All That Remains
By: Glitch Games
**Note: The contest has now ended and all winners have been sent their prizes. Thanks for entering!**
The game is now out! See my walkthrough here.
Not too long ago, I wrote about Glitch Games’ upcoming puzzle adventure game, All That Remains, which takes place inside a locked bunker. You play as Cam, communicating with your sister Clara through a handheld radio, and trying to figure out how to leave to get to her. As you might suspect, this involves solving lots of puzzles. And yes, there are Glitch puns!
I played the game already, but luckily you don’t have to wait much longer, as it releases this week on June 29th for the low, low price of $0.99. And thanks to the nice Glitch folks, five lucky readers will get to play the game a day early. I have five (5) iOS codes to give away. If you want to get a head start on the game, here’s your chance! Please read the instructions below carefully to make sure your entry is accepted.
Here’s how to enter:
1. Make sure youΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗re following @AppUnwrapper and @GlitchGames╬ô├╢┬╝Γö£├¡on Twitter. You can also “Like” my Facebook page for an extra entry.
2. Tweet this message:
I entered for a chance to win ‘All That Remains: Part 1’ by @GlitchGames on iOS! Follow @AppUnwrapper & enter here:
You can also share this page via Facebook for a second entry.
3. To make sure you’re entered, comment below with your Twitter/Facebook username and any methods you used to share, so I know you’re interested in a promo code. Winners will be contacted through Twitter, Facebook or e-mail.
The contest will end June 28, 2017 at 10:00 AM EST and there will be a drawing for five (5) iOS winners. Please make sure to use the codes ASAP, as they do expire. To use the codes, go to the “Featured” tab in iTunes and press “Redeem,” log in to your account and then paste the code in the text box. Then download and enjoy!
Good Luck!
Tweeted 🙂
I tweeted at @MehmetZahidAsl2. I hope I am lucky enough to win!
Shared and followed all the instructions, Facebook and twitter Erin@pandabearerin. Fingers crossed!!
I just Tweeted the message as @Pappie_Ernst
And just shared the link on facebook also as Ernst Wendrich
I tweeted as @nickkarras20011
Entered the contest !
Pick me Pick me Pick me !
Me too @drewtao
I just tweeted as @mrsbishbosh
How can I pass up a chance to play a day early!!!! I tweeted and posted on Facebook.
@puzzlelvrM &
Marnie Miszewski on Facebook
i just shared on FaceBook
Tweeted as @martahj_96
Also liked your page on Facebook: Marta Hern╬ô├╢┬úΓö£┬índez Jim╬ô├╢┬ú╬ô├«├ënez 😀
Tweeted mccoya and sharewd on facebook
Tweeted as @bens27, and Liked as Ben Silverstein 🙂
I entered via twitter at @racheleilvolo
@skimbogirl81 I tweeted the message, followed everyone on twitter and liked your Facebook page. I’ll share this post as well. Thank you for saving me hundreds of times when I was stuck in a game. Γò¼├┤Γö¼├æΓö£ΓûÆ╬ô├¬ΓîÉ╬ô├▓├▓Γö£├á
following @AppUnwrapper and @GlitchGames on Twitter. Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├║Liked” your Facebook page and tweeted message.
Fb: ltexanheart twitter: lindseyd911
I tweeted as @DaTwilightZone
Tweeted! @brialarson
Following & tweeted! @@MichMoyHenn
Love glitch games! All games are worth the money and are very well made! Finished the Forever Lost saga and am lookin forward for more! Tweeted via @n1k1lodeon, Liked and Shared via fb: Niki Tan Ramirez
Already following/liked on both media sites.
Shared on both as well:
Karen L Maynard (Facebook)
Liked appunwrapper and glitch games as well as shared the post on twitter (@EmeraldMoonEyes/ Christine moon) and on Facebook under 2 names (Christine MuΓö£ΓûÆeca and my real name).
I’ll definitely have this game by Friday, here’s to hoping I get it Thursday. Thanks to glitch for your next brilliant
app, and appunwrapper for getting me through so many previous games.
I tweeted:
Definitely worth it if you’re lucky enough to win a copy. So AppUnwrapper, when’s your walkthrough coming out, because I’m stuck 🙂
@petitmiam75 I tweeted the message and shared on Facebook (Jody W)
Entered as devendra nantama via Facebook. I hope just fb is eligible as a contestant.
Twitter @ChrisWadsworth_
Facebook Chris Wadsworth
I tweeted from @jma11
Fingers crossed!
Twitter: PaperCrystals
I tweeted from @dahlkebeth. I love Glitch Games!
@likethemovie19 – entered!!!
I tweeted using @denisemtan!
I tweeted via @denisemtan and shared via Denise Tan on Facebook!
I tweeted via @denisemtan, shared via Denise Tan!!