The Birdcage 2: Icegon Pack Walkthrough Guide

Level 19:

1. This level is pretty easy. First, solve the little puzzle in the corner and take the wooden piece.

2. Turn right. Place the wooden piece on the puzzle in the center and find the two gems.

3. Continue right. Solve another simple puzzle and take the other wooden piece.

4. Add the second wooden piece to the labyrinth puzzle and move both circles to the center.

5. Solve the next puzzle by moving the square along the path. Take the coin.

6. Find the slot for the coin and insert it. Turn it to reveal a lever. Pull the lever to access another puzzle.

7. For the next puzzle, you need to turn all the tiles blue again, but this time you have to go back over the same tiles to do so. Then take the gear.

8. Continue right and take the third gem.

9. Place the gear down next to the others and use the Fire spell to melt the frozen one. Now you have another blue path puzzle to solve. Take the key when you’re done.

10. Read the secret scroll and use the key to free the Icegon.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Tara

    What are the wand movements neede to retrieve 3rd gem?

  2. Tara

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