Total Party Kill: Complete Walkthrough Guide and Solutions

Total Party Kill
By: Jussi Simpanen / Adventure Islands

Total Party Kill is a new puzzle game by Jussi Simpanen that has you taking control of three different heroes — a Knight, a Mage, and a Ranger. They each kill in different ways, and you need to have them kill each other to survive each room on the dungeon. As long as one of them makes it to the exit, you’re good. The puzzles can be tricky, so this walkthrough guide should help you if you get stuck. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.


Levels 1 – 10 | Levels 11 – 20 | Levels 21 – 30 | Levels 31 – 40 | Levels 41 – 50 | Levels 51 – 60

Levels 11 – 20:

Level 11: As the ranger, jump down to the lower shelf. Then, switch to knight and jump up to the right of the ranger. Hit the ranger with your sword to throw him at the button. Have the mage freeze the ranger. Then, have the knight climb up and around onto the ice block. Then climb onto the mage and jump up to the exit.

Level 12: As the ranger, jump up and to the right and onto the spikes. Use the mage to freeze his corpse. Then, have the knight jump up and around and onto the ice cube, then onto the lower spikes. Have the mage freeze his corpse. Then, as the mage, jump up and to the right and use the ice cubes to get safety to the exit.

Level 13: As the ranger, jump up on the right outcropping. Switch to knight and jump up to the left of the ranger. Have the ranger shoot the knight to the left. Have the mage jump on top of the knight’s corpse. Then switch to the ranger and have him jump to the left of the mage. Shoot the mage to the right. Then, have the ranger jump onto both corpses to get to the exit.

Level 14: As the ranger, jump onto the first set of spikes. Then, switch to mage and stand on the knight’s head. Freeze the ranger. Then, switch to knight and jump onto the frozen ranger and then onto the second set of spikes. As mage, jump onto the frozen ranger and freeze the knight. Jump onto the frozen knight and then jump up to the exit.

Level 15: As the ranger, shoot the mage to the right. Then, jump onto the mage’s corpse and onto the platform to the right of it. Switch to the knight and follow the ranger. Hit the ranger so he lands on the button. Then, as the knight, make your way back left and to the exit.

Level 16: As the knight, jump up and stand on the tiny platform. Have the ranger jump up and shoot the knight to the right. Then have the mage freeze the knight’s corpse so it lands on the button. Then send either the mage or ranger to the exit.

Level 17: Have the mage freeze the ranger. Then switch to the knight and have him jump onto the frozen ranger and then up to hit the button. Then, hit the frozen ranger over to the mage. Have the mage jump on the frozen ranger to hit the other button. Then, have the knight head to the exit.

Level 18: Have the mage freeze the ranger. Then have the knight hit the frozen ranger so he lands on the right side of the spikes. Then, have the mage freeze the knight and push him onto the spikes. Have the mage jump from ice cube to ice cube to reach the exit.

Level 19: Have the knight jump onto the little floating platform. Then, switch to ranger and jump up and shoot the knight to the right. Then, have the mage stand on the floating platform and freeze the knight’s corpse. Then, have the mage jump down below the platform. Have the ranger shoot the mage from the left to the right wall. Now, as the ranger, hop from the mage to the knight to the exit.

Level 20: Have the knight jump down. Switch to the mage and freeze the knight. Have the mage jump onto the ice cube. Then use the ranger to shoot the ice cube all the way to the right, while the mage rides on top. Switch to the mage again and head to the exit.

Click on the little numbers below to continue to Levels 21 – 30 or click here.

Levels 1 – 10 | Levels 11 – 20 | Levels 21 – 30 | Levels 31 – 40 | Levels 41 – 50 | Levels 51 – 60

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