Faraway 4: Ancient Escape – Walkthrough Guide with All Letters / Notes

Level 5:

You can watch my video for Level 5 or continue below for my step-by-step guide.

1. Head straight and pull both rods inwards. Head through the open door.

2. Turn left and notice the three dots on the rock.

3. Go straight and move the rock to find a letter.

4. Turn left and head to the building. Rotate the disc so the two lines line up with the rods. Pull the rods toward the disc and then head inside.

5. Head inside and smash the left jar to get another letter. Solve the puzzle and take the disc.

6. Head back and go right. Place the disc on the door. Two rods will appear. Line up the yellow line on the disc with one of he rods and then push the rod inward. Then do the same for the other to open the door. Go through.

7. Zoom in on the handles to the left. Slide them all the way up so they line up together and then slide them down to the orange dots.

8. Turn to the right and solve the maze puzzle using the two wheels to move the dot to the goal. Take the knife.

9. Head out and continue straight. Go up the stairs into the building to the right. Go up the stairs again and use the knife to cut down the rock so it smashes.

10. Pick up the portal tile. It has a knife on it, so you need to use the knife to get the third note. Remember the rock with three dots on it from the beginning? Go find it and stick the knife in it to get the third letter.

11. Continue on all the way to the end and use the tile on the portal. Go through to complete Level 5.

And here’s all three notes from Level 5:

Select the level you need below or click here to continue to Level 6.

This Post Has 94 Comments

  1. Ananyo Ganguly

    If you tap the shovel in the 3rd note, it appears in your inventory. I haven’t yet figured out what it does.

    1. Josh

      3 levels have this. In each one there is a plot of land you can dig and get a leaf. When you have all three you open a new level from the home screen.

    2. Digital Apprentice

      You need to use the shovels to dig up three leaves hidden in locations hinted at by the Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£ΓöÉXΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗ notes. Once you find the leaves you will unlock the hidden level on the intro screen. It is absolutely Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├║smashingΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├æ….

      1. Explorer

        I cannot understand about meaning of these 3 ‘X’ Notes can you tell me exact location of buried leaves?

        1. Gnac

          Level 3: Inside the building with a plinth rising from a water feature; there is a light-coloured patch to the right of the water.

          Level 12: Under a lone flower to the left of the sarcophagus which uses three “keys” to obtain a potted plant.

          Level 15: Before the exit gate, in an empty orange soil planter immediately to the right as you enter the area.

          Fun facts: Even if you haven’t found a note with a shovel icon yet, you can still tap on the shovel icon in a blank note to add the shovel to your inventory and use it to dig up each leaf. You can also return to a level and dig up the leaves again. Keep tapping the hole and it will actually add multiple leaves to your inventory!

          1. AppUnwrapper

            Weird. When I returned to the same level where I already got the leaf, there was no more leaf in the ground.

            1. Gnac

              I spotted it on level 12, now I see it doesn’t happen on 3 or 15… looks like I’ve discovered a bug (or a super-secret feature).

          2. Ciebe

            I got all the plants and got into the ΓÇ£smashingΓÇ¥ secret level. Then after breaking the golden pot it reveals a plant and then it takes you back to level 1. I feel something is amiss. I still need to figure out the X notes.

            1. rosellaVII

              I got all of the notes and all 3 leaves but no secret level… What did I miss?

              1. rosellaVII

                Never mind

                1. rosellaVII

                  Did you ever figure out the X notes?

          3. Egrace

            Very confused about the ΓÇ£plinth rising from a water featureΓÇ¥ in level 3. I canΓÇÖt see a water feature to save my life.

            1. Egrace

              Oops! Never mind. The plinth was gone so I was confuzzled.

        2. Wxbadger

          The X note from level 9 is a map of some sort. Haven’t figured out what it means.

      2. AppUnwrapper

        I found the first leaf in level 3, but I just guessed. What XΓÇÖs are you referring to? And are there more than one leaf in a level?

        1. Explorer

          I just found 2 leaves in level 3(X note from level 13) and level 15(X note from level 9), but I cannot guess about meaning of X note from level 15 (They say curiosity killed the cat, man on the other hand will be killed by ignorance. That is why I have to know!)

          1. AppUnwrapper

            What are you all referring to with the X note? IΓÇÖve not seen an X on any notes.

      3. Jean

        How do I open the secret level? I clicked on all the spot(and the button too) on intro screen but nothing happens.

      4. Justin Green

        How do you actually get in? Button doesn’t do anything…

        1. Wxbadger

          It works now. I won’t spoil it

          1. Dua

            I opened the sectet portal too..but..it only showed an island in a small pot…was that it??

    3. Diana

      Buenas me hace hace falta la segunda nota del nivel 8 alguien sabe donde puedo encontrarla me estoy volviendo loca ,gracias

  2. Nini xD

    Lvl 6 3rd note: On the 4-piece stacking puzzle, stack the biggest 3 pieces on the middle (smallest -> biggest) and then keep moving the 4th and smallest piece between the 2 remaining sticks (4 times I guess).

    1. Nini xD

      Lvl 7 3rd note: On the right-side connecting lines puzzle: Reset it and click on the bottom right button.

      1. Nini xD

        Level 8 3rd note: After solving the 4-pillar puzzle, click on them from tallest to lowest.

        1. Zra

          Thank u!!

      2. Nini xD

        Lvl 9 3rd note: Break the pillar on the top of the lighthouse (the one right behind you when facing the portal).

        1. DaveLogan

          How do you Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├║break the pillarΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├æ? I canΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t seem to break anything up there…

          1. Anonymous

            Tap the corners on the bottom of the pillar, where it looks like a miniature step

        2. Tanjima

          Where’s the second letter in level 9? I haven’t found it….

          1. Leon

            Take all the yellow gears out and then go back down the the level you came in at. Back up until youΓÇÖre outside the temp as far back as you can. There are red leaves on the walkway to your left. The 2nd note is under the leaves. Tap on leaves to clear them.

            1. Tanjima

              Thank you so much @leon

      3. Nini xD

        Level 10 3rd note: Aim the 2 back lasers on the grid on the wall as per the portal tile

        1. Yat1138

          Where is the 2nd note for level 10? I canΓÇÖt find it anywhere.

          1. Lemuel Liverosk

            Keep going straight. Before you reach the rising platform, there’s a crack on your bottom right. Click to reveal the note

      4. Nini xD

        Lvl 11 3rd note: Place the magnets on the 3×3 grid as per the portal tile, then climb and grab the 3rd note on the tree.

      5. Nini xD

        Lvl 12 3rd letter: Turn the circular dial 3 times to the left (or until the note appears).

        Lvl 13 3rd letter: Make the grid so you can go to where the tile shows (bottom left and bottom right walls) and press the buttons (2 times on the left side and once on the right).

        1. EscapeJunkie

          I can’t find the 2nd note on Lvl 13. Any luck?

        2. Sarah Khan

          I found the note you described, but still only found 2/3 for level 13. Where is the other one??? Thanks!

        3. ttyler

          Lvl 13 2nd letter. Go to the room on the left of the grid. Before you enter, touch the left column.

        4. Adi

          I either don’t understand what you’re describing or it’s not working for me ╬ô├½├¡Γò₧├åΓö£ΓöÉ╬ô├«├ë I’m referring to getting the 3rd letter on level 13

          1. Leon

            Go to the main control. The square symbol is telling you to go to the right white arrow first, then the left arrow. Set path to the right arrow (white triangle)
            Follow bookshelves to a button, push it then come out. Now set a path to the left little white arrow (triangle), follow shelves to 2nd botton, push it and youΓÇÖll get your 3rd letter.

        5. Ten

          on level 13 i only have 5 tiles, missing the middle T tile, do i need that? otherwise the buttons dont produce the 3rd letter =\

          1. Baz

            You donΓÇÖt need a ΓÇ£TΓÇ¥ piece.
            Put the shape together with the ΓÇ£TΓÇ¥ piece missing and move the top right tile over to complete the shape first and go down the corridor and hit a button.
            Now move the piece back and move the top left tile to the centre. Go down the corridor again and hit another button and get the note.

    2. Adam

      Do you know where to find the 3rd note on level 5?

      Edit: Got it. Rock with three dots 😉

  3. Digital Apprentice

    Still puzzled by the curious sequencing on the note cards. The number cipher after the ΓÇÿ//ΓÇÿ is trivial and forms a three word phrase but the leading number sequence is cryptic, Resembles a simple series at first but then rapidly diverges. The sequenceΓÇÖs range of values (1-131) doesnΓÇÖt ring any bells.

    1. Dua

      Could you perhaps go into a little more details here

    2. andi

      Yes, I’ve gotten to level zero, and the last hidden level, but can’t figure what to do with the numbers that don’t spell the words.

  4. Grace Cho

    Anyone know where to find the 3rd note in Level 15?

    1. Gnac

      On the last grid puzzle before the exit, you must make a certain square on it contain 6 dots. Consider the grid columns as A-D, and the rows as 1-4, then that square is C3. Place the 4 identical yellow tiles in squares B3, C2, C4 and D3. Place the other two in A3 and C1.

      1. Grace Cho

        Thanks so much! This was driving me nuts 😂

  5. Adi

    3rd note level 17 anyone?

    1. Gnac

      Level 17 3rd note: There’s a plinth on the side of a building at the beginning of the level which accepts one of those strange “keys”. Once you’ve placed the key, you can rotate the “lock” 90 degrees to change the destination of the portal. I’ll just say that the container for the note looks a bit rude…

    2. GabrL

      Turn the first key thing left and walk through the portal

  6. Allison

    Can someone help with the second note in level 14??

    1. Allison

      Power of posting!

      Found it – lift up the flower pot thing with a handle at the end of the bridge by the empty pond with the lever

  7. Terri Beckman

    Can some help me out with the location of the 3rd note level 14 please? And the 1st note in 16. IΓÇÖm going crazy. Thanks

    1. Sam

      I found it 🙂 Rotate the discs under the portal by using the console at the right. (The portal-tile depicts the handles of this console). When the three gaps point to the center, they will free the letter under the portal.

    2. Sam

      This was for level 14.
      The first note in 16 is in a stone with a handle left of one panel with arrows. Just try to rotate bevor the different levels. Generally, if you can look in a direction, where nothing seems to be, it is often a hidden letter oder even leave to dig out.

  8. Zippy

    There is a shovel in the sky in Lvl 8. Anybody know how to get it?

    1. Baz

      ThereΓÇÖs also one in the sky on level 10 in a similar position

  9. Dua

    Okay but now like which great mind is gonna put all the map pieces we got and reveal something

  10. Anonymous

    I figured out where the 3rd note is on the 8th level

  11. Seridus

    First off thank you everyone for all the posts. With the help of the comments, I’ve found all 3 notes in every level, I dug up the leaves in the three levels and have visited the secret level with the tree on an island in a pot. However, I still haven’t unlocked the “all notes” and “secret level” achievements. I’m trying to figure out if this is just an achievement glich (which I’ve seen before in other games on Android) or if there is still some note or thing I haven’t done yet.

    1. michael

      hi have u figured out the problme with the button at the intro? plz help me

    2. Ari

      Have you figured out how to get into de hidden level??

  12. Mushinako


  13. Gaia-Sophia

    Level 11 has me completely stymied. There are a series of puzzles where you need to form a shape by rotating and moving arrowed tiles. I donΓÇÖt know how many there are, because the third one is impossible as the bottom left tile wonΓÇÖt rotate (according to the hint video, all 4 tiles need to be rotated in order to complete the puzzle).

    IΓÇÖm playing on an iPad Pro, running iOS 12.1.1. I have sent several emails to the developer (I donΓÇÖt use social media), including a screenshot in case my description wasnΓÇÖt clear (heΓÇÖs Croatian, but the English on his website, and in the game, is perfectly good) nearly a month ago and have heard nothing. I supported him by paying for the IAP but, evidently, he doesnΓÇÖt appear to want to reciprocate.

    I will try once more but, if thereΓÇÖs still no response, I wonΓÇÖt be buying Faraway 5 if there is one.

    1. Megan

      I can’t figure out what puzzle you are referring to here? Do you have a screenshot?

    2. Leigh

      There’s no need to be rude about what is most likely a simple glitch, given no one else here seems to be having the same issue.

  14. Leah

    This has been such fun but now I m stuck on the last note for level 18. I’ve found all the leaves for the secret level so I’m anxious to get this last note and get to the secret one. Can anyone help me out to figure the 6 dot, 7 dot, 5 dot and 5 dot meaning to get my last note….please, please, please. ╬ô├½├¡Γò₧├åΓö£ΓöÉΓö£├º

    1. Lunnaei

      If you create each 3×3 design on the panel you used to make the gold cubes youΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗ll get the third note for level 18. So input the six dot design on the grid of gold buttons and Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├║enterΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├æ it as though to press a cube (you donΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t need a cube in the machine), then enter the next dot design and repeat.

  15. Shanna

    Do you plan to complete this walkthrough? The comments are helpful but aren’t nearly as organized as your posts are.

  16. Emily

    The second note on Level 11 eludes me. Anyone know?

    1. Leon

      If I remember it right, at one point after you use the magnet to drop the walkway, you go up to a stone w/ a pick axe in it. Use the pick axe on the rock just left of where you grabbed the pick..the pick axe is on the right side of the stone, the letter is in the left side of the stone. Hit it w/ the pick and rock will crack open and thereΓÇÖs your note.



  18. Dirk

    Is there also part 9-18?

    1. Sir Eel.

      You have to pay for them

  19. Far Far Away

    I found secret notes (NOT 3rd notes, a genuine hidden notes) in previous faraway. They were 3 notes with the EXACT same message, containing a single date and a short number sequence.

    The date was different from practically every other dates in faraway since it was from 3-5 years ago. So 2016? 2015? 2014? I thought the sequence was really odd too, since back then we never had a sequence, only coordinates. I tried to decode the sequence but no luck, so I shelved it.

    Now, faraway 4 has another, longer number sequence (notes’ dates). Could it be that the original sequence I found was far more important than I thought? Maybe a meta puzzle? Or “The Directive”, since 4 says “The Directive Remains”?

    Did anyone else find this?

    1. Deunan

      I have found meta!

      Level 12, note 3: “We must consider the distinctive characters and general nature of plants from the point of view from their morphology, their behavior under external conditions, their mode of generation, and the whole course of their life.”
      [it also has a shovel]

      So that seemed a little out of verbal character with the rest of the letters and it sounded like a quote. It is! I found a reference in The Natural History of Wine by Ian Tattersall where he says:

      ‘Aristotle’s fourth-century B.C.E. protege Theophrastus wrote extensively about plants, and was specific about how they should be understood. In the prescient statement that opens his classic ‘Enquiry into Plants’ he made his approach clear: “We must consider the distinctive characters and general nature of plants from the point of view from their morphology, their behavior under external conditions, their mode of generation, and the whole course of their life.” Theophrastus was, in fact, describing an ecological evolutionary approach to understanding plants…’ (pg 102)

      Looks like our letter writer is Theophrastus? Additionally, we know that his master is Aristotle, and that a “learned man” gave Aristotle the notes on how to find the Faraway puzzles that lead to the Faraway world. The missing cube in level 0 (after level 18) is said to have given the learned man visions.


      1. Slop Lobster

        Great find! I’m guessing that the first number sequence (1, 2, 5, 11, 17, 22, 29, 31, etc.) might correspond to letters in a particular chunk of text? ie. the first letter of the text, the 2nd letter, the 5th letter, etc. That said, I’ve tried it out on the notes, and on the opening to ‘Enquiry into Plants,’ but haven’t had any luck so far.

        There is also a later 17th century work called ‘Theophrastus Redivivus’, which is an anonymous collection of writings arguing against the existence of god. The word ‘redivivus’ translates to ‘reborn’ or ‘come back to life’… Too much of a stretch to link that to ‘THE DIRECTIVE REMAINS…?

        The ‘learned man’ who gave Aristotle the notes could be referring to Plato, who was Aristotle’s teacher.

  20. Ari

    I have got into level 0 but don’t know what to do next tooget to the “hidden level” I got the six letters in the level and don’t know what to do now. I also have the 3 leaves and the X notes. What should I do next? Please, help

  21. Tracy Lancaster

    Stuck on level 10

  22. Anonymous

    The leaf is likely part of how to access this game’s Level 0, as at the bottom of the portal in the title screen, there are three squares, one of which now has a single leaf in it. In addition, the images on the left and right of “Ancient Escape” are leaves.

  23. Anonymous

    I agree that the third letter in level 6 is stupid. The directions on the tablet are also your net movement from the start of the level to the minecart-thing, and on that, you go down, backwards, and up, which is what you get when the tablet is rotated so that the pyramid on it looks not inverted.

    Also, the direction that the discs move is up, to the new peg, and down, not one way goes up, over, down, and the other way goes straight across.

  24. Anonymous

    “The third letter in level 7 won’t work for me.”
    What you have to do is:
    Go to the indicated puzzle. Start from the bottom left button, then make a M shape, ending on the bottom right button. Tap the bottom right button several times.

  25. Aureo

    Faraway 4 level 20 please.

  26. Amit Arnon

    Did anyone tonice that in level 10 if you look to your right above the tree there’s a floating shovel??

    1. Lairenn

      Did you ever solve level 20 and find 3rd note?

  27. Linda

    Thank you. I never would’ve found the 3rd letter 😳

  28. Linda

    You never finished this walkthrough?

  29. Neva Limones 🍋

    After picking up the first box and then arriving to turn the lever for the three doors, I went to the right door first and the 1st letter was on the threshold as you go in.

  30. Xico

    Why are there sky floating shovels in every level?

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