The Birdcage 2: Phoenix Pack Walkthrough Guide

Level 12:

1. Solve the two puzzles on the front of the cage and notice the clues you get afterwards. Also, grab the gem.

2. Turn right and grab the other two gems.

3. Continue right and solve the two puzzles. The left one is easy. For the right, press the buttons starting from the bottom and making your way up. The third cube has two buttons, and they need to be pressed in a specific order. Just try one way and if it doesn’t work, do the other one first. Then make note of the two clues. Also, use the Unlock spell on the magic spot to reveal another clue.

4. Use the clue together with the other four clues to solve the sliders puzzle. The shapes tell you the order to use the clues in. Then, spin the two coins and take the wooden piece.

5. Find the a lot where the wooden piece fits and insert it. Then solve the math equation and take another wooden piece.

6. Find the slot where that wooden piece fits and insert it. Solve the equation and take the coin.

7. Find the slot where the coin fits and insert it. Spin it to get the key. Then read the secret scroll and use the key to free the phoenix.

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