Hidden my game by mom – escape room
By: hap Inc.
This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough with answers and solutions for the iOS and Android game Hidden my game by mom – escape room by hap Inc. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.
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In every level, you need to find the game but avoid Mom and the cops.
You can see my video walkthrough here, or the step-by-step walkthrough below.
Day 1: Remove all the books from the bookshelves until you find the game system.
Day 2: Open the right curtain to reveal the game. Open the closet to get a ladder. Drag the ladder under the window and grab the game.
Day 3: Press the arrow butt to turn right. Then grab the broom and use it to reach the game under the couch.
Day 4: Turn right and pick up the stick. Use the stick to hold open the alligator’s mouth and get the game.
Day 5: Turn right and break all the vases to find a golden game system. Go left again and drop the golden game system in the water. Then take the white game system from the…Lady of the Lake?
Day 6: Go right and open the window curtains. Grab the fly. Head back left and use the fly to distract the acrobats so they fall. Open the closet and get the game.
Day 7: Go right. Open the drawer to get the tool and use it to get the thumbtack from the wall. Head left again and put the thumbtack on the floor to give all the bikes flat tires and make them crash. Pick up the thumbtack again so you don’t step on it, then open the closet and get your game.
Day 8: Turn right and press the button to change the light from red to green (it should say SAFE on it). Then head left and start removing books from the shelves. Make sure you stop before the light changes back or you’ll get crushed. Instead, remove a few books at a time and then go back to change the light again so you can safely remove the rest and get your game.
Day 9: Go right and open the drawer to get the matches. Go back and open the freezer to get a clam. Use the matches to light the grill and put the clam on top. It should open, revealing the game. Take it!
Day 10: Take the toilet paper roll. Also, open the fridge and freezer to get all the fruits and veggies. Feed them to the elephant and he’ll poop out your game system. Use the toilet paper to clean up the poop and take the game.
Day 11: Just let the bomb go off and take your game.
Day 12: Open the fridge and take the pitcher of water. Go right and open the bathroom door. Then pour grandpa some water. Keep pouring until he runs to the bathroom. Lift the rug and take the game.
Day 13: Go right and open the drawer to get an amulet. Put the amulet around grandpa’s neck and he’ll levitate. Move the rug and grab the game system.
Day 14: Go right and lift the left pillow to reveal the game system. Take it, but make sure not to take the wallet from under the right pillow.
Day 15: Go right. Pick up four rocks, the max you can carry at once. Head back left and place two rocks in the basket. Go right again to pick up the last two rocks and get your game system.
Click on the little numbers below to continue to the next page of the walkthrough or click here.
Thank YOU!
I had the video for a while now and realized I never added it to my site. 😉 So I’ll work on a step-by-step now.