Level 18:
You can watch my video for Level 18 here or continue below for my step-by-step guide.
1. Turn to the three gears. Notice the symbol in the center is all orange. It’s telling you to change the yellow ones to orange. To do this, you need to spin two gears in the opposite directions of each other. Then the yellow line will turn orange. Once both are orange, pull the lever down.
2. Climb into the boat. Pull the lever up to steer it straight ahead. Stop here.
3. This puzzle is a little trickier. You need to do the same thing, but the darker gears have to be turned last because they stop turning after some time.
4. Go through. Find the letter and the yellow bit.
5. Get back on the boat and keep going straight. Don’t get out when it stops. Keep going until it stops here. Pull the lever down and go inside.
6. Solve the puzzles in here and take the hexagon.
7. Get back in the boat and keep going straight, back around past where you started. When you see the orange hexagon on a wall to the left, steer the boat left to it and stop. Use the hexagon from your bag on it. Go through.
8. Take a look at this pattern to the left and then copy it over to the gears puzzle on the right. Don’t go through yet.
9. Head left and look between the two stone slabs for a jar. Break t open to get the second letter.
10. Now look at the second pattern to the left. Copy it onto the puzzle to the right. Go through.
11. Stop at the door and go through to get another yellow bit.
12. Go back and through the passage you just opened a bit ago. Again, take a look at the pattern to the left and copy it onto the puzzle to the right. Go through.
13. Turn left to another closed door. Open it and take the gear.
14. Get back in the boat. Head back to this building you ignored earlier.
15. Take a look at the big W pattern to the left.
16. This part’s trickier because you don’t get any feedback when you move the gears. It’s assuming you understand how the gears work by now and can do it without the visual feedback. Once you get it, take the yellow bit.
17. Get back in the boat and find the door with the three pegs at the top. Place all three gold bits on the pegs to open the door. Go through to find Steps(?) frozen to the portal. Pick up the third letter and go through the portal to complete the level!
And here’s all three letters:
And that’s everything!
Thanks! Didn’t know there was a #2.
Just released today. 🙂
… and isn’t that camera awesome?! I hope they upgrade the past games to include cameras. WoW.
Yes! So useful!
I can’t figure out how to steer this darn boat
My tile is different OMG! I didnΓÇÖt press all the squares but I got the tile only different ?
What do you mean?
Ah I see they made it easier.
IΓÇÖll eventually go back and edit it.
I’m sending you the pictures in email. I took shots with my phone 🙂
The Hints system is awesome, but they don’t do the 3rd letter, lol.
Anyone know how to find the third letter/note on level 15??
Argh yeah I’m trying to figure that one out too, it’s the laat one I need to get.
Did you get the secret notes on levels 19 and 20?
Not going to spoil anything for the 3rd note on 15, but IΓÇÖll hint: have you tried interacting with the dials in the 2nd Room?
>.> I thought I tried that, but I never realised what it was doing. Thanks for that.
Trying to find the third note in level 12 is driving me insane.
Me too. Queremos is It?
the puzzle piece isn’t just the clue….
Aaarg. It looks like I can use the piece on the panel to make an O shape but it wo t let me do that. HEEEEELP.
Never mind. As always I figured it out 1 minute after posting. Sneaky.
Alright y’all. Here’s a secret. On the home page, you can slide the little white cubes on either side of the Faraway text. I don’t know the solution though.
Haha whoa I missed that. Nice catch! IΓÇÖll have to work on that after I finish everything else.
Let me know if you need assistance! I’ve got all the letters for every level.
Any hint for the third note on 14? I tried putting all the yellow/blue/green things in the center and it didnΓÇÖt work.
That’s almost right. You are moving all of those levers, but you need to make them cascade from the top all the way right, to the bottom which is all the way left.
Hmmm I had already tried that too.
I guess IΓÇÖll fiddle around with it more, see if maybe I had something off a tiny bit.
Do you understand how the gears work on level 18? IΓÇÖve been getting them mostly through trial and error and now thatΓÇÖs bitten me in the arse with the one that doesnΓÇÖt have any feedback.
The gears seem to turn the segment between them orange if they are spinning in opposite directions. Doesn’t matter which direction for each gear – just opposite to the other one. Does that help?
I think so. Thanks!
CanΓÇÖt seem to find the third letter in 18? The level is making me dizzy.
Third letter should be located at the end portal after u get three key to open the door (should call it key?). Actually I just finished few minutes ago but I totally forgot.
And for the second letter, inside the jar at point 9 picture, the jar is behind the walls. Hope it will help u solving the pizza
Ahh found it! Sneaky hidden jar!
So, the story ends there(level 18)?. There is no way to learn more?
After getting 100%, the sliding boxes on the title screen unlock a final puzzle. ItΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗s a 6×6 grid of squares that can be tapped to change from white to black. I donΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t know the solution yet. IΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗m combing through the levels for hints.
I notice level 1 entrance has 6 square boxes across the top. Haven’t noticed any others yet.
Found this too by chance. Unfortunately I wasn’t paying attention at where I placed the sliders.. could the coordinates Steps writes in a note have to do with solving the secret puzzle?
The coordinates this time lead us to a temple on the silk road called the Qigexing temple, or the ” seven stars temple”
These coordinates (41.992, 86.221) are antipodes (opposite side of the globe) to the coordinates found in level 18 of Faraway 1
I think since one of the game(each 18 levels) take 1 year of game’s time, and the last note is at 2007-11-06, this means a new faraway game is in the making, which will be revealed soon enough. And since the the last portal, one the of the dream(note) talks of a snowy mountain,, just like the first game, which had a note of dream of a lush green mountain, the next and the final game, will take place in some snowy mountain, whose coordinates are revealed in the last note. And the end of it will reveal the faraway and the death of protagonist’s father.
That would be wonderful! I hope you’re right!
I think theres a glitch on level 6, because I’ve ran through 3 times now and i still can’t get the third letter. And yes i did follow the instructions on the walkthrough.
The secret level from the main menu. Slide the squares on either side of the title inward all the way. The pattern is:
W=white square
B=black squares
Forgot the important part lol. Take a picture of the tombstone. then look at the picture
Awesome!! Thanks!!!
No matter what I do I canΓÇÖt trigger the third note to appear in level 6. I have slid that little grey slider across quickly, slowly, stopping, without stopping etc- no matter what I do nothing is triggered!
Can you help?
Imagine the rectangle slider puzzle. Move the grey slider to 3rd segmentand stop. Then move it to the 4th and back to the 3rd
DoesnΓÇÖt work for 3rd letter. CanΓÇÖt hold the things down and open the slot. It just keeps moving and I cant get it to work no matter how many times i restart the game.
on the phone version there’s now a level 19 and 20 and I’m getting frustrated with the second level 20 puzzle. Help!!
Hello. The last letter for level 20. Help please.
Got it! 🙂
Please, give us a hint! Is there something related to the stairs?
I just moved the marked lever back and forth as quickly as possible and eventually noticed there was now a hollow in the tallest stair block. Move the other two out of the way and you can get the note
In the room with the gate and the three stairs you have to move the switch with the yellow band back and forth until the stair open and release the letter. 🙂
It’s driving me crazy! How’d you get it?
As of recent update, level 8 has less puzzles. The last two ordering ones are gone (big little big little pattern and coloured corners)
La troisi╬ô├╢┬úΓö¼ΓöÉme notes n’est pas a l’endroit de la vid╬ô├╢┬ú╬ô├«├ëo alors que les deux
Première sont a la bonne place que faire
Why are there no walkthroughs on levels 19 and 20? I canΓÇÖt figure out the hidden note on level 20. Never mind I figured it out. Thanks n e way.
No hint for us?
Level 12 wonΓÇÖt give me the last nut? Anyone else have this problem?
I can’t get the 3rd letter on level 6. I’ve messed with the slider over the portal in every way I can think of (slow, fast, in segments, only stopping on red squares, only on brown, etc.) Is the something I’m missing? I completed all the other puzzles on the level and took pictures of the portal and the sliders where the letter is supposed to come out. I can’t think of anything else I might need to do. Please help!
So you gotta try and imagine the rectangle slider puzzle as your doing it. Move the slider to the 3rd red segment and stop it. Then move it to the 4th segment and back to the 3rd x
I’ve done this in both directions and still haven’t been able to get the third note. Is there something I’m missing?
I really enjoy your walkthroughs. Will you be adding levels 19 & 20? Pleeeeeeeeeeze
I have finished all 18 levels and found all 3 notes for each (plus did the secret one) but it still hasnΓÇÖt opened up the 19th and 20th levels for me. Is there something I have to do to open them?
Same question! CanΓÇÖt find how to open up 19 and 20 anywhere =(
I guess since itΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗s an older game most everyone has finished it and moved on 🙁
For some reason, on level 2, there are a few differences in the mobile game. For instance, there are only 3 stone pillars, and the buttons don’t activate other buttons… Anybody else having this problem? Reply if you are.
Um, did anyone notice that the tile piece that opens the portal in level 10 of Faraway 2 IS THE SAME TILE PIECE AS LEVEL 1 IN THE FIRST FARAWAY GAME?!?!?!?!?! This is so mind-boggling
Hi, the keys you need to use do nothing I can walk but thats all, what am I missing??? It only tells you ASDX to move forward, backward and left and right… Help