Thirteen and Half Cats: Walkthrough Guide

Thirteen and Half Cats
By: LaTorri Lindsay

LaTorri Lindsay’s Thirteen and a Half Cats is a short but charming exploration game made for a game jam. You’re a witch and you need to walk around and perform spells to collect thirteen cats. It’s very short, but if you have trouble with any of it, you can use this walkthrough video I made.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. CatReader

    I played Thirteen and a Half Cats for the second time today. I needed a bit of catharsis to help relieve some pent up sadness and misplaced guilt for anticipating a feeling of relief. My father is dying at an advanced age from terminal illness; after many months, he seems to be finally approaching death. He wants his life to end, and I want him to feel no more sadness and pain. Such a little game has provided the benefit I needed from shedding a few tears over an imaginary story. I am ready to accept and forgive my conflicting emotions, smile at him, and complete the last tasks he will ever need.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      IΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗m so sorry. 🙁

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