The Room: Old Sins
By: Fireproof Games
This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough guide with hints, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for the iOS puzzle adventure game, The Room: Old Sins, by Fireproof Games. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.
Note: I’ll be adding more screenshots later. If you’re having trouble understanding what to do from my descriptions, please watch the videos until I have a chance to get more screenshots added.
Foyer | Study | Curiosity Room | Kitchen | Maritime Room | Garden | Japanese Gallery | Art Studio | Attic
Room 4, The Kitchen:
You can watch my video for this section or continue on for my step-by-step guide.
1. Open the artifact and take the curiously engraved device. Spin the wheel to open it up. Then, rotate the panels until the characters’ arms match their professions. Now you’ll have an engraved model roof.
2. Find the gazebo and place the roof on top of it to unlock the door. Enter the Garden.
3. Look at the bench to the left. Pick up the section of pipe and read through the book.
4. You can’t do anything else here right now, so leave the Garden.
5. Go back to the Kitchen and place the pipe section in the gap of the pipes to the left.
6. Turn the valve handle to the left to get the water running through that pipe to the Garden.
7. Head back to the Garden. The water is running through the mechanism to the left. Grab the medal dial.
8. Look at the center of the fountains there are three troll heads split in half. You need to move them onto the metal dials and rotate them so that all three are upright. But keep an eye on them all, as rotating one rotates them all.
9. Now you need to move the different moon phase pieces to their correct slots. Use the Saturn in the center to move sections of the puzzle around so you can get the pieces along the tracks. It’s a fairly easy puzzle.
10. Take the piece of intricate ironwork. Leave the Garden.
11. To the left of the study and below the weather vane, there’s a metal piece that matches the ironwork you just found. Place it on the left one and go back into the Kitchen.
11. Turn to the right. The artifact is inside there! Use the winding keys to move it down and then open up the casing. Take the artifact and complete the Kitchen!
Click here to continue to the next page of the walkthrough, the Maritime Room.
Foyer | Study | Curiosity Room | Kitchen | Maritime Room | Garden | Japanese Gallery | Art Studio | Attic
Hey, when i go into the garden I have half of a troll head missing!? so I can’t complete the 3 heads. Did you find the troll head somewhere or were all 6 halves already there? (I’m confused as none of the walkthroughs I’ve seen are missing half a head…) Not sure if it’s a glitch.
Imaging the same probe, missing the top half of one of the heads on the poles in the garden. CanΓÇÖt figure it out. Have you found an answer, Natalie?
That should read ΓÇÿIΓÇÖm having the same problem..ΓÇÖ
As with a few bugs that people have shared on the developers web site, I hit pause game 5 times and chose an earlier room to back up to. (Also rebooted iPad, game). Once I got back into the garden I had all 6 head pieces
ALL 6 head pieces are already on the columns
I just made the water come into the garden. The clue says to find some heads and complete, but I only see one head above the fountain. Looked everywhere. No other heads. Is my game faulty?
Only half a head on column in garden
Nothing works
Only half a head on one column
Tried everything
No luck