By: Epic Games
Last night, I got my Fortnite iOS invite from Epic Games, only a few days after I signed up for one. I was expecting a TestFlight invitation, the app that allows developers to give players access to a game before it’s released. I didn’t realize that instead it would allow me to download the game directly from the store and then just log in with my Epic account.
I was even more surprised when I got an email today with three invite codes to give to friends. Since I don’t have any real life friends I thought would be interested, I offered them on Twitter and was surprised by the slew of responses. I’ve since given all three out, but noticed that people are trying to sell them on eBay.
Not only that, but they’re selling! Please don’t buy them. It’s silly, especially when Epic is inviting more people at such a rapid pace. Instead, ask for them here in the comments section and if I get any more myself, I’ll make sure to share them. If you have any yourself, thanks for sharing with those who still need them.
Also, the app is a whopping 2GB big, so I suggest downloading it now and being ready for whenever you do get a code. Otherwise you’ll just have to wait longer to play! And if you haven’t signed up for an email invite, you can do so here.
Can I please have a code? ❤️
can i please have a code
Looking for a code where ever I can get one! Please I have been waiting a while. Thank you [email protected]
looking for a code as well! please send to [email protected]
omg! Sorry, but this page has one ad banner between each paragraph. Is that a bug or a expected behavior? I used only to follow you on Twitter and Youtube, so I was a little surprised when I saw that. Anyway, I have two invite codes.
Sorry about that! ItΓÇÖs a temporary situation as weΓÇÖre working out the whole ad situation. I have someone else managing them.
Dont need to apologize. Just imagined it was probably a bug so I though I should mention. Good work in asking people not to pay for invite codes. Epic should find a way to block this sellers…
Yeah, itΓÇÖs such a gross thing to do. Selling access to a free game.
Can I plz have one been looking all day
Can I get on please
Would you be willing to share an invite code with me
Lemme get one
Pls can I have one ?
Send them to this email address
[email protected]
If you still have one, I would appreciate a code, my email is [email protected]. IΓÇÖd you send one, thanks so much
Anyway I could get one of those?
IΓÇÖm trying to get one
Can I have a code plzz
Do you still have them?
Do you still have them
Can i have one pls
Yo HMU with one of those [email protected]
Can I please have one
then can i have one?
Plz I need a code for fortnite
Can I have a code please?
Do you have a code? I am impatient when O signed up the email said ΓÇ£If you do not get right away, we will keep sending in the coming MONTHSΓÇ¥ and I do not think I can wait for months.
You’re invited to join the Fortnite Invite Event on iOS. Visit this link to start playing!
Please send me a code
Can you send me one
Could you send me a code at [email protected]
Could I please have a code?
Thanks very much!
Does anyone have an spare code? I’ve been waiting so long for this. Thanks!
Who can send me please code to [email protected]?
Send me a code to [email protected]
Can someone send me one at [email protected] thanks!
Still waiting for the invite.
Gonna share two of the codes if I get one.
If anyone would like to send an invite, here is my e-mail;
[email protected]
Can I get a code?
Can I get a code? [email protected]
Someone send me a code please thanks
[email protected]
If anyone have code plizzz Send me on [email protected] thanks 😉
Can i please have a code, send to : [email protected]
Can I please have an invite code, been lookin for one from a friend but none have them
If you can hook me up w a code, IΓÇÖll be your bro forever and will play w u if u want
Email: [email protected]
Oi im from Australia. I will fight any kangaroo for a code
But seriously if someone gives me a code i will make sure to give all my friend codes back to the comment section!!!
[email protected]
May someone please send one to me I travel a lot so I donΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t get to play that much on console. It would be very appreciated 🙂 email: [email protected]
Could I get a invite code please? Thank you! [email protected]
Could really use a code please! <3 [email protected] thanks!
hi im friends with lag out and he said that i could get a code from you please can i have one my email is [email protected]
Can i please have one? I donΓÇÖt have enough money for a console so I can only play games on my phone, I also do not have enough money to buy a code.
[email protected]
Thank you
I anyone would please send me a code that would be GREAT!
[email protected]
Thanks in advance
IΓÇÖve asked hundreds of people who already gave theirs away. Please give me a code! IΓÇÖll be grateful and even play with you if you want. Hope you choose me! ?
My email is [email protected] plz send me a code I would enjoy that very much
signed up to recieve a code a week ago and havent recieved any codes. would love it if someone could help me out and give one to me, please(:
Can I please have one
If anyone is able to give me one I’ll be so appreciative. I’ve been trying rapidly for days. Thank you in advance ❤︎ x
It would be amazing if someone can send me a code… IΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗m on bus rides a lot and this will make them 10x better!!
A code please. Send to:
[email protected]
IΓÇÖll take a invite
Hi IΓÇÖd really like to start playing, If you wanna send me a code IΓÇÖll definitley squad with you on the regular. Thanks, see you on the Battle Bus @ [email protected]
I would really love to be able to get a code if anyone is willing. My birthday is literally in 3 days (March 22nd) and itΓÇÖd mean so much if I got an invite. Please email me at [email protected]
Hey there guys. Would really appreciate one code.
Email: [email protected]
Thanks in advance!
I really need a code…all of my friends have the game but no more codes 🙁 email me at [email protected]
i really need a code. I will play duos or squads with whoever sends me it. [email protected]
You are all so stupid. No one will give away a code when they can sell one for profit. The only ΓÇÿfreeΓÇÖ codes you are going to get are spam (people selling your emails) and scams (people trying to steal your information). Please donΓÇÖt be so naive.
I just messaged a guy on here offering away one of my codes, so thatΓÇÖs not the case lol. A ΓÇ£profitΓÇ¥ of 8$ versus doing something nice is an easy decision.
Please for code thx i be not american and need code to play with good rich americans
Someone pls send me an invite for fortnite at [email protected]
If someone could send me an invite code that would be amazing! IΓÇÖm dying to play!
Hey Fellow Fornite players,
Please send me a could and I would be grateful and play with you whenever.
Thanks in advance,
Pretty please can I get a code @w.mckerral7
Please send me an invite code
Please send me an invite code guys. My email is [email protected]
Email is [email protected] if you have an extra code thank you!
Please can you give me a fortnite Mobile code at:
[email protected]
Pls can I have a code. Thx
IΓÇÖd be delighted to play with you, still need invite code though.
PLease send me invite code i will play with u my email is [email protected]
Can i have a code too?
I would love an invite. THANKS!!! 😀 My email is [email protected]
Pls a Code Here!… [email protected] Thx
please let me get a code im begging send code @ [email protected] please im beggin
Pleaseeee, lol
I will take a code at [email protected]
Hello there. My son would love a code . Our email is [email protected]
PLEASE! NEED! @ [email protected]
I would love an invite!! My email is @ [email protected]
Please send an invite code. Really donΓÇÖt want to buy one. @ [email protected] or on Snapchat as burch.eric6
It is my birthday in 2 days and I would love to play Fortnite….. please email me one asap…..
At [email protected]
Please give me a Fortnite code! I would love to play on mobile along with my friends by they all gave their codes out already. Thank you so much! Please send it to [email protected] Thanks
Hi, thanks for the informative article. A code would be much appreciated, cheers! 🙂
Please send me an invite on [email protected] Many thanks 🙂
I would love a code
I would really love to receive an invite. If anyone has any spare it would be very much appreciated. My email is [email protected]
Hey man, pls can I have a code IΓÇÖve been waiting for a long time. Really appreciate it [email protected]
Thank you????
I would love one
I would love to have one please
[email protected]
Hey guys please send me a code. Email is [email protected]
give a code i guess lol
Hello. My son really wants to play this and would like a code. Thank you in advance.
Email: [email protected]
Can I have an invite code pls email: [email protected]
I would love an invite
I would love a code! 🙂
I really want a code. [email protected]
Any invite pls!
If there is any friend codes spare are you able to send one to me please
I have 3 codes
IΓÇÖll take one
Can I possibly get one of those codes for. You?
can i have one?
MAY I have one please
Anybody want a fortnite code ask and you shall have one
Please bro
Please can I have one!
I want one
I dooo
Hey could I get one?
Can I have one I’ve never played fortnite and would like 2 see what it is
I have 3 email me and IΓÇÖll give one to you. [email protected]
I ran out of codes this morning guys.
Can I get one please [email protected]
Can I please have one
Can I have one email: [email protected]
Meee please!!
Can I have one
Can I have one??
could i please have one? iΓÇÖve been waiting for ages
me please
i would love one. plese email [email protected]
Fort nite code please
Please send me one I have been waiting since March 12th.
Please may I have one
please give me an invite!
reply to this one
Me i want a fortnite code
Por Favor can I get a code IΓÇÖm begging
I also need invite code ,when i sign up and when i get the codes i will come here and postt the codes as well,thanks ahead of time to everybody amd for you who made this thread thanks so much!!!
code plz!! [email protected]
Hey can i get man
Hey man I still need a code and would really really really appreciate if anyone could hook me up with one I live in quite a weird country and no-one I know has one yet so I would really love to get one pleaseeee
Thanks so much
If u still have some codes , please send me one 😉
You still need one?
I need one pls bro @alec
Pls can I have a code!
Share me a spare one if available pls
Please send an invite code to [email protected]
been asking around friends no codes left. would appriciate an invite code i would use it to share gameplay on my fortnite facebook group with 1k users (have pubg facebook aswell 3k users).
sent invite code to [email protected] if any of u guys have some to spare/
Yooo come through with a code please
Hey sup, beein in the list for 2 weeks.
Could I get a spare code pls
email is: [email protected]
Please send me an invite. Been on the waiting list since the day of registration.
Mail ID: [email protected]
could i have one? thanks!
if someone still has a code i’d really appreciate it.
[email protected]
thnx in advance!
Heyy can someone please send me an invite code: [email protected]
Please I would really like to try the mobile version.. thanks
Any kind person out there kind enough to send me a code?
Hi can I please have a code I really love the game my email is [email protected]
IΓÇÖve been waiting to get the invite code for three weeks but I never got them. I live in Myanmar (Burma) where itΓÇÖs undeveloped place. I noticed that my friends in America get codes as soon as they signed up, I am kind of dissapoubted and really want the code to play with my friends. May I please have the code? PLZ!
Hey guys! Can I have one? Please)
Send me ( [email protected] )
would love a code. plz email me [email protected]
Fortnite code please
Hello. Can i get 1 code please?
[email protected]
Can I have an invite code
If someone have one code 2 give email me on: [email protected]
I have 3 codes I donΓÇÖt need. Email me at [email protected]
A few bucks is welcome if youΓÇÖre nice but not necessary
Could I have one?
Does anyone still want any
I do
I do please
Could I please have one, have been waiting on an email from epic for a month :))
I do
can i have one
I would like an invite code since I have been waiting a whole month for mine! Please hook me up first. IΓÇÖm desperately in need of one single code. I love the article. Great job! ?
Can I please have a code
Can I get one
Can I get one
Hey I got one
Please can I get a code. Would be much appreciated! Send it to [email protected]
If you could send me a code I would greatly appreciate it and I will forever be in your debt
I have all of mine still
Can i have one pleeeees
May I please have a invitation code plz.
Does anybody have1 invite code left?!
If anyone has one, please please send me one at [email protected]
Can I have one pleeeeeeeeeeeeesssssseeee, I’ve been waiting for 3 months
I need an invitation code at [email protected]
can i get 1 code please? hope you can see my email
Can i get a fortnite code pls i have been iting for a long time plsss
For some reason it still says I need an invitation code would someone please give me code.
Can I have a code?