The White Door
By: Rusty Lake / Second Maze
Rusty Lake, known for their bizarre and creepy puzzle adventure series, Cube Escape, released their latest game this week. The White Door is from the same universe as their other games, and fans will recognize some familiar faces, but it’s done in a very different style. This is their first game released under their new publishing label, Second Maze, and it’s a more personal game for them. They’ve done away with the traditional inventory and instead introduced a split screen mechanic, where two different things can be happening on each side of the screen. The story is about mental illness and has you waking up each day in a hospital, performing your daily routine. In usual Rusty Lake fashion, things get weirder and weirder with each day. And, of course, there are achievements to hunt. But I don’t want to give away much more than that. You can buy the game right now for $2.99. Or you can enter my giveaway for a chance to win one of three codes to download it for free!
I have three (3) iOS codes of The White Door to give to three lucky readers. Please read the instructions below carefully to ensure your entry is accepted.
Here’s how to enter:
1. Make sure youΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗re following @AppUnwrapper and @rustylakecom on Twitter. You can also “Like” my Facebook page for an extra entry.
2. Tweet this message:
I entered for a chance to win a copy of the surreal adventure game, ‘The White Door,’ on iOS! Follow @AppUnwrapper and @rustylakecom and enter here:
You can also share this page via Facebook for a second entry.
3. To make sure you’re entered, comment below with your Twitter/Facebook username and any methods you used to share, so I know you’re interested in a promo code. Winners will be contacted through Twitter, Facebook or e-mail.
The contest will end January 13, 2020 at 12 PM EST and there will be a drawing for three (3) iOS winners. Please make sure to use the code ASAP, as it does expire. To use the code, go to the “Games” tab in the App Store, tap on your profile photo in the corner, and press “Redeem.” Paste the code in the text box and then log into your account. Then download and enjoy!
Good Luck!
Hi, IΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗m rinrinsamurai on Twitter and I just tweeted to share 🙂
Facebook account: Jfk Jsfkjesl (yes, I made an account just for this)
Twitter account: JuanGom (@JuanGom05411088)
I forgot to say that I did all the possible steps, so I shared in both
Hey, @lilspghetti here (Kyle Riley on Facebook), and I shared on both platforms.
Love the rusty lake games! @jodiebox
My Twitter is @peadwoods 🙂
Entered as @brerlappin
Entered thru Twitter mattkmason. Thanks!
Hello! IΓÇÖm @newbielalala in Twitter and shared there.
Tweeted the message out (@RustySabre). Good luck to all!
Hi, IΓÇÖve entered the giveaway my twitter name is
MsSmilingFai and on Facebook Faith Wilson.
Shared on Facebook and Tweeted.
I just tweeted the message as @lomionoesgrave
I’m interested in primo code. Account Twitter @Andrea_AdL
Hello, @irockwa link shared 👍🏻 On my facebook « gamer » profile too: abel zebute ˆ ˆ
Tweet by @yaronoak
Good Morning IΓÇÖm @Cjmc609 on Twitter and Cora McClure on Facebook. Shared on Facebook and Twitter.
I entered to win a copy of the surreal game White door from Rusty lake shared fb
I went for Twitter. My account name is Makara Nou
Entered as @nickkarras20011 (twitter).
Hi I participated in giveaway my Twitter handle is @bagadiasaurabh and my Facebook is is [email protected]
IΓÇÖve successfully completed all the necessary steps. My twitter handle is and my FB goes as
Twitter account: MaxHAM @MaxVert113
Facebook account: Max Kzv
I did everything, all the followings, likes and the tweet and Facebook share. You can check it all out. Thank you for the giveaway as always!
Completed all the possible steps for a maximum chance of winning. My twitter account is SKozyrev83. Here is the link to my facebook page
I entered! My handle is @renier45 on Twitter.
Hi my Twitter is aprilaVR, FB is April VanRavenswaay, and I shared, thanks!
Hey, ItΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗s @Jamie84303 on Twitter and, I Tweeted, then Followed @rustylakecom … I was already following you 😛
@naovouporai on Twitter, naovouporai (Bruno Ramalho) on Facebook. I tweeted it out.
I tweeted!