Cosmic Express
By: Draknek Limited
This will be a complete step-by-step walkthrough with help, hints, tips, tricks, solutions and answers for the iOS, Android and PC puzzle game, Cosmic Express, by Draknek Limited. Feel free to ask for extra help in the commments section.
– You can go into Settings >> Progress and unlock all levels! No strings attached!
– If you get a white/silver star on a level with two exits, it means you found one solution and need to use the other exit to get the second solution and the gold star. I’ll include both solutions for those levels.
– See the last page of my walkthrough for secrets!
Andromeda | Ursa Minor | Delphinus | Vela | Cassiopeia | Taurus | Perseus | Ursa Major| Orion | Nova | Secrets
Andromeda 1:
Andromeda 2:
Andromeda 3:
Andromeda 4:
Andromeda 5:
Andromeda 6:
Andromeda 7:
Andromeda 8:
Andromeda 9:
Andromeda 10:
Andromeda 11:
Andromeda 12:
Andromeda 13:
Andromeda 14:
You can also watch my video for Andromeda here:
Click on the little numbers below to continue to the Ursa Minor page of the walkthrough or click here.
how to get the other side in andromeda 8 ?
On levels with multiples output, like andromeda 8, or perseus 8, could you put both solutions please (as you might have solved ’em 🙂 )
Thank you!
Someone else requested them so I added the ones I completed. Did I miss any?
I don’t think so 🙂
Thank you!
hi, have you completed nova a3 yet? spent hours on it & it’s driving me crazy 🙂
Been distracted by other games but I’ll take a look and see if I can solve it. 🙂
It would be great if you could finish the game so it is actually a complete walkthrough.
I can send you a screenshot for the Delphinus 8 secret if interested.
+Ursa Major 4 secret.
Just finished the game with all secrets.
for all solutions, check gallery Wc21G on imgur.
In Orion, Taurus, Ursa Major, Perseus, Nova and in the Secrets, there are just some levels solved. Why?
Anyone notice who is driving the train? Too cute! Btw, many thanks for walkthrough on this game. Definitely need a tip on occasion.
Does anyone have a solution for Perseus 11? Third day on it…argh!
Never mind! As soon as I asked for help I solved it!
Hey. Ursa minor 7 solution doesnt work :/
For the section on Orion you are missing some pictures btw
dear @appUnwrapper, a little late to the party here but as I saw a few levels missing, I thought I could ask: can I send you screenshots of missing orion levels to complete your walkthrough??