31. Notice the turquoise cube on the Rubik’s Cube has a mark on it. That’s your starting point.
32. Head right and take a gear from the wall.
33. Remove the engraved brick from the right wall and then look behind it. There’s a big flower and another symbol. Press it.
34. Go through the white opening that was revealed when you took the gear. It’s a bit of a maze in there, but the game seems to have been simplified now to four colors instead of eight. You need to copy the colors from the cube, like you’re inside it. So press the button to change the first room to turquoise. Then head right and change the color to green. Head up and change the next room to red. Then head left and change the color to blue. Go back down to the turquoise room.
35. Leave the giant cube and go back left to see the small cube turned into a light bulb. Take it.
36. Go back inside the grates and head to the room where we didn’t do anything yet. Place he gear in the hole and rotate the wheel so it looks like this.
37. Leave and go up one ladder. The other grate should be open now. Go through.
38. Continue left. Don’t go up yet. Keep going left and then down to the subway. Head all the way left and grab the letter.
39. Go back one screen and open the train door to get a pair of binoculars.
40. Go back out and up the ladder to the same level as the cave with the cube. Head left and place the binoculars on the stand. Look through them for a clue.
41. Head back through the vents you just left and this time head up. Arrange the sliders so they match the clue — 1, 2, 3, 2. Then pull the lever down.
42. Head back to the trains. Go right and press the red button. It should work now. Hen continue right and the cart will head right. Go through the next door.
43. Use the lighter to light the torch. Then climb up the ladder. Keep going until you find a letter. Then keep heading up past the flower.
44. Turn the wheel on the door to open it and go through. Place the cube on the stand.
45. I’m not sure how you’re supposed to know this, but leave the room and close the door. Head up the small ladder and pull the lever. Then head back through that door and get another light bulb.
46. Go back down to the trains. Head left to the lever and pull it, then go to the cart and watch it go back left. Now you can head left again.
47. Head back out and go to the glowing pink rectangles again. Place a bulb in each of the four that don’t have the symbol on them.
48. Head back through the manhole and press all four red buttons to see symbols on the floor.
49. Go back up the ladder to the combination lock and copy those symbols into it. The light will turn green if you got it right.
50. Zoom out and go through the door. Everything is black and white! Head right and grab the letter and the doorknob.
51. You may have needed to light up all the symbols to do this, but open the door to the left and read the letter. Keep going left and read all the letters.
52. Go back through the door you came through and find your way back to the beach. Head right to another door and place the knob on it. Go through to complete Chapter 1.
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
The walkthrough stops at 32 which is exactly what IΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗m battling with. Please send the rest 🙂
Just click on the question mark while playing the game; then you can watch a walkthrough video….
I need a little clue
I canΓÇÖt escape the colored cube thing. I even followed the walkthrough step by step but in the walkthrough they click out of it and I canΓÇÖt figure out how to do that. IΓÇÖve even re-downloaded the game. Please help.
Yes, the walkthrough goes far too quickly to make any sense. Need help on this step.
I was playing this on coolmath, so there are eight sections instead of four. it goes purple, orange, yellow, pink. Hopefully this helps.
What doors do you go through to do that?
the middle doors
I only have six doors tho, does someone know how to solve that?
Wait nvm im just dumb lol
i cant figure out how to do the cube i know what to do but its really complicated
my cube has eight colors
ItΓÇÖs supposed to be annoyed
What doors??
the middle doors
Its quite easy if you know what the colors are. The first color is cyan, the one next to it is green, above that us red, than next to that is blue. Above blue is purple, the right of purple is orange, below orange is yellow, and last but not least pink is next to yellow. just follow the doors in order.
Omg thank you
U are like a abandoned god to me
for me i have to do all 8 sides of the cube.
yeah u have to do all 8 sides so follow the instructions for it here and then just find the corresponding color that it is across from on the cube and enter that color on the white room
orange across from red
dark purple across from blue
yellow across from green
pink across from turquoise
this helped so much thank you
i only have 4 colors in the cube and there are no buttons in the white boxes to change to color so im stuck also my windows in the cube are in different places from the walkthough i hate to quit this game but i cant get that cube even with the colors you put up there for us to use
What doors did you go through?
the middle doors
what middle doors? im the black and white room and im so confused on what to do ? someone please help
You are the best thsnk you
oops that’s thanks
here is a helper: the start is teal, above is blue, next to blue is red, under red is green, go forward and that’s yellow, sideways is pink, above pink is purple, next to purple is orange. that is the 8 square cube code. the rotating cube is the key, and ik its hard to read
I can’t do the cube! Been stuck on it for an hour. I tried all everyone’s hints and I still can’t get through! Don’t know what I’m doing wrong! Please help…╬ô├½├¡Γò₧├åΓö£ΓöÉ╬ô├╗├ª
omg thank you so much! I been on that for days now
Thi shelped me sososososo much thank you 🙏
I tried but it didnΓÇÖt work.
This helped so much I’ve been stuck on it for 30 mins thank you 😀
thank u so much dude 🙂
Theirs nothing like purple orange pink
yes PLEASE show the way to get the lightbulb im about to give up
just look at another walkthrough bruh
for the colored cube there is a room next to it over to the left and the cube is the same color as the rooms should be but another thing is the small hole on the cube is the entrance i hope this is helpful
they lied in the walkthrough, you have to do the whole cube.
I canΓÇÖt get the grey cube. Every walkthrough IΓÇÖve seen just pulls the lever on the left, and then the lever on the right. But the lever on the left will not stay down for me. IΓÇÖve advanced to the point that I need the cube, and IΓÇÖm hopelessly stuck. Am I missing something obvious?
Never mind. I hit the question mark (help) button while on the cube screen, and the lever suddenly worked (despite trying the same thing a hundred times). DoesnΓÇÖt explain why it didnΓÇÖt work previously, but I got it.
It was not suddenly working. Levers depend on the gray cube shaking direction. Left lever works while the cube shaking in right and left direction and right lever works while the cube does not shake in any direction. You can change the cube shaking style by touching it.
nither of mine were working at all
never mind (you can delete)
Yes itΓÇÖs actully really easy
Yes. You need to press the cube to where its vibrating, then go to the lever. Then, the lever should be vibrating. Pull it. it will stay down. Ur welcome.
The cube is only half colored pieces. The other four are blank white. Did I miss something? Also the door arrangement in the first colored room is different from the walkthrough, so itΓÇÖs unsolvable?
I am having the same issue. My hyperccube is half white (4 back corners are white) and I canΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t change the color of these rooms…
on my cube there are eight colors which makes it harder… right?
ThatΓÇÖs a hint
did you figure this out? im so stuck none of the walkthroughs help and my white rooms in the cube have on button to chank color either
I found this game really annnoying after some time and especially in chapter 2 and 3. All the puzzles are obscure and the hints just flash red in the obvious areas. IΓÇÖve given up as it all became too frustrating and when I watch the existing walkthroughs online, for the life of me and others it seems, I still canΓÇÖt see how the puzzle works. I hope you had better luck appunwrap. What did you think of the game in general?
it can be hard sometimes but i dont play very often so… all in moderation
I love the game, played it so many times it actually got boring. I think there is a glitchtho, I can’t get the red room key in ch. 2 Weird!
I only have 3 light bulbs !
i only have two
Me too
how do u get 4
Same!! I canΓÇÖt find the other one
in chapter 2,ive found all 4 secret symbols,but….at the end of the chapter,the 4 stones the symbols appear on,have nothing on them,i dont get it,has anyone done the nancy drew bit on this subject?:(
i was wondering where are all the lightbulbs i only have two
the last thing I need to find the letter n its before the letter u and then I have fully completed the game
The last thing I need to find is the letter (n) then I will have completed the whole entire game
The color cube thing I have has 8 colors instead of 4. I really need help on this. Please.
i cant get the light bulb thats comes from the colored cube i have 8 colors and i cant seem to figure it out
What have the video it has eight colors
How do you restart the game?
Does anybody know how to get the u…i need it to go through the last door. And how did the game expect you to know to close the door? I wasted three hours of my life stumbling around until i sucked up my pride and looked at this.
i only have 3 light bulbs how do i get the forth
The one I was missing was in the room in the mine where you got the mine cart wheel.
There is one in the cube, one in the rainbow cube, one in the mine, and one in the rectangular metal tubes (maybe vents) all the way to the place where there is a ladder.
I don’t know that’s what I need to know 😕😀
The Lever doesn’t stay down. (The one above the giant flower)
You have to put the cube on the table then close the door. Then you go up the ladder and press the lever. It will make sounds. Go back into the room and the lightbulb will be within the box.
That really helped thanks
The colors on the cube do not work!
“Where is the second light bulb?”
Go to the room where you got the minecart’s missing wheel. Use the screwdriver on the lightbulb fixture. Grab the light bulb.
why doesn’t the red button in the railwaywork
The red button leads up to a ladder. When you press it it should appear.
Though also, in the train, there are binoculars. Take those and go to the spot horizontal from the opening to the rainbow cube place. Once you notice the pattern on the rocks when you into them. Adjust the subway controls the same pattern then go down to the train. Press the button and the light should turn green. Then go right into the railway platform then hit the lever. You should be able to make it go.
How do you find Abandoned Chapter 2 and 3? Everything keeps getting blocked.
what about abandoned 2?
I canΓÇÖt see inside the room where IΓÇÖm supposed to put the gray cube
Can someone please help me with steps 36 and 37 please??????
Help, it won’t let me change the last symbol on the combination lock!
Don’t know either, I have the right combination but the light isn’t turning green!!! Very troubled
i am having the same problem!!!!!!!
How do you get the first light bulb
you have to go down in the tunnels and find the screw driver. then use the pick ax to break through the
How do they have 4 lightbulbs? i got the puzzle cube one, the gray cube one, and the one in the manhole in the room with the axe
I found it nvm in the room in the mine
wheres the gray cube one?
whats wrong with the 3rd lightbulb its not apering
is something broken?
I can’t find the third lightbulb 💡💡💡💡💡💡
I canΓÇÖt find the Third light bulb
I screwed the colour code up how do I reset it
I’ve put in the right code for the door but it won’t open
I just wanna say, this game would be great. IF IT WAS POSSIBLE TO BEAT WITHOUT A WALKTHROUGH. Now that was a bit harsh, but I do think that the creators of the game definitely need to work on that. Thanks for the walkthrough tho. Some of the parts of the game just didn’t want to cooperate, but it worked eventually.
What do you do if you go back up the vents before you get the binocular
i cannot figure out the symbols! i entered it exactly like the walk through said but the light is not turning green
i figured out the symbols! the symbols are different for everyone. if you enter the same as the picture it will not work
How do you get the code to work in step 49 I did the get the correct code bit it isnt working.
At step 35 to step 36 they get 2 lightbulbs. How?
I canΓÇÖt get the cube to turn into a bulb
Hi this is a gooooood game
I can’t figure out how to oil the cart. Can anyone tell me?
I can tell you, you need to get the cart a wheel and use the pic axe to open a wall next to the lever and then put the wheel on the cart and then oil the wheel.
I need help with number 49 the combination lock won’t workk
i was looking for number 2 but can you plz tell me the link?
when i leave the maze it wouldn’t show me the light ball
Amazing so much home
Bruh, I’m absolutely clueless what to do with 45-47
Also its pretty obvious they skipped some of it. In number 35, it shows that he has 1 light bulb and that hes about to get one. then on the next picture he suddenly has 3 light bulbs.
I need help on the cube thing too.
im playing the game right now and the walkthrough didn’t help as much as i wanted it to im stuck can someone help me
the game is fun but confusing…… where are the grates again?? I just finished the cube…… why 8 colors instead of 4?
what do i do with the cogwheel?
how do you get the cube?
I am having trouble with the cube. I changed all the colors, but it is still a cube. I am very confused
I did everything right, activated all the symbols, can’t open the black and white door to the left
yeah same
Where did you get the block from in the beginning??
Can we get abandoned 2 walkthrough pls
i don’t really get #21
I cant open vents with my screwdriver???
There was a problem with the gears for me, I can’t figure out how to get the panel all the way down, I got it halfway, and put the gear in, but the was an extra gear in the panel and when I turned the cross it didn’t open the entrance to the subway
where do you get the cube?
i can’t get past the lock where you put in the code
I tried putting in the code i got and the door won’t open.
help i am stuck on step 49 i do it exactly as the tutorial says but the light does not turn green and the door does not open
The code isn’ working
Hello everyone!
On the cube puzzle my button shows on the left side and not on the right side…
And the doors are in a differents spots. What’s going on?
Can somebody help me, please?
Thank you!
(You can see the picture that I tooked)
where are the lightbulbs? i have found 3…
this is really helpful
I’m stuck on refuge, the puzzle with 4 codes to unlock 2 keys. for 2nd key i entered the 3rd code (with the help of the walkthrough omg) before finding the handle for 4th and i think i broke it, now i have the handle it won’t let me enter the 3rd code again and i *really* don’t want to reset whole level I’m so close to done
I canΓÇÖt get into the door on the black and white room. IΓÇÖve found all the symbols but nothing happens when I tap on the door. The clue is useless because it just makes the door red
What lighter? Where do you get the lighter from to go up the flower?
On the Minecart part, it won’t let me oil the weel.
the block on the table does not apear when I shut the door and pull the lever so I cannot get the last light bulb.
Starting point for What?
The pick axe is stuck
I did that but it did not work it might be because I am playing it on coolmath games but please help me
My grate didn’t open when I put the gear into the plus sign thingy…
so I don’t know what to do.
so PLS help me…
Also I’m not really Metro Bommin
Also I’m not sure Where my message pops up.
So sorry If it doesn’t make sense
I need help My grate doesn’t open when I put the gear in the plus thingy.
So I’m not sure what to do😐😐…
PLS help me
The dials to open the final door well one wont turn and stays on the 1st line, if anyone knows the fix plz help!!
Kaitlin I’m with you mine will not open ethier
Mine is stuck as well
The dials on the final door won’t flip for me to enter the code. I have done it all the way through twice and when I go up the ladder and click on the combination they don’t move. Help
How do you play abandoned 3 on Google chrome?