Stranger Things: The Game
By: BonusXP, Inc.
This is a complete 100% walkthrough guide with hints, tips and tricks for the second season content update of the iOS and Android game, Stranger Things: The Game by BonusXP.
Tips & Tricks | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Season 2 & Max | All Eggo, VHS, Gnome and Heart Locations
I also made a comprehensive list of locations for all items and collectibles.
Thanks to Angie Cortes for making this incredible map with pools, chests, gnomes and other item locations!
Here’s a video for those who prefer it:
Unlock Max:
Max is a new character from Season 2 and she’s available as a playable character now, but first you have to do a few things to unlock her.
(Note: You can use Eleven to get around faster by teleporting through pools.)
First, find her in front of the Arcade. She’ll ask you to find a Joystick for her.
Head to the Pumpkin Patch (use your map to find it!) and have Dustin throw a pudding to get the bear away from the Gate. Go through.
Solve the eggs puzzle and pick up the joystick.
Head back to the Arcade and give the joystick to Max for some coins. She then asks you to find her a Skateboard Wheel.
Head to the building left of Hawkins High School where Tommy H. and Carol are hanging out. Go inside. It’s a new dungeon!
Boss: Elite Guard: They’re the annoying muscle heads who are immune to everything except lasers. Crawl through the pipes and hit the switches to turn on the lasers. You want to try yourself between two lasers so they have no choice but to commit suicide. Kill them all and the Skateboard Wheel will appear.
Go back to Max and give her the Skateboard Wheel.
Now Max will join you! She has a psychic attack like Eleven’s and also stuns enemies at full health! Plus, she rides a skateboard!
Side Quests:
Florist Clerk: She asks you for a Rubik’s Cube.
The Rubik’s cube is through a gate in the Quarry. It’s in the rightmost chest once you’re inside. Unfortunately, the Clerk just gives you coins for it.
Hawk Theater Attendant: He asks for a Scrub Brush.
For the Scrub Brush, find the little shed behind the Byers’ house and go inside and through the Gate. Unfortunately, you only get coins for this, as well.
Hockey Mask: This is inside a new open house to the right of the school. It gives Max a 2-Damage attack.
Maple Syrup: Go back to the gym in the school, the room right before you had the Van chase. Switch to Eleven and have her jump in the pool. She’ll teleport to a small room in the school with Maple Syrup. Grab the syrup to give her an extra Damage point!
Tips & Tricks | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Season 2 & Max | All Eggo, VHS, Gnome and Heart Locations
DonΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t forget MaxΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗s hockey mask! ThereΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗s a new house opened up a little left of the lower middle – look for the blue car and a door you need to smash two bushes to get to. IΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗m at 99.3%. ThereΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗s got to be something else but not sure what?
Yeah I just got that and added it. 🙂
I’m also at 99.3%. Maybe there’s some equipment for Eleven somewhere?
how can i findhokey mask??? i’m at 98%
It’s probably Hoppers upgrade. Go behind the librarians house and kick over the trash can. It’ll give you his upgrade
The pool inside the school is full! It takes eleven to a secret room, where she gets the maple syrup and evolve! 100% complete!
Nice work!
i dont know how to find mikes bike could you help me
Pool in school! Mapple syrup bottle. IΓÇÖve got 100%
Sweet!!! Thank you guys – enjoy the new season!!!! ?
100% game… Updated today and I can’t find any new thing… No Max… no Florist quest.
Any help?
Are you sure you updated? My App Store wasn’t showing the update at first.
It’s strange… The updates description on App Store is showing the last’s update as yesterday… And I don’t get the “blue dot” on the app icon, as usually occurs.
And you are ritght… I don’t get the update yet.
It’s only on the update description, at app store. No update.
The Elite Guard boss room was totally a Pac-Man homage in case anyone missed it.
Did everything and got all heart pieces gnomes VHS as well as all the new Max quests (florist and theater also) but I’m still at 99.3%.. any help?
Do you have the Maple Syrup and Hockey Mask?
I was at 99.3% too, I realized I didn’t find hopper’s special suit. Make sure you have all the characters “weapons”
Have you got the rubix cube?
– In the quarry, in the up side down, in a chest. It is requested by the florist.
That one got me stuck at 99,3% too, that and the movie screening at the theatre, if it had anything to do with it,..
[ IΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗m at 100% too now 😀 ]
where did you find the rubix cube?
Blueprints for the lab.
I updated my phone and finished everything in the game but I still donΓÇÖt find Max :/ help?
same here ? we need help
i got it. we just have to update the app ?
Max is infront of the arcade on the far right of the map
The Canadian tux was the thing I was missing. Oddly enough it was the last thing I collected during the prepatch update but didn’t save. I had to move 2x screens away to get the game to save 100%
There’s a new broken wall inside the Byer’s house, behind the couch that’s on the right from the door. Did anyone notice this? How to move that couch though.
It’s not new. It’s always been there, but I don’t think we can actually break it.
ItΓÇÖs not a breakable wall, itΓÇÖs the wall that Joyce broke and then repaired in Season 1
is just the fixed window, not a broken wall like the others :/
I’ve got to 100% and I still have 4 keys. Is there another update coming to the game or is the next chapter somewhere on the map? It’s a bit confusing.
You may just have accidentally gotten more keys. Trust the numbers, youΓÇÖre at 100%. I know for fact you can farm an agent guard in the ladybug dungeon near the fourth level right by an elevator (I did it just to have max key cards & I got bored after 35)
I can’t seem to kill the elite guards with the lasers… any help?
I’m at 100% too. The only thing I think it’s missing in the game is the librarian girl that keeps asking for Hopper to call her, but you can’t call or give her flowers, in my opinion that’s the only “unfinished” quest in the game… But I’m glad they did a great game for one of my favorites TV series ever!
Anyone think it’s a major hint about season 3 that Max has telekinesis??? I think they will have more numbers besides 8 and 11 next season and she might be one of them??
That’s why Billy was making her say she was why they had to move.
I had completed the season 1 part to 100%, and now after completing everything above (max, hockey mask, maple syrup, scrub brush, rubix) I am only at 98.7%. Any ideas what I’m missing?
It’s probably the Canadian tux for hopper. Its in the trash can behind the librarians house
I’m 100% after season 2, but there is a door at the Gym (when 2 guys are runing up and down) that I cannot open. Is it unfinished? I didnt understand why this is the only door I cannot open.
Hey Juliana, no thatΓÇÖs not it. Maybe you miss a key, but that door only lead to the back street of the building. A shortcut. If you are at 100%, youΓÇÖre done. ThereΓÇÖs no real end to the game more than that, you can continue exploring and walking around, although everything is done.
Two questions, does anyone know if anyone else besides Eleven and Nancy can reach level 3 damage?
Also, the item slots show in my case spaces for possibly 3 more upgrades in the row.
IΓÇÖve reached 100%, the others never were filled but thought IΓÇÖd check still,..
Anyone able to advise on how to get into to florists?
I’ve got the Rubiks Cube, but the florist and library are shut. Marissa the librarian advises she needs a break. There is no update available for me in the Playstore. Is this a glitch?
I get to the pool room in the gym, but there is no water inside, what is the trigger to activate it?
I killed all the guards in the high school before unlocking the boss challenge to get max’ s skate board wheel…. I can’t get through a door now because I have no guard to weight down the platform….. help ?
Did anyone find out how to fix rhis
Hey I have finished season 1 in the game but I can’t seem to get season 2. I have updated my game and still nothing. How did you get to start playing season 2?
Nevermind I found that. But is there more to the story coming? There are no monsters to fight or anything pertaining to the season 2 plots. Does anyone know if that is coming?
In the map of the city there’s a fenced area next to the junkyard, there seems to be a manhole or something like it how do you get there? Also next to movie theater there’s a closed manhole, in the little clip after defeating the tentacle monster it is open. Any ideas on these two?
I can’t get eggo number 8 no matter how many times I go to Bradley’s
What should I do?
The eighth and final Eggo can be found inside of BradleyΓÇÖs Big Buy. After you get Nancy, head to BradleyΓÇÖs Big Buy store at any point and head inside. Walk past the clerk to the northeastern corner of the store. Here Nancy can break a wall that has a crack in it, and she can head through the wall to find a freezer with two rats and an Eggo.
Have you tried this?
Thank you very very much!
But I Stiller can’t reach 100%… I’m pretty sure I did everthing ‘-‘
Where can I find upgrades for Max? I mean to get the pysonic powers. I have been all over the game trying to find that upgrade. PLZ HELP ME
She canΓÇÖt get them anymore. That was her power before they changed it to throwing coins.
Max doesn’t have telekinesis she is throwing coins. If you pay attention to when she uses her weapon you lose a penny or whatever each time.
Max doesn’t have telekinesis – Max throws Coins.
Wtf im at 51% and i unlocked max, are there no more missions?
I find the joystik but then max disapered l couldent find her to give the joystick
I find the joystick but then max dispered and I can’t find her to give the joystick to her pls help me
i need help with how to find mikes bike could you help me
Help! I am in Hawkins High School trying to get secret doors opened. I watch a couple video walkthroughs. My problem, I have no enemies left and in the lab on the left, it requires you to stop an enemy on top of the steel plate to open the door so I can continue on.
How do I open the door with no more enemies? Please help, I canΓÇÖt continue the game.