Fran Bow Chapter 2: Walkthrough Guide

Chapter 2, Part 2: Double Personality:

1. Fran wakes up in what appears to be a cat bed, wearing a cat hat. Get up and read the note. Then find the baking soda, knife and cauldron.



2. Head left. Grab the matches, seed, salt and pepper. Also, fill up the cauldron with water from the sink. Then go through the door to the left.




3. Pick up the flower vase with ashes in it. If you go left, there’s just a ghost, a dead body, and stairs that end in a wall. You can check it out if you want, but there’s nothing to do there right now. Go up the stairs in this room.


4. Take the broom and open the drawer to get the black candles. Pull down the chain to the left to find a ladder. Don’t go up yet. Instead, head left through the doorway.


5. Grab the tweezers.


6. Go back and up into the attic. Pull on the chain to turn on the light. Examine the cage to the right. Midnight will come out from under the sheet You’ll have a long chat with him, but need to find a way to get him out of the cage. Feel free to look in the baby carriage for a fright.



7. Go back downstairs. The two-headed girl from all the photos will be waiting for you. Talk to her and agree to make her a summoning potion in exchange for the key to free Midnight. They’ll give you the recipe/spell for the summoning magic.



8. Go back to the sink. The creepy skeleton guy is peeking in through the window, but disappears when you spot him. He leaves the window open, though, so go out through it.


9. Talk to the toad. He tells you not to trust the girls and not to do what they ask. Throw the seed in the lake where you see the moon’s reflection. It will grow into a blue rose. Take the rose.


10. Take your pills to see a message on the wall: DOUBTERS NEED THE TRUTH ON PAPER.” Also, talk to the ghost of one of the sisters and pick up the wooden plank. 

11. Take your pills again. Then go back inside and take your pills to end up in a pit of sewage. Climb up the wall brick by brick until ou come to a gap. If you use the broom, it will snap under your weight. So use the plank instead. Cross and cut the rope, then go back down.

12. Try to pick up the bottle that fell. It ends up inside a dead frog and it’s too hot to touch. So use the tweezers to grab the scroll from the bottle that tells you how to Reveal the True Soul.

13. Use the knife to cut Fran’s hand so she has some of her own blood. Now all we need is hair from the person we want to bewitch.

14. Take your pills again to go back to the house. Head left to the room with the recaptured body. Place the paper with the old recipe (Summon the Old Lose Body) into the typewriter to add “Hair from your head” to it. We’re going to trick the twins!

15. Go back to the room with the sink. The sisters will be waiting for you. They brought the ingredients you need for the bad recipe. Then they go back left to the table and the toad takes the bag of ingredients to get rid of them for you. Go to the twins and use the tampered bad recipe with them to convince them to give you some of their hair.

16. Go back to the very first room. Close the window. Draw a pentagram on the black tiles using the ashes from the urn. Then, place the black candles down and use the matches to light them. Add Fran’s blood. Then use the matches to turn on the stove. Place the cauldron of water on the stove to boil it. Add the salt & pepper, blood, blue rose, and hair to the pot. When the magic potion is done cooking, it will automatically be added to your inventory.

17. Go back to the girls and show them the potion. Then follow them into the kitchen. Pour the potion over their heads and recite the incantation. They’ll turn to dust and you can take the golden key.

18. Go back upstairs and pull down the ladder so you can get back into the attic. It turns out the key doesn’t fit the cage. It’s actually for the keyhole above the mirror. Go back to the room with the dolls and use the key above the mirror. We now have to solve a gears and sliding tiles puzzle. The mirror will shatter. Look inside to find the key for the cage.





19. Go back to the attic and use the golden key on the golden cage to free Midnight! Reunited at last! Now to figure out how to get out of here.


20. Go back to the toad. Give him the baking soda so he gets bigger. He’ll give you a photo of Fran and her family and a book with the name Leon on it. Now you have to play a Frogger or Crossy Road mini game to get across the river.



21. Jump off the toad and walk over the log. Midnight will lead. But then that monster returns and they both fall. Fran ends up back in the hospital and you take control of Midnight. That ends Chapter 2!



Continue to Chapter 3!

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Austine

    Hey can you please tell me how to download franbow 2-5 please just tell me thank you!

    1. Char

      Apple store 🙂

  2. July

    hello !!!, I have a problem, the blue flower never appeared 🙁

    1. Hayley

      You have to get the seed from above the sink and put it in the moonlight on the water

    2. Anonymous

      You must get the seed and put it under the moonlight reflection in the water.

      1. Kadem

        Thanks for this mate

  3. Mushi

    where do you get the magical door it wont show up?

  4. Shuichi saihara simp

    A great guide thanks

  5. ur mom

    there is no door on the well??

  6. Eden

    Hi 🙂 where can you got the little door on the well?

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