Reigns: Game of Thrones
By: Devolver Digital
Daenarys | Jon Snow | Cersei | Sansa | Jaime | Tyrion | Gendry | Arya | Dragonglass
Dragonglass + Final Ending:
Middle raven clue: A raven gazes at its reflection in a shard of dragonglass.
Because there’s no ruler in the center where this raven presides, you can use any of the eight rulers to complete this task. The goal is to make Dragonglass so you can use it against the White Walkers.
I prefer using Tyrion for this because his Debtless ability basically gives him unlimited funds and dragonglass is expensive to make. Just be careful, because each time you use his skill to avoid death, you lose some faith. So you still need to watch that and keep it balanced.
Basically, just bide your time until your Hand appears and tells you that a new shaft of dragonglass has been discovered under Dragonstone. Tell him to start mining.
Then just keep staying alive long enough for people to return several times asking if they should continue mining. Also, create a ballista if you have the opportunity. Every time someone appears and asks if you want to accelerate the mining of dragonglass, say yes. But don’t die before you have enough for all the weapons! Once you do, tell them to distribute the dragonglass weapons and you’ll get the Dragonglass status effect.
Now, wait for Winter and then die. You’ll have to give a speech (be careful with your choices if any of your factions are close to min or max!).
After the speech, lead the battle against the White Walkers. This is the order to choose:
– First wave, against undead giants, bears and other monstrous creatures — Use your Archers. Press on.
– Second wave, against the raising of your own dead soldiers — Use your Knights. Press on.
– Third wave, against the blue-eyed Viserion (dragon) — Use the Scorpion (Dragon killer). Press on.
Now you should win the battle. You can even make a mistake, as long as you get two of them right, I believe. Using the Scorpion at the right time is very important.
Once again, you’ll defeat the White Walkers and summer will arrive.
Now, after you die, the nine ravens will have turned into an image of a Weirwood tree. Tap on any of the cards to see the final ending.
Note: When Moss asks you if you want to go out, answering YES will reset everything, wiping all progress including cards seen. Choosing NO allows you to keep playing and looking for objectives/cards/deaths you missed.
In my game ,there are only 15 options on the last level of ΓÇ¥the gameΓÇ¥ 3 rows of 4 and 1 row of 3.Also,arya tells me that i found a dead crow when i tap the one 2down and 3 across.What to do?
ThatΓÇÖs strange. I donΓÇÖt know if something changed in an update.
I’d like to add that the only “proper” way to die in Winter is by going low on any resource. Going high will cause common death, not leading to the battle with Walkers.
Having your people at max could also cause you to die in winter.
Play as Gendry until you get that anonymous raven message – “lets play another game”. In any game after that you’ll have 16 cards.
How do we know where the 3ER first appeared when we unlocked it? I don’t remember…
I included photos from my game, but If itΓÇÖs different each game or they changed it since, I have no idea. I thought it was an odd puzzle to begin with. I only had the answers because I had recorded my playthrough.
After killing cercei with Jaime doesn’t compare varys and i can’t obtain THE SWORD. Can you publish a video of the game?
I already made a video. ItΓÇÖs included in the post.
When playing for Cersei, you MUST choose to have a demonstration. Without it, I didn’t get War Machines (twice).
after obtaing the valyrian steel effect, i went on and die on low in faith and…… I just died….. What will be the proper way to die in the winter…
It should work with any death in winter. Could be a bug?
Jon Snow is probably the hardest to play.
You have to die while it snows.
If I graduated in Arya’s game, she doesn’t thrust me, and I can’t get the horn. Also if I got the message in the same reign.. help?