Baba is You
By: Hempuli / Arvi Trikari
Baba is You is a ridiculously innovative puzzle game where you push words around like blocks and see how they interact with each other. Sadly, it’s not available on iOS yet, but it’s a testament to how much I’m enjoying it that I’m willing to play on my PC. I’ve been recording my playthrough, but I also started making straight walkthrough videos for those who don’t want to watch me figure things out. This page will get you through all the levels in the Flower Garden area. Click on the links for the other areas if this isn’t what you’re looking for. If you need help with levels I haven’t added yet, feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.
Words & Rules | Overworld Levels 0 – 10 | The Lake | Solitary Island | Temple Ruins | Forest of Fall | Deep Forest | Rocket Trip | Flower Garden | Volcanic Cavern | Chasm | ??? | Review |
Flower Garden:
I’ll be adding a video once I’ve solved all the levels in this area. Until then, you can use my text instructions.
Level 01 Condition:
Push KEKE IS YOU left. Walk up through the opening in the grass and push DEFEAT up. Make GRASS ON KEKE IS KEY. Then just walk on the grass near the door to create keys. Push the keys down so you have room to push one right into the door to unlock it. Then go through and touch the flag to win.
Level 02 Thicket:
You’re the flag. Make FLAG MAKE MOON IS OPEN. Then head over to WIN and push it down to make BABA IS WIN. Your trail of moons should clear a path through the grass so you can go back and touch Baba to win.
Level 03 Sorting Facility:
Make ROCK IS PUSH and BELT IS SHIFT. Then push the rock onto the belt. Now, make ROCK ON BELT IS SHIFT and ROCK IS SHIFT. Push the rock onto the water to make a key. Then push the key back over the belt and onto the door to open it. Touch the flag to win.
Level 04 Relaxing Spot:
Make ROCK ON TEXT IS PUSH. Then push KEKE onto the rock. Push them both over the belt and up through the water. Now you’ll have just KEKE left. Push it up under FLAG and then use it to push FLAG up and make FLAG IS WIN. Touch the flag to win.
05 Maritime Adventures:
06 Got All This Stuff Here:
07 Blockade:
I like this one. First, push the pillar through the gap and into the water to make an opening. Push ON through and right above WATER. Make ROCK IS PUSH. Push the rock just past the opening to the water area. There should be a gap between it and IS. Then go back and push ROCK through the opening and up into the water gap. Push IS through and up under it. And last, push PUSH through and under IS. Now, get under the rock and push it up onto the left bit of water to sink it. Push ROCK right to make ROCK ON WATER IS SINK. Now you can walk on water! Touch the star to win.
09 Overgrowth:
Replace BABA with FRUIT to make FRUIT IS YOU. Then, make BABA IS FRUIT so you have two fruits. Then make KEY ON FRUIT IS PUSH. Move both fruits through the opening to the other side, making GRASS IS HEDGE in the process. Move one fruit to the right of the key and get the other fruit onto the key. Now, you can push the key left near the door. Then use the walls to line the two fruits up vertically. Get the top fruit onto the key and then push the key through the door. Touch the key to win.
10 Adventurers:
Working on this!
Extra 01 Out at Sea:
Working on this!
Extra 02 Secret Garden:
Push the rock down onto the skull to right before the belt. Break up ROCK IS PUSH and push IS onto the rock. Then make TEXT ON ROCK IS KEKE. Now you should have a Keke on top of a rock. Make ROCK IS PUSH and then push the rock onto the belt. Then make KEKE IS PUSH and push Keke onto the belt. They should land on each other. Make KEKE IS TEXT and then ROCK IS PUSH. Now just push the rock with KEKE on it through the water and then push KEKE into FLAG to make FLAG IS WIN. Touch the flag to win!
More coming soon!
Words & Rules | Overworld Levels 0 – 10 | The Lake | Solitary Island | Temple Ruins | Forest of Fall | Deep Forest | Rocket Trip | Flower Garden | Volcanic Cavern | Chasm | ??? | Review |