41. Find the spot where the head would be and place the rail down. Slide the slider to the right and the ears will open up, revealing another puzzle.
42. Use the wheel and the crank to make all the pieces of the image yellow. Then the elephant’s head will unfold.
43. Move the red arrow on his forehead up. Then move the blue arrow left and right to release a button on each side. Press the buttons to activate two wheels.
44. Spin the two wheels to fold out the tusks.
45. Pull up the pin between his eyes to roll down his trunk.
46. Lift up the latch between his eyes to release a wheel that will roll down his trunk. Pick it up.
47. Insert the wheel in the slot on the side of the elephant. Turn it to reveal a crank.
48. Turn the crank to reveal a letter and activate the machine. Da Vinci will come down and talk to you, then head off to bed.
49. You can now read the letter and also see the elephant in all its glory.
50. Head up the stairs to the room where Da Vinci was working before. The door is locked, but you have your Oculus back! Use it to go to the past. Now the door is unlocked. Open it and go through to see Da Vinci frozen in time, working on his secret project.
51. Zoom in on the device Da Vinci is working on. You’ll sketch it into your journal.
52. You’ll then go back to your room and put away your Oculus. The duke will show up and take the sketches from your notebook. When he leaves, you’ll notice the Oculus is gone! In its place is a letter from whoever gave it to you saying they need it back, so you’ll have to do without it for now.
And that’s the end of Chapter 3! Click here to continue to Chapter 4 or choose a chapter below.
IΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗m fully stuck on a wheel with metal hoops and gold hex-shaped things 🙁 will have to wait patiently till chapter 4 comes! 🙂
Cant wait for chapter 4 im stuck at the symbols in the altar and i dont have a gleu
ItΓÇÖs late here. I might start the next chapter, but more likely youΓÇÖll have to wait till the morning. Sorry!
No problem I will wait patiently. Cudo nelli is the word you have write that in symbols square with a dot is the letter L and a candle is the letter e thatΓÇÖs you glue the games give you.
Look at the stone coffins,they show the signs
In chapter 4 I am in the wooden cabinet with the geometric symbols but donΓÇÖt know what to do. Hints keep telling me that LdaV told me to use the knocker but I canΓÇÖt get back out of the door to try anything there.
Phew… done it. Paper and pen are required to get the correct symbols!!
I have got to the mirrors but I am missing a wheel to move one side of the positioning of the mirrors, I can move one side but not the other, have I missed it somewhere?
I have connected the two flute pieces, but I can’t drop the flute into the machine with the two retainers and the big button. I bring the flute from inventory to the machine, but it doesn’t light up to show it’s in the right spot, anywhere. Either a bug, or I’m missing something?
Nevermind. Turns out I needed to OPEN the device first. D’oh!
I am totally stuck trying to put the head on the bird in the cabinet. I take the head over to the body and nothing works no matter size or orientation Help!
Have patience, try doing something else, it will happen unexpectedly on its own
Ref no 6 the clock with the four cardinal point pins. Carefully watch each one as it “stabs” its way into each quadrant. You will see it either vanish below, ride over or the circle will encompass the “stabby image” Just move each quadrant until they all encompass the shape. Messed around far too long until I spotted this. 😀
I put the tear drop in the puppets head and must have hit something because his head won’t open again so I can put flute in. Help please