My Week Unwrapped: November 26, 2016


Hi everyone! Welcome back to My Week Unwrapped! This will be a short post, as it was Thanksgiving this past week and I spent a lot of time with friends and family, leaving less for games. And speaking of Thanksgiving, make sure to check out these sales for games you may not have yet.

First off, I finished my review for Mangatar’s Little Briar Rose. You can read it here.

I’ve also been playing the point-and-click adventure game, Kathy Rain, by Noio. It’s very story-driven — so much so that my first half hour was mostly dialogue. But it’s fully voice-acted and so far has been well-written. I look forward to seeing where the story takes me. You can check out my video below if you want to see what it’s like. But keep in mind that the screen does not stretch to fire the wide iPhone screen, so you’re best off playing on an iPad if you can.

I’ve also been spending a lot of time playing the upcoming game, Swap Sword, which releases on December 1st. As a match-3 fan, I’ve been finding it quite addictive. It’s a match-3 roguelike with some really interesting mechanics. I should have a review ready by the time it releases, but for now you can watch my video preview below.

I know I mentioned it last week, but I’ve been playing more of Water Heroes: A Game for Change by Insignio Labs. If you’re looking for a new match-3 with a twist and no IAPs, I highly recommend it. And 59% of the revenue goes to the ClearWater foundation, so you’re also doing a good deed!

And last, I was thinking about my Game of the Year choices and remembered that I still have a few Snakebird levels to complete. So I made a video for level 44 and have been working on the others. They’re super tricky, though. So I haven’t made any new progress!

And that’s all for this week! Next week should be much busier and, as always, if you’re a developer and want the chance to see your game here, just reach out to me.

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