Giveaway: Win a Free iOS or Google Play Copy of Glitch Games’ ‘The Forgotten Room’

The Forgotten Room
By: Glitch Games


**Update: Thanks to everyone who entered! The winners have been selected and sent their codes.

If you’re a fan of Glitch Games’ Forever Lost series, you’re probably well aware that they have a new game coming out tonight just in time for Halloween. It’s called The Forgotten Room, and it’s the closest they’ve come to a proper horror game since The Hauntening. It even has some Easter eggs for those who’ve played that one! I got to play the new one ahead of release and wrote a bit about it here.


The Forgotten Room releases tonight at midnight UK time, October 27th, on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store (as well as PC and Mac) and I have a few codes to give away to some lucky fans. Thanks to the nice folks at Glitch Games, twenty (20) readers will win a free promo code of the game ahead of release! I have ten (10) iOS codes and ten (10) Google Play codes to give away. If you want to get a head start on the game, here’s your chance! Please read the instructions below carefully to make sure you enter for the correct platform!


Here’s how to enter:

1. Make sure youΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗re following @AppUnwrapper and @GlitchGames╬ô├╢┬╝Γö£├¡on Twitter. You can also “Like” our Facebook page for an extra entry.

2. Tweet one of these two messages, depending on which platform you want to play on:

iPhone/iPad: “I entered for a chance to win The Forgotten Room by @GlitchGames on iOS! Follow @AppUnwrapper & enter here:”

Google Play: “I entered for a chance to win The Forgotten Room by @GlitchGames on Google Play! Follow @AppUnwrapper & enter here:”

You can also share this page via Facebook for a second entry.

3. To make sure you’re entered, comment below with your Twitter/Facebook username and any methods you used to share, so I know you’re interested in a promo code. Please note which platform you’d like the code for, as well, to minimize any confusion. Winners will be contacted through Twitter, Facebook or e-mail.

The contest will end tonight, October 26, 2016 at 6:00 PM EST and there will be a drawing for ten (10) iOS winners and ten (10) Google Play winners. Please make sure to use the codes ASAP, as they do expire. To use the iOS codes, go to the “Featured” tab in iTunes and press “Redeem,” log in to your account and then paste the code in the text box. Then download and enjoy!

Good Luck!


This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. Linda

    I don’t know how to “tweet” but thanks anyway – nice of you and Glitch Games!
    I’ll just get my game the old fashioned way, lol.

  2. Martin Richard

    I’m @txster on Twitter gl all 🙂

    1. Martin Richard

      …iOS like it says in the Tweet 😀

  3. Bria

    @brialarson on twitter!

  4. Jamie Waid

    Twitter name- @RKO1195
    For the iOS version, Thanks!

  5. Aimi Richmond

    Tweeted for the iOS version @vegascage 😀

  6. Frank

    @drlightson on Twitter. iOS version.

  7. Scott Adelman

    I did everything on Twitter as @MonkeyJumpGames also liked your Facebook page. Thanks for the contest!

    1. Scott

      Oh, and iOS version 🙂

  8. Fustin

    Twitter Name @iFustin

    Google Play 🙂

  9. Kristin Mucchetti

    @kmucchetti on Twitter. Would need iOS version. Thanks!

  10. Fustin

    Twitted for Google Play version.

    Twitter: @iFustin

  11. Mary Ellen

    I retweeted for the IOS version under my Twitter name @DaTwilightZone

  12. Kristin Mellon

    Tweeted for Google play version @DOARoomEscape

  13. Ms Marnie Miszewski

    Tweeted as @puzzlelvrM and on Facebook as MarnieMM. I joined twitter for this! Lol

    1. Marnie Miszewski

      I forgot to say IOS please!

  14. Casper van den Ende

    iOS , shared via facebook

  15. Kate

    I tweeted under my twitter name @KateTheChemist. I also liked your page on Facebook. I would like the iOS version please!

  16. Karen Maynard

    IOS shared via Facebook and Twitter.

  17. Marnie Miszewski

    I forgot to say IOS Please. :0)

  18. Carlijn

    Awesome! Been waiting a long time now!
    I’m @carlinshky on Twitter!

  19. April VanRavenswaay

    Shared via Twitter and Facebook(@aprilaVR and April VanRavenswaay), iOS version please and thank you!

  20. Suzy Goodelman

    I shared on Facebook. IOS please. (I’m not on Twitter so I can’t tweet or I surely would!! Thanks, Appunwrapper for all the great walkthroughs!!

  21. Alana

    Tweeted for the Google play @mccoya and shared Facebook

  22. JZ

    I shared via twitter. IOS please. Thank you!!!
    Twitter @mama_jz

  23. Jake Russell

    IOS and i entered on Twitter, my handle is Drswiggyswagg

  24. Eric

    I’m not actually entering, but good luck to all that do. I’ve had the chance to play this pre-release as well, and while I probably didn’t spend as much time with it as AppUnwrapper, I’m a big fan. The game is fun and well worth the time for any adventure game fan that likes something more than HoG style game play.

  25. Chris Wadsworth

    Chris Wadsworth on Facebook
    Chris_theblue on Twitter

    Tweeted the post as above and shared on Facebook.

    iOS version

  26. Leigh

    RT’d as @brerlappin

    iOS please … thanks!

  27. Alana

    Shared on Facebook and tweeted @mccoya

  28. MK

    Mikhail Kochikov on Twitter.

    Shared this page on Facebook.

    I don’t have problems buying Glitch Games’, but I love AppUnwrapper and would enjoy receiving a code from the website that I frequent 🙂

  29. Marta Hernández

    Twitter: @martahj_96
    Google Play, please! 🙂

  30. ip4weather

    ip4weather on twitter
    ios code 🙂

  31. Richie

    Twitter: RichOnTheLI

  32. elaine

    ΓÇ£I entered for a chance to win The Forgotten Room by @GlitchGames on iOS! Follow @AppUnwrapper

  33. Denise Tan

    Twitter: denisemtan

  34. Denise

    Twitter: denisemtan

    iOS please!

  35. Ben S

    I forgot to put my twitter name here! It’s feargoesaway, in case I’m not too late (and happened to win). Thanks!

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