snaring is caring
    Chat Log said
    Juicebox: Alright flux, slap that snare down somewhere in this roost.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      I think the names of the places keep changing as people move around. But it was in one of the places ending in “inax.” You just use build mode to place the gold bait snare anywhere inside that room.

      1. raymund

        Damn! that was easy and u know it takes me a week to find out! Thanks man.

          1. raymund

            Now im stuck again where can i get spur gold one of the recipe of Workstation ‘Granvil’

              1. raymund

                Damn! hahaha Thanks again!

  18. homeybadger

    the butterfly weapon is from a quest by “Flak” ( an alien looking guy, after doing a few quest beforehand *bomb quests*

    Flak can be found at granmammy’s place

  19. Tyler

    Can you help me out with the mission called firestorm retrieving big red?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Can you give me some details about it to remind me?

      1. Tyler

        So it’s in the tundra level and the mission is given to you from Jak, you have to go to a location called the secret keep and you fight 3 monsters and steal the recipe and then Jak wants you to make one and bring it to him. So my issue is I went through got the recipe but I can’t remember what it was to craft it and finish that mission.

        1. AppUnwrapper

          Wait, is that the Firehouse quest? I’m still working on that because the “Ruinpost 146” was confusing me, so I’ve been focusing on other quests first.

        2. AppUnwrapper

          Ah ok so the reason I didn’t see Ruinpost 146 on my map was bc I had been there before and it wasn’t orange on my map. Got the quest moving again.

  20. Dragoz1337

    For the epic Vomma video, you say to get a Tier 2 Vojak as fast as possible, but the video talks about the Tier 2 and 3 Vomma. You may wanna fix this.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Ah found it. Thought I fixed that already. Thanks!

      1. Low Jiahao

        I found that many of your Vomma’s description are saying “Wojak xxxxx”. 🙂

        1. AppUnwrapper

          Lol there’s more? Damn…I’ll look it over and hopefully catch them all.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      I think some of those are from quests. Looks like the medicine bag and flamethrower are in there. You did all the quests in Savanna?

    2. AppUnwrapper

      I’ll check the names for all the others I have in a little bit.

  21. wehafse

    where do i get spur gold?

    1. wehafse

      nvm found it

  22. Anthony

    Not yet but can u tell me how to get the recipes not from quest like which mobs or resource u get them from.

  23. Kaz

    Do v get pet eggs upon getting to a certain part of quest?

  24. Anthony

    Also is it possible to get another hewgo hologram statue I regret turning it in for the quest

    1. AppUnwrapper

      I had one after the quest ended, I believe. Maybe not. Will double check.

  25. Tyler

    Sounds good let me know what you find out later on that mission.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      It was Big Red, I believe?

      I now finished all quests (I think) except for defeating Hewgo.

  26. Tyler

    That’s the one. What did you do to complete that one. Jak wants you to craft something but I can’t remember what it is.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      It’s called Big Red. 🙂 I think I posted a photo in my guide.

  27. Anthony

    Did u know u can collect the fat fish in build mode and I couldn’t find the last recipe for the fishiminea station

  28. clec

    When and where do you get the catalyst recipe for epic vomma?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      I don’t remember. Sorry! Many of those were random drops.

  29. Ausar

    Nice guide! I was wondering if you made the spacetime folder yet and if you did, where did you find the physics paper?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      I haven’t. Someone said it was from a quest, but I can’t find any new quests. Maybe it’s one of those side quests you get from playing their other games? But that would be silly.

      1. Ausar

        I just wanted to let you know, i found the research, but by killing a Lyff. I’m not sure if its just a random drop or something but thats how I got it! good luck!

        1. AppUnwrapper

          Ahh thanks. Don’t think I’m gonna hunt for it at this point.

  30. Simon

    where do you find the schematics for the mini dirigible? I have the component needed, but no schematics 🙁

  31. Max

    How and where can i receive the bwacon weed fairy quest?

  32. Aison

    I come from Taiwan, there is little information in Chinese.

    I want to ask below
    How do I get Water Balloons?


    1. Hohenhiem

      Water Balloon get from the Water Pump which you get from quests

  33. Simon

    Where and what are Spurs?

  34. AwesomeJuicebox

    how you can plant that dusk crystal, Please tell me !

    1. Hohenhiem

      You have to get the recipe of making the seed first and then combine the dust with the Water baloon to make the Crystal seed

  35. Hohenhiem

    Where to go to do the “Grab the final package” quest
    How to do the Hoover up Sirixinax quests ??
    Pls answer me and thanks very much

    1. AppUnwrapper

      What is the “Grab the final package” quest asking if you? I don’t remember the details.

      The hoovering quest wants you to go to Sirixinax and use build mode to pick up everything there, including the floors.

      1. Hohenhiem

        ok thanks and nvm ’bout the Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├║Grab the final packageΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├æ quest. I’ve watched your video and found it out already. Tks lots

  36. Lelo

    How can i get the beaconweed fairy quest, i go to brawg but i never kill the fairy plz help

    1. Hohenhiem

      In Savanna, you’ll find near the Powaa Pole a place which has 2 NPCs there one of them call like Uugly, kind of, I don’t remember well sorry, but they stay like some place circle and have a quest for you, do all the quest and it will lead you to the baconweed fairy

  37. Hohenhiem

    Oh someone asked me but i forget, how could you do the “Snaring is Caring” quest ??

    1. AppUnwrapper

      That’s the gold snare? I wrote a bit about that. You need to use build mode to place the snare down.

      1. Hohenhiem

        Oh yeah tks for helping me remember it ^_^

  38. Sarcze

    Can you add the quest ‘Warfish’ here? Maybe some advice on fishing? I found the Tundra one by luck before starting the actual quest.. I have 35 fishing holes at my Savanna home but still can’t get it Orz.

    1. Sarcze

      Also, can you add more details on the last legendary set? What does it drop from? Randim monsters? Maybe you can also put a screenshot of them?

      1. AppUnwrapper

        I got them as random drops, yeah. I’ll post the screenshots.

        1. Sarcze

          Seen the legendary set screenshot. I thought you said that each piece is looted and not crafted? Btw, the fish weapon from ‘Warfish’ I’m talking about isn’t the Lons- hammer.. (It looks pretty much like a fish to me.. Without eyes.) the one I’m talking about has one eyeball..

          1. AppUnwrapper

            The legendary recipes are looted instead of being in the workstation when you make it. But the pieces themselves still need to be crafted.

      2. Sarcze

        Btw, I found a Lons recipe from breaking a resources, can’t remember which. So it’s not only from killing mobs

    2. AppUnwrapper

      I’m not sure I saved any info on the Warfish quest (sadly the game erases all that info so the only way I’d have it is if I took screenshots or wrote about it while playing). Which one is that?

      And I’m not sure what kind of advice you’re looking for with fishing. What are you having trouble with?

      1. Sarcze

        There’s a screenshot somewhere here that show a weapon that looks like a giant fish, so I guess that’s the ‘Warfish’. You get the quest from Tundra’s fishing master guy. I’m only at the first part, and it’s to fish three ‘bait’ weapon, one from each area.. About the fishing advice, do you know other way to increase the number of black rocks everytime I fish?

        1. AppUnwrapper

          There are items to increase the number of fish. There’s also something that makes all the fish explode out of the water. I forgot the names but I can check for you.

  39. AGN

    Im stuck at the petty theft quest,
    juicebox just says Alright Flux, slap that snare down somewhere in this roost
    PLS HELP!!

    1. AppUnwrapper

      You need to place the gold snare down by the Chooinax or Toochoochooinax. I forget as the names kept changing.

      1. AGN

        oh TY!!!

  40. AGN

    Ummmm…. I’m stuck again what should I do at theshrouded myths
    when flux says i know the drill – time to bust it open.

    1. AGN

      an do you have any idea on how to make the acidic fish food??

        1. Karujo

          what quest

    2. AppUnwrapper

      That has to do with the two relic sites. I included it in my guide bc I got stuck there too.

  41. Sarcze

    Where do you get the folder for Spacetime Folder?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      I got the folder from a quest, but never found the papers.

  42. Chrischan

    guys i kinda mess up,in special delivery in tundra…how could i remove a pool…

  43. Sarcze

    I got another Gallum egg even though I already hatched one.. ?

  44. AlvinStarr


    I have 2 questions. How to make a fish pole ? And how to make a water pump ?


      1. AlvinStarr

        ok thanks, I don’t which quests they are but I gonna search

  45. Unnamed

    I found a exploit. Your current hp scales with your armor. If you eat a baconweed with no armor on , you recover all your hp, and then you put your armor on you’ll be at full hp.

  46. OmegaDark

    Hoy do you get the lyff crystalshard? It says a lyff gives it to you or something, but I don’t know what to do…..

  47. AGN

    Umm im stick
    do you know where Carrta is in bawg?
    I lost her and i cant find her

  48. razvan

    Can anyone tell me where is Caarta in Bawg i ΓÇ¥lostΓÇ¥ her,tell me area or zone where is she!!!pls

    1. Unnamed

      Caarta will spawn randomly… The best way to find him is to look around your spawn.

  49. td

    how do you find the schematics for the mini dirigible? I completed all the quest now and went to tundra and i went back to bwag to farm snables the recipe wont drop ;(

    1. AppUnwrapper

      I can’t remember exactly. I thought it was from a quest.

    2. Sarcze

      You get the recipe after you finish the Toochoochoo questline, where you find past exiles to invite them back.

  50. Sarcze

    I defeated the floating head on space few days ago. It took you 10 minutes. It took me 1 minutes with 20 Depth Charges bomb and nothing else Lol.

  51. press2play

    Just got the megagong weapon a level 37 axe, but i still need recipe i only have 494 out of 512 where could it be i completed all the quest and defeated hewgo(final).

  52. Nero Black

    Anyone know in which area, Savanna, Bawg or Tundra you get the Tartil tier 3 schematic?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      People have told me they’ve gotten it in Savannah and Bawg. So I’m not sure it’s restricted to any area. Played over 60 hours and never got it. :/

      1. Purificator

        I get the schematic for the Epic Tartil in the bawg for me so try kill mobs and plants

      2. 108471

        I got it in the Savannah after killing something. Its the ten tonne bomb

  53. Purificator

    I need light on that : the power of the pet upgrade with the power of Flux or is always at the same power ?
    Exemple : i’ve an Epic Vomma and i thinks his power ( his damage ) up when i have better weapon .
    Right or not ?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Yes, your pet’s strength should go up with your new weapons.

      1. Purificator

        Yeah cool, thanks !
        My Vomma is going to be VERY strong 😀

        1. AppUnwrapper

          They nerfed it in the recent update, sadly. 🙁

          1. Purificator

            normaly i don’t say that but im on the phone version and in a cracked version BUT… we don’t care 🙂 and shut pls not report me please ! 🙁

  54. Dtw123

    How many quests are there? I’ve completed 364 and I just can’t find any more I’ve looked everywhere on all 3 of the maps I even managed to get back on the starting ship somehow but there’s no one there except those mini robot guys. Anyone completed more than 364 quests?

  55. pfgluigi

    I hace been killed by Explordulos, one quest boss and now dont respawn. What can I do?

  56. Purificator

    Man , you know the mob you must kill for have a torso d╬ô├╢┬ú╬ô├«├ëmon skin … I found one i hit it but hewgo blow up him and he dont loot his loot so im stick ? I dont met him again 🙁
    I have no luck for this time

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Ha wow. You might want to report that to the devs. The Hewgo thing is cool, but shouldn’t be able to destroy something that there’s only one of.

      1. Purificator

        Ok so i go report this but the dev cant give me the loot so
        Im stick, so bad 🙁 :'(

  57. horhe

    please help me im stock in quest affliction (makin fishin hole) bwag quest
    brandmammy said bring him one of the complete acidic fish food, where to find that?
    2.petty thef (statue to toochoochoo) bwag quest
    juice box said hoover that thing up with build mode, but i cant see statue

    please help thanks

    1. JimmyLu

      1. You can make it using Schematic.
      2. The statue you should collect is the hologram with the Hewdokodo face.

  58. Dragoz1337

    What are blastcrabs and how do I fight them? They always seem to be asleep. I woke one up somehow when I found mk5 bombs in a chest and used them on some flungus, but thats it. Also, I saw that Vomma have been nerfed, so what is your new recommended pet?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      The blastcrabs only wake up at night. Otherwise you can’t damage them.

      I never updated after the Vomma nerf. But other ones I like are the Wojack, Bamli and Gulanti. Maybe Lyff, but I didn’t like it so much.

  59. Dragoz1337

    Ive seen quite a few legendary items that you didnt talk about, like the one you can craft using the refinery and the one you can craft in the burnchurn ( I havent unlocked either) but I would like you to talk about how and where to get them.

  60. Dragoz1337

    Do you have any tips for finding Ziztik the Loon for the Threshed quest? I have just beaten the game and it is the only quest I have not finished yet.

  61. nelz

    How to to remove fishfood in water?

  62. nelz

    But in tundra “Special delivery” feed the army quest. I already make a fishfood in 2 holes under the shell. Before i recieve the quest,

  63. nelz

    But in tundra . Special Delivery quest “feed an army” i already make a fishfood in 2 holes under the shell, before i receive tue quest.

  64. Mattz

    Hi, I need some help here. I can’t seem to complete the Ruinpost 347 quest. I have collected the hologram from the ruin during day time But the quest won’t trigger Finished and ask me to return to Jak at G.H.Q. Any idea what did I do wrong? Help pls, it’s the only quest I have left to complete the game.

  65. Abdur Rahman

    How to solve “Fishing boom- vrrdunn’s beats” quest?? I am stuck here for days. here is a ss of that quest:

    1. Abdur Rahman

      Someone please help.

  66. asterisJake

    Hello AppUnwrapper , Please Tell me how to Craft a ShredBasket(I mean how to get The Materials) cause Ive been Sticker for Hours Hunting for the materials, I’m now in the tundra , still no Movement…

  67. Adeena

    Hey somebody PLZ help ME!! I have everything for the mini dirigible but I can’t find the schematic ! Can somebody please tell me where you found the schematic? Thank you

  68. Adeena

    May somebody plz help me?? Where is the schematic for the mini dirigible? I have all the materials but i don’t seem to have the schematic. Plz can someone tell me where you found the schematic? Thx soooo much

  69. AMostafa800

    Does Any One Have Tips For Getting The Gongs I Have The Epic Gulanti And The Nasty Lure And I Even Use The Fishing Boost Rocks But Can’t Find Them Please Help

  70. Gamer101

    How do you kill the demon guy!?

  71. Gamer101

    How do you kill the demon guy for the demon boots quest?!

  72. Steven

    You can get multiple eggs from one type of creature. I have multiple of 3 of my pets.
    And it is possible to rename a pet, you just have to use an item to do it.

  73. Anna

    How do I get a fishing pole?!!

  74. Shin

    I’ve a hard time to complete the mission about supreme fish or something like that… it’s a quest from tundra..need help..really appreciate it

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